Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Had a little problem when I went to crib last night.

It started off normal. Put on some jams, had some milk, Mommy read me some books, then put me in my crib. However, there was one problem. My bunny Pete wasn't there.

I noticed this right away, so I said to Mommy "Pete?". She just smiled and said goodnight, then hit the lights and was out the door. So here I am, sitting in my crib, in the dark, and Pete is nowhere to be found. So I crawled around the crib and checked all the corners, but still couldn't find him.

Now, there is no way I am going to sleep without Pete, so I just rolled around. After about 45 minutes, I remembered that sometimes Mommy and Daddy can hear me when I am in my crib so I started talking.

Finally, Daddy came in and who did he have with him... Pete. As soon as I saw him I said "PETE!!" and gave him a huge hug. Five minutes later I was out like a log.

Daddy said they were trying to see if I would go to sleep without Pete.

Why would I do that? I don't sleep without Pete and he doesn't sleep without me.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dressing Up

As I have mentioned in recent posts, the weather is getting nicer around here and I have been getting some new clothes. Put those two together and you get to wear some new dresses.

Yup, today was the first time I was able to wear a dress this year. I did have to wear some tights underneath, but that's OK. They were very soft and kept my legs warm. I don't have as much baby fat as I did last time I wore a dress!!

In other news, I added a new word in the last few days... "Yes". It's really a great word, because before if somebody asked me a question I only had two answers - "No" or "Puppy". The problem with that was unless somebody was asking if I wanted shots or what I wanted for Christmas, I had no answer.

But now that I can say "Yes", I can answer in the affirmative.

Like this afternoon, Daddy asked if I wanted some juice. I finally had an answer.

Yes, I would like to wear a new dress.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wardrobe Update

While I haven't been growing out of my clothes much lately, the weather has been changing. Therefore, Mommy and Daddy took me out to the mall over the weekend and we had ourselves a little Claire-themed shopping spree.

It was pretty awesome.

I got new shoes, pajamas, dresses, shirts, pants, a new coat and a couple sweet hats.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Many Happy Returns

So I learned something new about shopping today. Daddy and I went to the mall, and brought a shirt with him. He took it to the store and said he wanted to exchange it. Then, he gave him that shirt and traded it in for THREE of the cutest outfits ever for me.

Can you believe that? What a deal!!

And here's the kicker... I've seen what is in Daddy's closet. It's FULL of shirts. If I can somehow get them all down to the mall, I'd have a cute outfit for every day the rest of my life.

On an unrelated note... this is my 200th post. Can you believe that? Who would have thought I had so many stories to tell.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesdays in the Park

Daddy took me to the park today and we met Tommy and his mommy (whoa... that rhymes). It was a blast. The weather was awesome and there were plenty of kids there.

I got to go down the slide, both with Daddy and by myself. I got to swing on the swings, which was the funnest. I got to play ball with Tommy (both of us brought balls, so we didn't have to share). Tommy's mommy even let me have some of his snacks.

Have you ever heard of this stuff called sand? Its totally awesome, and they had it all over the park around the slides and swings. It's kinda hard to walk on at first, but the good part is that if you fall, it doesn't hurt.

When you play in it, you get dirty. Not like dirty pants dirty, but fun dirty. You can pick it up and squish it in your hands and rub it in your hair and it doesn't matter.

It doesn't taste very good, though. I just needed one fistful to figure that out.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So, now I have a favorite movie.

Daddy has always liked movies by Christopher Guest, and he thought I might like one called "Best in Show".

He was right on. The plot revolves around the Mayflower Dog Show, so needless to day, it is wall-to-wall puppies. Seriously, there is a puppy in almost every scene. Big puppies, little puppies and cute puppies.

My favorite scene was at the end, because all the puppies were at the puppy show and they ran around.

Daddy says it is one of the funniest movies of all time. He is right, but it's strange that I never laugh at the same parts he does.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Bears and Puppies and Bears, Oh My!

Grandma and Grandpa came down this weekend (no, not that one... the other ones. It's awfully confusing when they have the same names, isn't it??).

But anyway, we went to the zoo on Saturday. I love the zoo. And since the weather is finally nice again, we got to see all the animals that were outside. We saw lots of bears and puppies. Daddy kept saying that they weren't all bears or puppies... he called them giraffes, rhinoceroses and elephants and stuff, but I just called them bears and puppies. It's simpler that way.

In one part, I thought I saw my kitty Sophie, but it ends up it was a jaguar. There were lots of tigers and lions and other kitties there. I tried to talk to them by saying "Rowr" but I don't think they heard me cuz they just kept sleeping.

It's a Bear, yo. For reals.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rainy Day

Remember how my last post was all about how beautiful the day was?

Well, today sucks plugs.

First off, it is raining and icky out. So, since Daddy took me for a nice walk outside when it was nice, what should he do when it is crappy?

Yup, let's go get some shots!!

Went to the doctor. She was nice as always. Said I was WAY advanced with my talking and very smart. Also said I am balancing out nicely. I only gained 2 ounces since my 12 month appointment, but grew two whole inches. So now I am 24 lbs 11 oz (80%) and 31 inches tall (70%). Last time I was a bowling-ballish 90%-50%. Now I have a neck.

Then, once I was feeling good about myself, Nurse Stabby came in and made me cry.

I won't miss her when we move.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sunshine Day

It's a beautiful day today. Daddy and I went out for a walk, then we stopped by the pool - but it was still closed up.

Daddy put me down, but the grass kinda freaked me out. It was creepy, so I had Daddy pick me up. I'll let him handle that icky stuff.

Here is a better place to hang out outside...

I learned something else too today. Plastic boxes are good for keeping your blocks, but they make for lousy chairs.

Monday, April 14, 2008

House Hunting

Had a BIG weekend. On Friday, Mommy and Daddy packed me up in the car and we went to Iowa City. We stayed at a super nice hotel that had a crib for me and everything. They also got Grandma Sara to come and take care of me while Mommy and Daddy went shopping.

When they came back, they had a house. Musta been on sale.

But let me tell you about this house. It is totally awesome and has a room for me and Pete and Toodee and Moxie and our crib. In addition to that, it has a room downstairs that Daddy called the "play room". He says I can put all my toys in there and play. Unfortunately, I don't have enough toys to fill the room yet. I'll have to work on getting some more before we move in.

Oh yeah... have you ever heard of a yard? Well, this place has one of those too. Mommy says you can play in them, despite the fact that is is outside. Playing outside? Dude, that sounds awesome. I love being outside at the the zoo. Think they will let me get a tiger?

So yeah, got to hang with Grandma Sara, got a new room, a playroom, a yard, and a PERFECT excuse to get more toys and a tiger.

THAT is a good weekend.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Playing With the Big Kids

Daddy and I went to the Children's Museum today. It was a blast. We hadn't been there in a while, so it was the first time I could walk around the Wiggle Room. Believe me, it is much easier getting to more and more toys when you are on your own two feet.

On top of all that, Daddy and I went out into the big kids area for a while. Holy diapers, those kids are fast. I did my best to keep up, though.

The best thing is this one thing that is awesome. You take these things, put them in these other things, they go flying into this big thing and then a bunch of stuff happens.

Its even cooler than it sounds.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lookin' Cute

Now that the weather is getting nice (Spring has sprung, baby) I can start wearing some of my new clothes.

Don't have much else to report... I'm just using this as an excuse to post a picture I think is pretty cute.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Back Home

Well, the vacation is over. I'm back home with Mommy and Daddy and Sophie. I miss Grandma and Grandpa, but it is nice to sleep in my own crib (and to get in it at a decent hour).

One of the problems with home is the total lack of puppies outside the window. Daddy put Sophie out on the deck so I could look out the sliding glass doors and see her, but it just wasn't the same.

But last week wasn't all puppies and headwounds. I also got a couple new teeth. These ones are on the bottom right, and bring the grand total to 13. Those teeth came in handy during all the pictures I had to smile for!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Trip Update

First off, GOTCHA!!! I never would have thought my little April Fools joke would have brought in so many angry e-mails and phone calls. I'm a little afraid for when I actually DO quit.

So, on a non-fooling note, the trip to Grandma and Grandpa's has been great. We've seen all kinds of people like Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, the school where Grandma works - and most important (and most often), the puppies in the neighbors backyard. Sometimes they go inside, but it doesn't stop me from looking for them.

In non-puppy related news, have any of you ever taken a header into a door? I wouldn't recommend it. I was running down the hallway the other day and tripped over my own feet. Unfortunately, the corner of the bathroom door broke my fall. That hurt a LOT. For reals. I cried a lot, too. Daddy calmed me down and took me down to the clinic where his buddy Hagen's mom works as a nurse. She took a look and said I was OK. Just a scrape and a big 'ol knot on my head.

I'll be a little more careful in the future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Last Stand

It's a bittersweet day here in the crib, as I have decided this will be my last post.

It's become too hard to update as much as I would like, and it doesn't look like Daddy is going to help me type anymore because he has other things going on.

I'd like to thank everybody who cared enough to read along with my adventures, and hope you continue with some adventures of your own.

Thanks again.

PS - One last thing.... anybody know what day it is?