Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Trip to Grant Field

Holy Cow, what a busy weekend!!

I went for a couple walks, had a babysitter on Saturday night (Hi Andrea!!), watched some show called "the draft" with Daddy, listened to some Iowa baseball games on the radio with Daddy and best of all, went to my first field hockey game.

Saturday afternoon, Mommy and Daddy packed me up in the Bjorn and took me over to Grant Field. I was pretty excited, because I know the coaches and some of the players, so it was fun to see them in action. Daddy says they normally play in the fall, but they played a special game against a team from somewhere called "Alumni". Funny part is, that team was called the Hawkeyes too!!

We watched the first half in the stands, then Daddy took me over to the bench at halftime and I got to see the teams up close and personal. My friend Caroline even waved at me when she was supposed to be listening to Coach Tracey!! But Daddy introduced me to a lot of the players on both teams. He seemed to know everybody, and everybody he knew said I was super cute. (who am I to argue?)

Coach Lisa and Coach Kristy were playing with the Alumni Hawkeyes, but they both came up to say Hi during halftime. I can't wait until I get to play too!! I'm not sure which team I will play for though... maybe I'll play for the Alumni, then the Hawkeyes. Or perhapse the other way around.

Anyway, it was a really fun day, but it took a lot out of me...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Things have been really weird around here the last few days. It's something in the air. More specifically, rain.

Until the other day, I didn't even know what rain was. I had heard stories, but nothing specific. Basically, it is kinda like a bath - except you are still dressed and Mommy doesn't use that brush on my head.

Aside from all the wetness, rain does something else. Cancels baseball games. The last two days, Daddy had told me we were going to get back to the ballpark. Then each day he would come pick me up at daycare and say we weren't going because it was raining.

Dude, toughen up.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This Girl Wants to Party All the Time

If you remember a few months back, I was all set to go to a party before ice rained down and froze the whole thing out. Well, this weekend, I finally got to experience the party scene in Iowa City.

Luckily, my red dress still fit. The shoes - not so much, but Mommy and Daddy went out and got me new ones that were bigger. Nice.

So I get all dolled up and we hit the town.

I knew it was going to be a good night from the beginning, when I walk in and get mobbed by people telling me how cute I am. Seriously, it is a good way to arrive.

The only negative was the food - there wasn't really any formula or anything. Luckily, I ate before I went.

Even without the party, the weekend would have been really awesome. Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Rich came down and hung out with me while Mommy and Daddy were gone.

OMG - did you know that Grandma and Grandpa are Daddy's Mommy and Daddy? What a coincidence!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Yesterday, Daddy picked me up at daycare with a surprise in mind. Instead of taking me home, we went to a place called the ballpark. It's like a second office to Daddy, except more outside and with lots more people.

So we were there for a while, and it was all cool, then a bunch of guys started playing a game right in front of us. Daddy said it was called baseball and that it is the greatest game on Earth - even better than Monkey Toes!!

This was a big deal. One of the teams came all the way from Northern Iowa (they called themselves the Panthers - must be a lot of giant kitties up there).

The other team was my favorite, the Hawkeyes. Man, they must be good athletes, because I remember seeing them play basketball a few months ago.

Anyway, I got to sit up in a special room next to these guys that were talking into some earmuffs about everything that was happening. Daddy said they were telling people about the game that weren't even there. Those people must have REALLY good hearing. I piped up a few times and let my feelings known. If they could hear those guys, they could here me.

Eventually Mommy came over from work and took me home. The Hawkeyes were winning 2-1 when I left. When I saw Daddy the next morning, he said it was better if I didn't know what the final score was.

Daddy knows best.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mail Call

I got a letter today. Inside it was a card with lots of numbers on it. (Daddy told me which ones they were, since I can't read yet)

Anyway, he said it was my Social Security Card and it was from "The Man". Now, I don't know who this man is, but he must give out a lot of these cards, because my number was REALLY high. I wanted to show you how high, but Daddy said that I can't put that number on the Internet or some teenager in Los Angeles would use it to get a credit card.

But now I guess I am officially official. I can go out and get any job I want - well, except for crazy backwoods militia-woman. Now that I am "on the grid" that choice of profession is out the boarded-up window.

Friday, April 13, 2007

There Go the Ivies

Every day at Daycare they give Daddy a progress report for me. You know, what I did during the day, how things went, etc. The main thing on there is my feeding results. It says how much I ate and a rating of how it went (good, fair, poor). Naturally, I always had "good" circled.

Until yesterday.

After downing a pair of 6 ouncers earlier in the day, they brought me another bottle. I didn't ask for it, mind you, they just brought it. I was tired, and I wanted to sleep, so I maybe ate an ounce and a half (just to be polite) then took a nap.

Later, I found out that they gave me a "fair" for that feeding. What am I going to do now? That is my permanant record, and now it has a blight. Weak. Seriously weak.

Speaking of official documents, I got my birth certificate in the mail the other day. Yup, it's official. I've been born.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Games We Play

Now that I am getting older, I'm starting to be a real fan of games. Right now, my favorite is called Monkey Toes. It's pretty simple, really. First, Daddy takes off my socks and kisses my toes, all the while saying "Monkey Toes". While he is doing that, I laugh.

Man, I could play that game all day.

There was another we tried for a few days earlier this week called Screaming. The rules there are I don't get enough naps during the day, and around 7:30 pm I start screaming non-stop. If Daddy can get me to stop, he wins.

I am undefeated.

I think Daddy got sick of losing, though, because he always makes sure I get enough sleep during the day now, so we haven't played in a while. That's fine. I prefer Monkey Toes.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter Everybody

So, it was my first Easter. Not bad... I like bunnies.

Speaking of things that start with the letter 'B', I had a 3-B day. Barf, Blowout, Bath. I saved that one until after Daddy left for the baseball game so Mommy could have it all to herself. I never want her to feel left out.

When Daddy got back from work, we watched a new TV show. I think it is one of those reality shows - it was called the Masters, and today was the season finale. Basically, a bunch of guys walk around and the first one to put on a green jacket wins. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, I mean, I have a little green jacket and nobody puts me on TV.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Daddy taught me a new game this morning called "hooky". Basically, the rules are that I stay home from daycare and he stays home from work. And for as simple as it sounds, it is really fun.

It was a really good day to play, too, because we had visitors. Ends up that I have more grandparents!! Actually, Daddy explained that they were his grandparents, but he was willing to share with me. I think that is great. In fact, they are great grandparents, which is how I will refer to them from now on, so I don't confuse them with the grandparents I don't have to share with anybody. See, I learned today that sharing is great. (I wonder what else I can learn by skipping school??)

Anyway, Daddy explained that they live down in Texas during the winter. Apparently they have special kinds of winters there - "Not Freaking Cold" winters. Sounds interesting - I may have to see if I can talk Mommy and Daddy into having one of those up here. Why they choose to have cold winters when they don't have to is beyond me. But then again, sometimes parents just don't understand.

We had a really good time getting to know each other. They definitely lived up to their title. Here is a picture of us (that's me in the onsie)...

Also, I found out that Mommy has a grandma and an aunt that she is willing to share with me too. Can't wait to meet them!! I can only assume they are great.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Rub a Dub Dub

OK, as you know, I have been pretty down on baths. You can see why, though, right? I mean every three or four nights, you get picked up, stripped down and placed it a bucket of water. Then, to make matters worse, you've got somebody scrubbing you down with rags and brushes and stuff. Then they put stuff in your hair and get all up in your bidness.

But lately, I must say, it has been going much better. As a matter of fact, I'm kinda diggin' the baths. I mean, you know, the water is warm - so that feels nice. It relieves the tension of a hard day of eating and looking at stuff. Relaxing.

Then, when you are done, you smell really good. And the stuff Mommy rubs on my head always makes my hair stand up and get all fuzzy, which is good because it makes it look like I have more. (I'm still in my Hair Club for Baby stage - but its OK, Daddy said he was the same way when he was little like me, and he has LOTS of hair now).

In fact, I had a really good bath the other day. Daddy was gone for the weekend (I know, tragedy. But actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I may be able to get along without him for a day or two. I know - SHOCKING), but Aunt Megan came to visit. So she helped Mommy and me with my bath, and she did a good job holding me up. I didn't get dunked or anything.

So I have officially decided not to cry during baths. Probably. I'm due again soon, so I'll just have to see how it goes.

(By the way, I heard about these fancy baths that have bubbles in the water that are supposed to make you feel really good. My bath doesn't have that, but I think I may have figured out a way to make the bubbles myself... I'll let you know how it works.)