Friday, September 28, 2007

Gimme Five

So I learned a new trick this week. Basically, what happens is Daddy puts his hand out and says "Gimme Five". Then, I slap his hand. It's kinda like when I slap the table or the tray on my high chair, except way more awesome.

Take a look...

Also, I got some good news. Mommy is coming home tonight instead of tomorrow. Maybe I will give her five when she gets home.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

We Got Him!!!

That's right, Toodee is back where he belongs! He must have had RSV, because he was at the hospital the past few days. But he is feeling much better now.

I would like to thank all the nurses and everybody who looked for him at Mommy's hospital for bringing me my friend back.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Good News and Bad News and Really Bad News

First, the good news - we found Toodee. Daddy got a call from the hospital today, and they said they had Toodee there. He musta jumped out of the bag when we were visiting Mommy. What's strange about it is that Daddy said he knew where Toodee was... he said he was at the store and we were going to go pick him up tomorrow. Hmmmm.

Now the bad news. I think I am getting an ear infection. I've been trying to tell Daddy for a few days, but he wasn't getting my signals. He was confusing my "My Gums Hurt Because I am Teething" cry with my "My Ears Hurt" cry. I kept pulling on my ears to give him a clue, but he wasn't getting it. Dude, I'm not giving you the steal sign. Pay attention.

But the really bad news is that Mommy is going away for a few days. She is doing an interview down in Missouri somewhere and won't be home until Friday. The ironical part about this is I'm sure that Mommy could make my ears feel better because she is an ear doctor. She can fix everything.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Post No. 100

We have a bit of a milestone here at the Crib, as this is the 100th post.

Holy Cow... that's a lot of typing.

I mean, when I look back on it all, it's amazing to see how far we have come from that first post made at 3:45 a.m. in a hospital room.

I've gotten a lot bigger. I was only 8 lbs. 15 oz. then, while I'm now I'm pushing 24 bills. I went from Gummy Joe to a mouth fulla teeth (well... five).

I've moved from Iowa City to Omaha, and dropped outta Daycare to spend my days with Daddy.

I haven't got much hair yet, except for one long one behind my left ear. I named it Harry.

I've eaten a lot of Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Prunes, Squash, Applesauce, Pears and stuff. I ate a penny once too, but that wasn't fun.

All told, it has been a fun ride, and it's been great sharing with you. Thanks for caring what is going on in my life. If you wanna keep reading, I'll keep doing stuff.

Love -


Monday, September 24, 2007

More Choppers

So yesterday Daddy noticed that I have three new teeth coming in on top.

Gee, thanks for telling me. The only thing better than three teeth trying to chew their way through my gums is two people who are supposed to love you getting all EXCITED about these things causing you pain.

In other fun news, I can't find my Uglydoll Toodee anywhere. I mean, I'm sure he is around here somewhere - I just had him at the hospital when we visited Mommy. There's no way Daddy could have let him fall out of the bag somewhere along the way and lost him forever, because, you know, he is my favorite and all.


Friday, September 21, 2007


WOW, what a week!! What did you guys do?

I tell ya, if you are ever stressed, a week at Grandma and Grandpas will do you wonders. So much went on since I last blogged at you that I am resorting to the old reporters cop-out...

The Notes Package

- Grandma and Grandpa went all out this time. No more Pack-n-Play homelessness for me, they got a crib from Auntie Audrey. No more squeezing into a bumpo for meals, I got to use Daddy's old high chair. And of course, there was the Jumperoo.

- We watched the Hawkeye football game on Saturday, but it was weird. I got all geared up and stuff, but things didn't seem quite right. We all knew the Hawkeyes were supposed to win, but the other team kept scoring points. Not only that, but they won the game. What a bunch of jerks.

- Grandpa Rich stayed home with me for a few days, so it was nice hanging with him. We don't always get to spend time together when Grandma is around, cuz she always wants to play with me. Can you really blame her? I thought about pushing out a blowout to see how he would handle it, but I figured I would save that for Daddy.

- I got to see my Great Grandparents, which was awesome. I went to Grandpa Don's house one day, and Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Lorna came down to watch me a couple days when Grandma and Grandpa had to work. Grandpa Charlie knows a lot of fun games.

- Speaking of Grandpa Charlie, I got to play with the car that he used to have at his house. He says Daddy used to ride it when he was little like me. In fact, he says everybody in the family has ridden it, but I am the first Great Grandchild to go for a spin.

- Yeah, I was kind of a celebrity again. A whole buncha people came over to the house to see me while I was there. Grandma even took me to the school where she worked, and everybody already knew my name before they even met me.

- Finally, I got into the car with Grandpa Rich and we drove to Des Moines and met Daddy. Then I got in the car with Daddy and drove back to Omaha. It was like a hostage transfer. On the way back we stopped at the hospital and saw Mommy at work. It was really good to see her.

- Even though I had a lot of fun last week, it was good to get back to my own crib, my Mommy and Daddy, and all my friends (well... Sophie). And to top it all off, Daddy got me a hat at the ballgame in Washington DC.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Takin' a Break

Just to let you know, Claire's Crib will be on hiatus for the next week. Mommy and Daddy are going to someplace called Washington DC, and I get a week at Grandpa and Grandma's.

Aaaw yeaaah!! It will be a week fulla Jumperooin' and getting spoiled.

But speaking of people buying me things... you know how yesterday I mentioned that I havta wear shoes now? Well, Daddy took me out shoe shopping and we came home with some new ones.

Check this out...


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Coolin' Down

The weather 'round here has gotten cool in a hurry. So much so that I have had to make a wardrobe change.

No longer can I just throw on a dress (or, to be honest, have daddy throw one on me) and head out for the day barefoot. Now I am getting pants, socks, shoes and sweaters. It's quite an ordeal. In fact, yesterday it was raining and I had to wear a coat with a hood. Crazy.

I'm not quite used to having all that stuff on, so it can be frustrated some times.

But on the bright side, I've got a sweet pair of pink Chucks (as seen below) that have laces I can play with. I've invented a fun game in which I pull on the laces, then Daddy has to tie them back up again, then we do it all over again and again and again.

I always win.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Model Life

This weekend I had my first real photo shoot. I mean, all the crazy old ladies at Hy-Vee always tells me how cute I am, so I figured it was time to get some shots taken. Put together a portfolio, if you will.

So Mommy contacted this modeling agency called Sears Portrait Studio, and we went in for a shoot. It was fun, but it was hard work. I had a lot of different outfits to wear, and they always wanted me in different poses.

It was really fun, and I kinda felt like I was doing some good. A lot of times, the models you see are all strung-out stick figures that look more like smack addicts than real girls. But I've got big legs. I've got chubby cheeks. And I don't feel like I need to spit up after every meal to be cute.

I'm not sure what my first real job is going to be. I could do something for Nestle Good Start Formula, cuz I drink that all the time. Or maybe I could do something were I am in my stroller for Peg Perego. Or Baby Gap.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Go Hawkeyes!!

I now have a goal in life. I want to play field hockey for the University of Iowa. Mostly, because they are the awesomest. Daddy told me that they are ranked No. 4 in the whole country, but I think they are the best.

And before you start calling me a bandwagon jumper, I have been a fan my whole life. In fact, when I was born Coach Tracey and Coach Lisa gave me a field hockey T-shirt. It didn't fit me then, but now I wear it with pride.

Besides, I even know some of the girls on the team. Daddy took me to a game last spring, and everyone was super nice to me. But then again, I'm sure they are nice to all of their recruits.

But anyway, they have a big game today against Louisville, so good luck Hawks! Only 17 1/2 more years until I'm there with ya.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Packed Away

You know how I mentioned that last weekend I went bathroom camping in the Pack 'n Play? Well, Daddy decided it would be a good idea not to put it away, but to keep it out and let me play in it during the day.

It's kinda cool. I get to bring in all kinds of toys and stuff. But it keeps me out of trouble, and I am not sure how I feel about all that. Luckily, the sides are soft, as I still don't have the best body control, and have been known to face-plant into things, as you can see...

Also, did you catch my new word towards the end? That's right. I can finally talk to mommy.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wild Kingdom

Wow!! I just had my first "long weekend", and it was all it was cracked up to be.

Mommy and Daddy had some friends from Iowa City over, and they brought their two little boys. It was fun having them around, except they hijacked my room and I ended up sleeping in the Pack-n-Play in the bathroom. Whatever, man. I'll deal.

On Sunday, we all went to the zoo. I'll be honest, I was a bit nervous about the zoo. But I was pleased to discover that all the animals were confined to their cages, unlike the Children's Museum, where all the children were free to run around the museum at will.

As for the animals, they were pretty cool. The bears were WAY bigger than Kirby is, and none of the lions sang that song my lion sings. Then again, I wasn't able to pull their tails (that's when my lion sings).

We saw some REALLY big kitties, but they were orange and not grey like Sophie. I wonder if Soph will ever get that big. That would totally rule. I'd have to get a saddle.