Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dr. Feelgood

Back to the doctor today, but this time it was a check-up. I posted some pretty even numbers...

Weight - 28.16 lbs (68%)
Height - 34.65 inches (69%)
Head - 19.49 inches (91%)

Daddy says my head is so big because I am so smart. Who am I to argue, right?

Had to get one shot, but I took it like a champ. Then, when I thought it was all over, I had to go get some blood drawn. In case you are new to medicine, that is when they give you a tiny little shot on your finger and take some of your blood. It didn't really hurt that much... it was actually kinda fascinating. I sat with Daddy when they did it, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I even told Daddy that it was red. Which it was, and that is normal.

All in all, I'm more proportionate than I ever have been, and I ended up getting a bunch of stickers out of the deal, so it isn't too bad.

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