Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beep Beep

A bit ago I told you about my plan to sing whenever Daddy got mad at me. The logic being if he was mad, I would do something cute and he wouldn't be mad anymore.

A slight problem came up when I realized that HE realized what I was doing. Cuts back on the effectiveness. And he must have been talking to Mommy, cuz I tried it on her last night and it didn't work there either.

So, today I figured that I had to come up with something new. Now, once again I know this is hard to beleive, but Daddy got a little upset with me today and I had a timeout.

When it was over, Daddy came over to talk about what I did and how we can avoid further unpleasantries. I knew he was kinda peeved at me, and I knew singing wouldn't work. So I looked him right in the eyes, reached out my finger and beeped him on the nose, mid-sentence.


As hard as he tried, he couldn't hold in the laughter.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Droppin' Knowledge

Here is the best thing about going to my little pre-pre-school... for one morning a week, I don't have Daddy right there with me. I can be free, I can learn on my own.

The most fun thing about it all is that I can learn things that Daddy doesn't know I know. Then I can casually drop it in a conversation, and he has no idea where it comes from.

Example - today I was downstairs with him and I decided to blow his mind so I started counting in Spanish. It was just something I picked up at school, but he hadn't heard me do it before so it kinda freaked him out. He asked where I learned that, so I had to tell him.

But it was fun seeing the look on his face when I got to 'cinco'.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sleeping is FUNdemental

I realized something over the weekend. One big difference between the crib and the big girl bed is the railings. Basically, cribs are like little prisons, and I guess that's kinda what I was used to.

So I was laying there "taking a nap" the other day thinking how much fun it would be if I had some books. I mean, I have books over on the shelf. How much fun would it be to read them.

Then it hit me... I can get out of bed. And if I can get out of bed, I can go over to my bookshelf and get some books. So I did. It was awesome. Reading is much more fun than napping.

Then, I realized something else. You now how when you wake up in the morning and have to wait for your Daddy to come in and get you up. Well, if you can get out of bed, you can get some books or some animals to play with.

No reason to just lay there, right?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Singing My Way Out of Trouble

As hard as it is to believe, sometimes Daddy gets a little upset with me. Yeah, I know, it sounds crazy, yet it is somehow true.

Anyway, I've come up with a new way to deal with him. I noticed that Daddy always likes it when I sing. He thinks it is super-cute. So, whenever I sense that Daddy is not exactly excited with what I am doing, I break into song.

You know, like "Hey Claire, knock it off"

"Ba, ba, Black Sheep, have you any wool..."

It worked for a bit, but now I think he is catching on. If he does, I'll have to think of something else equally adorable.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Counting to Two

I have a little problem with this entry. I've got some huge news, but Daddy says that talking about pooping isn't for a nice girl's blog like this, even when it did happen in the potty for the first time. So, I have to figure out another way to say it.

Yesterday, I took the Browns to the Super Bowl for the first time.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Trip

That was a good one.

OK, where to start? Went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and had some fun. Grandma has some friends who have grandkids that are getting older, so they give Grandma the old toys they had. Or sometimes they bring their grandkids over to play.

There is also a pretty cool park. I went there with Daddy and Grandpa, then the next day I went with Grandma and Auntie Julie. Got to see a bunch of Great Grandparents, too.

But, you know what? I can't write it all down, so I'll just tell the tale in pictures.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hittin' the Road

Sorry I've been gone... spending most of my time in the Big Girl Bed. Love that thing.

Anywho, Mommy is off to some doctor conference so I convinced Daddy to take a road trip up to Grandma and Grandpa's starting tomorrow.

I'll fill you in when I get back.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Big Girls Gotta Sleep Too

The biggest news from the weekend probably has to do with my sleeping arrangements. As has been noted before, I am becoming a big girl and not a baby anymore. Therefore, in accordance with tradition and Mommy and Daddy, it was time for me to get a Big Girl Bed.

It arrived in the mail Saturday afternoon, just as I was headed down for a nap. Little did I know at the time, but that nap was the last trip to the crib. When I awoke, there it was, all put together.

I helped Mommy and Daddy carry it into my room, and we took the mattress out of the crib and put it on the big girl bed and viola, Big Girl Sleeping arrangements.

It was pretty exciting. I got to play in it during the afternoon (and still do lots), then around 8:15 pm it was time to take it for a ride.

Pretty sweet if you ask me. I tried it without my plug, cuz apparently Big Girls don't use them, but after about a half hour of not getting to sleep I figured it was time to get it back in my mouth, so I hollered for Daddy. He gave it to me.

Can't grow up all at once, right?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Know what?

Sometimes, when the weather doesn't cooperate, you just gotta make your own picnic.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just My Luck

OK, so today was a big day at Kindermusik.

You see, a couple of weeks ago, my teacher talked to Daddy about having me be in a video for Kindermusik. Miss Blum was going to ask me questions and have me demonstrate the stuff we do. It wasn't just me, either, but my friends Luke and Cate. (Mason wasn't picked, so it's kinda awkward)

So the big day comes, and I looked cute as ever and was ready to roll. We were going to film after class. But, naturally, I had to go and fall over during class and smack my face on the wall, giving me a bump under my eye. Just perfect. Now I look like I took a bell to the eye and everyone who sees it is going to think Kindermusik is a dangerous place.

But, we pressed on and I did the spot anyway. Went well.

Here is a behind-the-scenes shot of me rocking the Xylophone.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Update

Had a pretty good weekend. Grandma Sara and Grandpa Mike came to hang out, so we did all kinds of things.

And, as is required in the Grandparent Contract, they brought me a present. It was an awesome picnic table that we can put out on the deck and eat and drink and color and finger paint and play with Play Doh on.

Of course, since it snowed this weekend, I wasn't able to take it outside where it belongs.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Pity the Fool

Daddy said I have to be careful what I post today, since he doesn't want to get a mailbox full of angry emails like he did last year.

But that being said...

Did you know that I was recently picked to be a spokes-kid for Pampers? Oh yeah. Some dude just saw me at the mall and said I was the cutest.

Also, the library wants me to work with them as an endorser of their Children's Literacy movement. Cuz I love reading books so much.

And also, I got a scholarship to play on the Hawkeye Field Hockey team and have been accepted for early enrollment. Might forgo kindergarten if the opportunity is right.

And finally, I've been getting so good at playing drums that I might get to be the new drummer for the Smashing Pumpkins. They are looking for one, and I may get a tryout. Although I hear Billy is hard to work with.