Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Recap

Let's just put it this way... I'm still tired. But a good tired. More of a I've been partying for a week tired.

So let's see, what have I been up too? Well, dodging blizzards, staying inside because it was -40 wind chill outside, going to parties, getting sick, getting presents, eating cookies, meeting Baby Harper, giving her a puppy, getting a puppy back from her, playing with relatives, getting presents, hosting parties, getting presents, listening to the Black Keys, getting presents, playing with presents and opening presents.

I think that covers it in a nutshell.

Since Mommy had to work, Daddy and I went up to Grandma and Grandpa's to start the season without her. Naturally, we had a party right away. It was tons of fun, cuz I got presents and my cousin Dan taught me how to drum.

I also got my first experience with Christmas Cookies and Candies. While they tasted good going down, they didn't taste as good coming up at one in the morning... all over Daddy.

So, yeah, I was kinda fighting a bug most of the week.

But I feel much better now. And in all actuality, it didn't stop me from partying. Which is what did more of when Mommy showed up. On Christmas Eve, we had a whole new crew show up, and they brought food and presents too. (Although this time I went a little easy on the cookies)

It was lots of fun - I got some books and a backpack to put all my stuffed animals in. Now I don't have to leave any behind.

Then the next morning, we had more presents. You know that Santa guy? Well, apparently he felt bad about the way he scared me at Mommy's Work Christmas party, cuz he stopped by when I was sleeping and left a ton of presents.

Then, we had to pack up everything and go home. Man, our car was full of awesome.

When we got there, Grandma and Grandpa were there and so were Megan and John. Naturally, we had another party. With more presents.

Grandma not only got me a present, but a whole kitchen!!! It is set up downstairs and I spend most of my days making food for Daddy. I figure with all the stuff he as made me, it's only fair.

Then, after the weekend was over, everybody went home. When Daddy came into my room yesterday morning to get me up and I realized it was just me and him again, it was kind of a shock to the system.

Back to the grind, I guess.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Break

I'm out for Christmas Break, so have a Happy Holidays!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We Missed Out

Well, I was supposed to go to the Children's Museum with Rosie today, but her Mommy's car broke and she couldn't come. Bummer.

So Daddy and I went anyway. It was fun, as always, but there was nobody there. Seriously. It was like a Ghost Children's Museum.

You could play with anything you wanted. But when you are the only kid in the room, it kinda loses it's luster. Now, if Rosie had been there with me, we would have owned the place. It would have probably been the best ever.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Going Fast Down a Hill

Daddy and I took the sled outside today.


I mean, I thought the sled was fun in the living room. You can sit in it, and well, you know, that's about it. But it is still cool.

BUT, if you take it outside and put it on a snowy hill, the fun increases by a factor of ten. Seriously. It was a blast. Sometimes I went down with Daddy. Sometimes I went down by myself.

The only problem is when you get to the bottom of the hill, you gotta walk all the way back up. Unless you have a Daddy to carry you, that is.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow and Cold

Well, its snowing lots and lots. Problem is that it is super cold out too.

Therefore, Daddy won't let me go out and play in the new snow.

Why would Mommy make me a hat, mittens and scarf if I can't use 'em?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gettin' Silly

Had a pretty good weekend. I did get my first bloody nose (went beak-first into the bathtub, if you must know) but it's all good. I'm fairly tough, you know.

Anywho, my friend Jane came over on Sunday and we made some Christmas cookies. Well, to be perfectly honest, I mostly just played with Jane and let the Mommies and Daddies make the Christmas cookies.

But get this... I had to go take a nap before all the cookies were done. And knowing Daddy, I assumed that they would all be gone by the time I got up. But, my girl Jane had my back. Not only did she decorate a cookie just for me, but she saved it for me and left a nice note for me to read when I got up from my nap.

That cookie was good, yo.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Mommy took us to a party last night. Not bad... lots of kids. They had these chocolate covered strawberries that were AWESOME!!!

But the big highlight of the night was Santa Claus. He made a special guest appearance - kinda a sneak-preview engagement, I guess.

But anyway, he showed up with a couple elves (who were both well over 5' 6") and a big bag 'o toys.

We got in line to see him, but as we got closer I realized that it probably wasn't imperative that I actually sit on his lap. So I voiced my opinions on the subject.

Luckily, though, he was cool about it and still let me have a present. It was a puppy.


I do hope he will still show up on Christmas Eve, though. I did say "Thank You Santa" as he was walking out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Smack Down

Well, there was a little incident at the germ pit today.

Daddy and I went to the mall (again) and, naturally, we stopped by the playground so I could run around and climb and slide and have fun with the kids.

Whilst I was playing and climbing and sliding and running and having fun, this little kid comes up to me. I was about to be all, "Hey man, what's up", when he walked up and smacked me in the face.


In the face.

Then his Daddy came up and picked him up and told him he was naughty. All I gotta say is that he was darn lucky his Daddy was there, cuz I would have done a lot more than say he was naughty.

His Daddy brought him over to Daddy and me and he said "sorry", but the whole time I was giving him a look that said, "Kid, if I EVER see you again, I'm gotta get so far up in your grill you will taste Claire every time you drink from a sippy cup the rest of your toddler years."

But you know what, I don't need that punk as a friend. I have plenty of friends. In fact, Rosie is coming over to play tomorrow.

And that little puke isn't invited.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter Weather

So, today is Tuesday. Tuesday is the day we go to KinderMusik. But apparently, the people at KinderMusik can't handle a little ice, cuz it was canceled today.

Does that make any sense to anybody? Seriously?

I mean, just because it rained all night then froze all over everything, that means they gotta cancel class? Did it rain in the KinderMusik class? Is there ice all over the bells? Is Miss Bloom snowed in?

I doubt it.

I think if my Daddy can get me there, they should have class. If some kids can't get there, that is their problem.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Whoa, Christmas Tree

You aren't going to believe this...

When I was napping on Sunday, a tree grew in our living room. For reals. I woke up from my nap, came out to the living room and there was a tree there.

Mommy and Daddy didn't seem very mad, either, cuz they put lights and stuff all over it. Actually, it looks pretty good. Daddy said we will keep it up until the end of the month.

Then he started telling me some story about some old dude in a red suit that was going to show up and later or something, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too interested in "helping" with the tree.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Word on the Street

You aren't going to believe this...

Sesame Street is no longer on in the morning. It is completely a poopy situation. Daddy made some calls and rolled some heads, and apparently Iowa Public Television is working on transferring over to High Def programming, so they have two channels now. BUT, the one that we get has Sesame Street on at 5 a.m.

I figured I would just get up early, but Daddy says no matter what is on I am not to get up at 5 a.m.

So what is a girl to do? Well, she apparently just has to rely on her Daddy. He figured out that all we have to do is TIVO Sesame Street at 5 a.m., then watch it at 9 a.m.

That guy is pretty smart, cuz it only took him four days to figure that out.

And now Abby and Elmo are in HD. SWEET!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lookin' Tough

So, last night I was running into the office to see Daddy when I accidentally smashed my mouth into the door.

Nothing serious, but I had a bit of a fat lip. It was mostly gone by morning.

First off I was glad I didn't look like Rocky's baby, but then I realized that a fat lip could be useful. Makes a girl look tough, ya know?

It would have been great for Daddy to take me to the Children's Museum with a big 'ol black and blue face.

When the some kid asked me what happened I could just say, "Some little boy wouldn't let me play with the toys I wanted... you done with that giraffe puppet?"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snow Daze

While we were gone, Mommy and Daddy must have arranged to have some snow delivered to our yard, cuz it was all covered when we got back.

So today, Daddy wrestled me into my new snowsuit, threw on the new boots and we went outside to play.

It was my first time playing in the snow, and it was worth the wait. It's a little different than normal. You can't move quite as well when you are all bundled up, but it is worth it because all that snow is cold. Luckily, Mommy made me some mittens that kept my hands toasty.

Daddy taught me how to throw snowballs, and that was really fun. If you throw them at the wall in back, they stick.

Then we tried to make a snowman, but there wasn't a lot of snow, so it was kinda little.

That's OK, I'm little too.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Can't Talk... Coming Down


I mean, seriously. That was a whirlwind. In less than a week, this baby took the 'ol carseat for over 1,100 miles. For realsies.

I saw every grandparent and great-grandparent I had in a three-day span. I gave fives to uncles. I gave kisses to aunts. I met cousins I didn't know I had. It was craziness.

I said my ABCs in Minnesota and counted to ten in Indiana the next day. I got to eat TWO Happy Meals. I slept in cars, cribs and pack 'n plays. I read the same ten books about a bazillion times.

I found out there is somebody that looks EXACTLY like my Great Grandma Lorna. Literally. They are twins.

And with all this adventure traveling, I have no pictures to post because Daddy forgot the camera.

Monday, November 24, 2008

To Be Continued...

OK, so don't get mad or nothin', but don't expect to see anything for a week. I got trips to make.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here Come the ABCs

Here is a little something I have been working on... plus a remix of an old classic.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Final Four, Baby!!!

So, this weekend my future team, the Hawkeye field hockey squad, played in the NCAA Tournament. It wasn't on TV like when they won the Big Ten Tournament, so Daddy had to watch the updates on the computer then come tell me how things were going.

It was a nerve-wracking way to take in a game, let me tell ya.

Anyway, they beat Louisville on Saturday, which set up a big game against Michigan State, who Daddy says are a bunch of poop-heads. Even though we had beaten them twice already this year (both in OT) I was nervous because it was on their home field. And besides, who wants to lose to poop-heads?

So Sunday we were keeping track of the game on the computer, but then the updates stopped. Nothing. I was so distracted I could barely color.

About 2 hours later we find out that a blizzard hit during halftime and they had to suspend the game until TODAY.

Here is the problem with that... we had to go grocery shopping during the time they were going to finish the game. So we ran out, grabbed some stuff as fast as we could (Daddy almost forgot to get the Nighttime Diapers) and rushed home to check the score.

WE WON, BABY!!!!!!!

Off to the Final Four, where they will play Maryland. I don't know much about them, but Daddy said that is who we played the last time we were in the Final Four - back when he worked with the team - and we owe them big time.

Go get 'em girls!!! I have the next few days to convince Daddy to pack up some juice and Cheerios, stick me in my carseat and drive on down to Louisville for the Final Four. Should be easy, I mean who wouldn't want to take a road-trip with a toddler?

Besides, they might need me...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Championship Visit

So, we stopped by Carver-Hawkeye Arena the other day and paid a visit to Coach Tracey and Coach Lisa. I really wanted to congratulate them on winning their THIRD STRAIGHT Big Ten Tournament Championship and wish them luck in the NCAA Tournament this weekend.

As always, it was fun. But the coolest part was they let me wear a Big Ten Championship hat (the ones the players get to wear after the game) and take a picture with the Big Ten Championship trophy.

I'm gonna get me one of these someday.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A New Throne

Mommy and Daddy got me a new chair last week. It's pretty cool. Good for reading books.

But you are not going to BELIEVE what they want me to do in it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hawkeye Pride

Big weekend for the Black and Gold.

Mommy had to go to St. Louis for some doctor thing, so Grandma and Grandpa came down to keep me and Daddy company. Grandpa was ready for a big Hawkeye weekend, so I put on my Hawkeye shirt and Hawkeye hat and was ready to roll.

First, on Friday morning Daddy and I watched the Field Hockey team beat Michigan State in the semi-finals of the Big Ten Tournament on the Big Ten Network. It was awesome. We went nuts and Daddy even let me text Coach Tracey after the game. She was excited.

We went to the volleyball game that night and it was fun as always. Herkey was there, and he was fun. They played the Jump Around song, so I got to jump around in my seat. And when we left it was tied 1-1, so I can only assume they went on to win. It was a bummer to leave early, though. Bedtimes stink.

Then on Saturday, Daddy and Grandpa went to the football game against Penn State while Grandma and I stayed home to watch it on TV. I saw what Penn State did to our volleyball team earlier this year, so I was nervous. But the Hawkeyes came through again and we high fived everybody including my new monkey George.

Then on Sunday, Daddy and I watched the Big Ten Field Hockey Tournament Championship Game. It was even cooler this time because they interviewed my buddy Caroline before the game. I kept saying "Hi Caroline" and waving to her on the TV, but she must not have heard me. She was probably super-focused on the game.

But the Hawks won their THIRD-STRAIGHT Big Ten Tournament and are off to NCAAs. You know, they have never lost a Big Ten Tournament in my life.

I hope that continues until I am old enough to play for them. Rumor has it Coach Tracey, Coach Lisa and Coach Meredith already have a little stick for me. I better go get it soon, cuz if I am going to make the team I gotta practice.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Field Trippin'

So there was about a million kids at the Children's Museum today. Again. Daddy said it was because lots of schools bring kids there for field trips.

Hey, if it's a field trip, why don't you go to a field and let me and my buddy Rosie play at the Children's Museum?

Not that I am anti-social, I like kids, but a girl shouldn't have to get in a fight just to play with the octopus puppet in the puppet room.

Sometimes the farm room offers some solace, cuz you aren't supposed to be in there if you are more than four years old, but sometimes the kids even come in there no matter how old they are. Real winners, I'm sure.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can

Well, it's all over... well, not really. Now the real work starts, but at least there won't be any of those dumb commercials.

(on a quick side note - that is another reason I recommend Sesame Street. No commercials)

As excited as I am for the future, I think the thing I am most looking forward to is my new position as a "bellwether".

You know, "No candidate has ever won the presidency without the endorsement of Claire's Crib".

It's totally true.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

What are you doing reading this blog? Go out and vote!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

...no, it's SUPER CLAIRE!!!!

I must say, this Halloween stuff is a BLAST!! First, we got in my Super Claire costume (big props to Mommy and Grandma Sara for making the cape, headband and skirt). Then, Mommy and I went around to our neighbors houses and said "Trick or Treat" and they gave us candy.

I'll admit, that part was kinda scary. I didn't know these people very well, and it felt kinda awkward asking them for candy. And lots of them had scary stuff at their houses too, so I was a little hesitant.

But then we went home and met up with Daddy - that's when the cool part started. A bunch of kids in funny outfits kept coming to our house and we gave THEM candy. Daddy let me help. Whenever I would hear the doorbell ring, I would yell "KIDS" and run to the door. Then he let me help give them candy. It was the funnest. My babysitter Jenny even came by. We gave her extra candy cuz she is nice.

Speaking of candy, I got to have my first piece of chocolate... WHOA!!! I was asking for more all night.

I can't wait for next year. I already know what I am going to be, too. But you'll have to wait and see...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween?

OK, so check this out...

Last night, Daddy brought the pumpkins in from outside. He put a bunch of newspaper down on the table and started cutting into them. Scooped out all the guts and stuff (um, gross) and was messing around with 'em.

I wasn't paying much attention - in fact, I went to my room with Mommy to put my PJs on.

Then I came back and Daddy asked me if I wanted to see the pumpkin. Of course I did, I love pumpkins... or so I thought.

He turned it around and there was this HUGE SCARY FACE on it. I scared the poop out of me. For reals. I ran away screaming.

Why the heck would Daddy do something like that to my pumpkin? It's Halloween!!! I was told its a time to dress up and get candy. It's supposed to be a happy time. You know, they say "Happy Halloween", not "Freak-out Scary Halloween".

So, after a few hugs and Daddy putting that THING outside, we calmed down. In fact, Mommy took out other pumpkin and carved Elmo's face in it.

That's more like it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Democracy Inaction

So, to avoid the long lines sure to be there on Tuesday, Daddy and I went to vote yesterday. I was pretty excited, cuz this was my first time. And if it was half as fun as caucusing was, I was in for a good time.

So we went to the library and Daddy got his ballot and we went to the booth. When we got there I realized that he only got one and forgot to get mine.

Well, turns out he didn't forget it... I'M NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE!!! Now, that is about as poopy as my diaper. Since when do babies not count?

Look at it this way... I'm going to be living in the country lots longer than most people voting this year. So wouldn't it make sense that I get to choose who shapes it?

Heck, I know what's going on. I watch the news every night... well, I usually read books or color while Daddy watches the news, but still - I can hear it in the background. I know both Barack Obama and John McCain by sight and can say their names whenever I see them. That's probably more than a lot voters can do.

But as a consolation prize, Daddy let me wear his "I Voted" button on my jacket. It's not helping democracy, but it looked cool.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Disaster Averted

Whoa, I had a really close call at music class yesterday.

Let me explain. Usually, I get up, eat breakfast, watch Sesame Street and get dressed. After getting up, eating some waffles and watching Sesame Street (it was a good one... Jonah Hill from Superbad was the guest) we went to my room to get changed.

First, Daddy got out this cute little shirt with butterflies on it. But for some reason, we changed our minds and put on a pink shirt.

Fast forward to music class... we walk in and there was a little girl wearing the EXACT SAME shirt with butterflies that I almost wore.

Can you imagine the embarrassment if I had worn that? I would have had to drop out of class.

Luckily, we chose the pink shirt, and I can go back and sing and dance every week. Although I may have to call that girl before class so we can make sure we don't wear the same thing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mommy is Famous

You are not going to believe this...

Yesterday, Daddy and I were downstairs playing. I was coloring, and he turned on the TV. I paid no attention, but then he said, "Hey Claire, look at the TV".

I didn't know what the big deal was - I thought maybe Sesame Street was doing a special mid-day show or something, but it was just the news. But then who did I see come on, but MOMMY.

Yeah, Mommy was on TV. She was on this show where they asked about nose stuff and she told them what she knew about noses. Luckily for her, she had studied noses a lot in her life and actually works as a nose doctor. It was a great fit.

She got all the questions right, but they didn't give her any prizes or anything. It was kind of a gyp, cuz Daddy and I have watched some shows where they ask questions then give you lots of money and cars and stuff. Maybe next time she can get on one of those shows.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Gettin' Cold

So, yeah, it's getting chilly 'round these parts.

Grandma and Grandpa came over for the weekend, so we had some fun - even though it was cold out.

On Saturday, we all went out to this place where apples grow on trees. It's pretty sweet. You just get pushed around in a stroller and walk up to the trees and get an apple. And they don't even make Daddy cut it up for you. You can just munch it right there.

We also did a little work on the old Halloween costume, but you don't get to see that yet.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Buggin' Out

You know what are cool? Grasshoppers.

We've got tons of them in our back yard, and they hop around and are green and TONS of fun. Sometimes, you can walk up to them and touch them, but then right when you touch them they jump away and it is HILARIOUS!!! For reals.

But you know what is even better than grasshoppers? Caterpillars. They are furry and black and orange and when you touch them they curl up into a little fuzzy ball. Caterpillars are the most fun, probably ever.

Yesterday, Daddy and I were playing in the back yard and I would go out and find caterpillars and touch them and laugh. Then Daddy would let them climb on a stick and take them to the tall grass.

Problem is, you can't play with them in the tall grass. Daddy says they like it there better, but if they like it there so much why do they keep coming into the yard where I can play with them?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Roadie

So, yeah, I was a little gone last week. Daddy grabbed me up and we took a quick roadie up to Grandma and Grandpa's last week. It was a blast.

We got to see not only Grandma and Grandpa, but TWO great grandpas and a great grandma. It was nice to see them again, since last time I was sick and a bit moody. I would hate for them to think I was unpleasant. So I turned on the charm this time.

I think the biggest shock of the weekend was the fact that Grandma had some presents for me. I know, who would have thought that would happen, eh?

I got some clothes and a new Halloween bear and an Elmo book. Nice, eh?

I've been getting a lot of clothes lately, cuz fall is falling and it's getting a little too chilly for short sleeves.

In fact, I got a cool new fall shirt that is just in time for Halloween. Got any candy?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mix-Ups Galore

Went to Music Class today, and it was good as always. I busted a few moves, sang some songs, played with some kids.

The only weird thing was that there was another Daddy in the class this time. I'm used to having the only Daddy there, so it was quite odd to see another in there. In fact, after getting a little lost in the Muffin Man song, I went out in the middle of the room dancing and spinning, then turned around and went towards the first Daddy I saw.

I was just a few steps away when I noticed that the Daddy I was going to wasn't MY Daddy. Luckily, Daddy hollered over to me and I got back in the right lap.

Speaking of weird confusions, after class Daddy and I went out to get a present for his buddy Lou's new baby Harper. I figured the little girl needed an Ugly Doll, so we went to the store. We were looking at all the Ugly Dolls there and I see this little pink one that looked familiar. It took a second, but then I realized that it was Moxie!!! A PINK Moxie - not green like Moxie is supposed to be.

Seriously, what's next - an orange Toodee?

Anyway, that kinda freaked me out a bit, but then I realized that it was probably pretty awesome and that I should have it. Unfortunately, Daddy disagreed.

That's OK, I like my Moxie the way she is.

Although I did notice that they also had a GIANT Moxie for sale too. It was almost as tall as me and was old school green. Might have to get me one of those someday too.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boogie Down

One word describes my weekend.


I've got a lot of boogies in my nose. And Snotties. It isn't as much fun as it sounds.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not that sick - just got a lot of boogies. I need lots of wipes. Luckily, Daddy is always around with some wipers to make my nose cute again.

On a non-snot related note, I met a couple fans over the weekend. We did a meet-n-greet with some fan club members from Pennsylvania. It's always fun to meet the people who read about your life, ya know? And one of them is a volleyball coach, so if my field hockey scholarship falls through I'm sure she'll give me a full ride.

So anyway, Hey Guys!!! Thanks for not beating the Hawkeyes TOO badly.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Long and Winding Road

So, as I have mentioned before, I am into music. I listen to lots of kinds, from Raffi to They Might Be Giants to Elmo and Cookie Monster.

But what I have really been digging lately is this group called the Beatles. I don't know if you have heard of them, but they are a four-person pop band from England that REALLY seems to have it together.

My favorite songs are the Octopus Song, the Walrus Song, the Strawberry Song and the Yellow Submarine Song. I can totally sing along with those... I especially like it when Daddy sings the Walrus Song and he lets me sing the "Goo-goo Ga Joob" part. It's my favorite.

Then, yesterday, Daddy and I were watching TV when we found this movie called Across the Universe. It was like a movie with lots of singing instead of talking, and they all sung Beatles songs. Daddy said it is like Mamma Mia, but with good music.

All that said, it's right up there with the Blues Brothers and Best in Show (aka the Puppy Movie) as my favorites. They even had that short guy from U2 sing the Walrus Song.

Goo-goo Ga Joob.

PS - Daddy wanted me to do something really cute to wish Mommy a Happy Anniversary on the blog here, but I figure that's his job, no? Get your own blog.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Havin' a Field Day

Daddy and I went to the Hawkeye field hockey game again on Friday, and once again, they won.

I have now officially decided that I want to play field hockey for the Hawkeyes when I get big. Only problem is that they play their Sunday games at 1 p.m., which is my naptime. Maybe I can get Coach Tracey to change the schedule when I play for them. I mean, I can't hardly play with blocks without fussing if I don't get a good nap. I can't imagine I would be a very good player if I am too tired.

But all that said, I also need to learn how to play field hockey if I want to be a good player. So I figured who better to teach me how to be a Hawkeye field hockey player than a Hawkeye field hockey player?

Luckily, I know a few, so I had my buddy Caroline help me out. She's a two-time all-Big Ten selection, so I figure she knows what she is talking about.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

You Can't Spell Park without "Pee"

Daddy and I went to a new park today. It was pretty cool. There were swings and slides and you could ride a seahorse or a zebra or a dolphin.

They had lots of sand to play in, and the place was already stocked with kids so you didn't have to bring your own friends.

I had a blast swingin' and slidin' and ridin'.

But there was one problem. I was just about to go down the slide when I noticed that some little boy had whipped his pants down and was proceeding to pee in the sand. Dude - not cool. Why can't he pee in his diaper like a civilized baby? It was fairly gross.

So we left. But the good news was, we got to go meet a bunch of people Daddy used to work with for pizza. Nice.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gettin' Pushy

Today Daddy and I met up with my friend Rosie (and her Mommy Jennifer) at the Children's Museum. It was pretty fun. We played in the grocery room and the ball room and the dinosaur room and the farm room. Good times.

But there was a bit of an incident. We were in the farm room, and I went into the barn - you know, where the slides start. Anyway, Rosie was off playing in the field so I didn't have my wing-girl with me, which I didn't think there would be a problem.

Anyway, this kid is in there. Apparently, his Mommy said he was exactly a day older than me. So this kid must have thought he was King Kid of the Farm, because he walked right up to me when his Mommy wasn't looking and pushed me down. Right on my diaper.

I had no idea what to do. I was shocked. I mean, the nerve of that little turd. What, you are a day older than me so suddenly you own the barn? You poop your pants just like the rest of us.

Anyway, Daddy saw it so he came in to see if I was alright. I was fine, but Daddy made me walk away from him.

After we got away from that thumb sucker, Daddy told me when I get bigger he will teach me how to take care of kids like that.

Consider yourself warned, punk.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

School Problems

Well, I have figured out the problem with Music Class.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still dancing and singing and having a great time. However, I noticed today that when a song finishes and you yell out "AGAIN"... they basically just keep going on to the next song.

Luckily, the next song is always fun. But my rational is that we should do each song a few times, then move on to the next one. That way, we get more music crammed into one class.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

I don't know why nobody listens to me. All they do is smile and giggle every time I say "AGAIN". I think their just mad they didn't think of it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm Back

Hey, how ya doing? Long time no blog.

Lot has happened since we last talked. I spent about a week back with Grandma and Grandpa, and that was a lot of fun. We saw a lot of people, went to the park, did some coloring - all that jazz.

It wasn't all parks and coloring, however. I was fighting a bit of a cold the whole time, and on top of that I was cutting a few teeth. Normally that doesn't bother me much, but these were some doozies. I was drooling like a rabid dog, and when I finally did see Daddy again, I let him know what the scoop was by pointing to my mouth and saying "Owie".

After the week up North, it was fun to hang with Mommy and Daddy again. In fact, on Saturday, Mommy decided not to go to the football game but stay home with me instead. Of course, I immediately thought that I should go with Daddy to the game, but then I figured it would be more fun to play with Mommy.

And from what I heard about the game, I made the right choice.

But that wasn't the only Hawkeye action on Saturday. Than night, we went to see the volleyball team play. It was totally awesome. There were people all over, and they played music, and you could dance by your chair if you want. I'm a big fan of that "Jump Around" song.

But they do all sorts of cool things at the game like yell and throw stuff into the crowd before the game. Daddy says next time we go some of the players will throw a ball right to me when they get announced. SWEET!!

On top of all that, they won. They never won much when Daddy worked with them, but I don't think it was his fault. He says that they have a new coach now and that means they actually enjoy playing.

I can see how that would help. I enjoy playing too.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Music to My Ears

Went back to Music Class again on Tuesday, and this time we got presents!!

There was a goodie bag with a couple books that we read at music class, a CD of all the songs we sing and my very own musical instrument!!

It's called a Stir Xylophone and I can play it all by myself...

Pretty cool, eh?

Maybe I will have to take it up to Grandma and Grandpa's house when I go thert this week.

No, not the Grandma and Grandpa that were just here - the other ones. I know, I get confused about it too sometimes.

Anyway, Mommy has a meeting in Chicago and Daddy is going along for the ride, but apparently they don't allow babies in Chicago. Just like they didn't allow babies in Washington, DC and Colorado.

I'll let you know how it went when I get back.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grandma Gifts

So, as I mentioned last week, Grandma Sara and Grandpa Mike came a callin' over the weekend.

Naturally, a good time was had by all.

Here's what I have noticed about Grandparent visits... they always seem to bring you something. Seriously, their visit to gift ratio is pretty much 100%. Contrast that with Mommy and Daddy, who probably only bring me something like 3% of the times they come home.

What's up with that?

Anyway, this time I pulled in a giant bag of plastic blocks that stick together and a sweet bean bag chair. I've needed my own seat for a while.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa

Yup, Grandma Sara and Grandpa Michael are coming to visit today!!

I'm sure it will be a blast. And even better, I talked Mommy and Daddy into going to the football game on Saturday so they would get out of my hair (I AM getting some, by the way) and I could play with Grandma and Grandpa all by myself.

I'm quite excited.

Anyway, I have to make this one short because Daddy said they will be here when I wake up from my nap. So, the sooner I get to sleep, the sooner I wake up and the sooner they get here!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gettin' Down

So I started school again today. Mommy and Daddy signed me up for Kindermusic, and it was the coolest.

Basically, you go there and there are a bunch of kids and you sing and dance and play instruments and all that stuff. Tons of fun.

My class is for kids 1 1/2 to 3 years old, so I am the youngest one there. I might be the best dancer, though.

One of the things that the teacher said was that the kids are free to go around and do kinda whatever they want. So I danced. Lots. I dropped it like it was hot. Actually, during this song when everybody was standing in a circle I went to the middle and busted a wicked move. I kept waiting for them to start yelling "Go Claire, go Claire, it's your birthday..." etc. Maybe next time.

We sang lots of songs, but none of my favorites. Maybe next time I will teach them how to sing "Shiny Happy People", "Octopusis Garden" or "I am the Walrus".

Goo, goo, ga-joob.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Not Much of an Update

So, since Daddy skipped town, I spent the whole weekend with Mommy.

Here is the strange thing, though. I never seem to blog about stuff that happens when Daddy isn't around. Have you noticed this too?

I don't know why that would be. Maybe I just don't feel like it or something.

It isn't because I don't have fun without Daddy. Mommy and I had a blast this weekend.

But when I sit down to write about a non-Daddy related incident, I seem to forget all the details about it.

Crazy, eh?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Let's Go Hawks!!!

Now that we are back in Iowa City, it's much easier to be a Hawkeye fan.

In fact, Daddy is taking me to my first field hockey game this afternoon. I am so excited I can hardly type!!!

It's the team's first home game (they already beat top-ranked North Carolina on the road) and Daddy says if I am good we can go to ALL of the home games.

I'm all ready to go. Got my Hawkeye shirt and Hawkeye hat on, and I'm ready to cheer on the Hawkeyes.

Besides, if I am going to get a scholarship in 17 years, I better watch a couple games first and try to get the gist of it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bedtime Woes

Remember when I told you about how Daddy tried to put me to crib without Pete a while ago and it was a disaster?

Well, he's up to his tricks again.

This time, Mommy put me to crib without my plug. It was weird. I just kinda laid there with nothing to suck on. So I talked. Lots. And lots and lots.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

But the next day, Daddy tried it again at naptime. I figured if talking didn't work, I would try crying. That seemed to help some. But Daddy would just come in, pick me up, then put me back down without my plug. I kept saying "plug", but it wasn't working

So I figured I would get sneaky and tug on the old heart strings. I waited til he laid me down, looked at him with tears in my eyes and said.

"I miss you"

It totally worked, and I'm sleeping with my plug again.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Baby Teeth

Had a really busy weekend. In fact, it was so busy that Mommy stayed home from work yesterday so we could get everything done.

Had LOTS of company. Grandma and Grandpa came down with some friends so they could all go to the football game. That was pretty cool. It was fun hanging out with them.

Things started out a little boring, however. On Friday, Daddy was talking about how one of our favorite bands - Baby Teeth - was playing downtown. Naturally, I was excited. Aside from the fact that I have a bunch of baby teeth of my own, Daddy and I listen to them in the car all the time and they rock.

If you want, check 'em out HERE, you know, if you like tunes. Personally, I like the song Swim Team, cuz you're either on the swim team or you're not. And this little girl is.

But I digress...

So I spend a whole day looking forward to this show, until I find out that I'm not going. Bummer. Daddy said it had something to do with the show starting at 11 p.m. and being in a bar.

Man, I gotta get one of those fake IDs.

But, the good news is that Daddy must have felt really bad about it, because he brought the WHOLE BAND home for me to see. Yeah, Baby Teeth stayed at my house. I mean, Daddy always said he knew them, but I figured he was just a big talker.

The problem was, I was so star-struck that I acted all shy when I met them in the morning. But it's cool. They gave me a t-shirt and everything.

Its a little big, though. Maybe I will let Mommy wear it until I grow into it. Maybe by then I will have my fake ID and be able to go to the show myself!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jackson Who?

I got a new set of crayons the other day. They are pretty sweet. Add that to the fact that Mommy saved a bunch of the packing paper from when we moved so I could draw on it, and I've got a whole new creative direction in life.

Maybe I can become an artist like my cousin Nicole?

The best part about my new crayons is that they help me learn my colors. In fact, since the video quality on this here website isn't always the best, I figured I would tell YOU the color I was using just in case you couldn't tell.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bikin' By Myself

Daddy and I had to take Mommy's bike tire into the bike store today because it was flat. While we were waiting for the bike lady to fix it, we looked around the store and found something really cool.

They have bikes for little kids. Some are really small bikes, but some have three wheels and they are called trikes. Those are totally fun.

Daddy let me put on a helmet that they had hanging on the wall (it had bunnies on it) and we rode around the store. It was a blast!!

My legs were just a little too short for the trike, or I am sure Daddy would have bought it for me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer's Winding Down

So, we hit the pool again last night. It's a pretty awesome place. I'm not quite big enough to go down the waterslide, but I can play in the zero depth area. You know, you can just walk right in and it gradually gets deeper? And there are fountains that make it rain on you.

I love to make it rain.

But anyway, the bad news is that the pool is closing soon. Personally, I think that is crap, but nobody asked me about it.

Luckily, Daddy found a Children's Museum here in town so we can go there instead. It's pretty cool. They have a room for little kids and a cool dinosaur maze. And slides and stairs too. And books. And lots of other stuff.

Needless to say, we will be spending a lot of time there. Especially with the pool closing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Black and Gold... and Pink?

Got me a new Hawkeye shirt the other day. I needed one pretty bad, since I have outgrown most of the ones I had. And with the season opening up soon, I figured I better get some new gear.

But here is the problem. When Daddy and I were at the store, I couldn't help but notice that almost all the little girl stuff was pink. Now don't get me wrong, I love pink - I look GOOD in pink - but last I checked the Hawkeye colors were Black and Gold. I don't see any little boys wearing powder blue Hawkeye shirts.

Team colors are very important. It's not like I am wearing a Sesame Street shirt or something. Those can be any color you want. But this is Hawkeye gear, and it should be school colors. Black and Gold.

Who made the rule that said girls have to wear pink all the time. It's freaking ridiculous!! When I wear a Hawkeye shirt, I want it to be a REAL Hawkeye shirt!!!

Daddy said that there are a lot of big girls that wear pink Hawkeye shirts too. Come on. Babies have to wear what their Mommys and Daddys put on them, but big girls should know better.

Room Service

Well, I've moved again.

Mommy and Daddy finally got around to finishing up my room, so I am out of my temporary refugee space and into my very own Big Girl room.

It's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. It's painted purple and green and blue, and it has cool drapes that Mommy and Grandma Sara made. I've also got my very own dresser with a mirror and a bookshelf for all my books. Well, most of my books, anyway.

I have some pictures of me on the wall (who else?) and today at the store Daddy found some really cool pictures of monkeys and giraffes and lions and elephants for the walls too!!

Needless to say, I am really excited. I sleep really good in that room!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Weekend Visitors

Grandma Kate and Grandpa Rico came down this weekend. They brought a whole truckload of stuff that Mommy and Daddy left at their house when we moved to Omaha.

So I got to play with Grandma when the rest of them carried everything in. Not a bad gig.

Speaking of Grandma (literally) I finally dropped the G-word on her. Daddy had told me long ago when I started talking to not say Grandma. He said it was "so we can mess with her". Why he'd want to mess with her, I don't know. He usually gets mad when I make a mess.

Anyway, I figured it was about time. I mean I can say almost 100 words now. So I said Grandma and Grandpa. Then, after they left, Mommy called Grandma Sara so I could say it over the phone to her too.

It's only fair.

Spent a lot of time in the backyard this weekend too. Not only swinging, but we broke out the pool too.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One is the Lonliest Number

Daddy and I are trying a little experiment today - moving to just one nap.

I've been a two nap girl for as long as I can remember, but now that I am getting bigger I am full of so much energy that I need more time to let it out. So, goodbye morning nap.

It wasn't as easy as it sounded, however. After waking up, grabbing breakfast, getting dressed, playing some morning games, we ended up going to the mall instead of hanging around and napping. Pretty cool. They have a good playground there.

But after a while I started getting a little tired. I even went over to Daddy and put my head in his lap.

Then, we went home and I expected to hit the crib, but instead we had lunch. Then, after lunch, we played some more.

By this time, I didn't think I was EVER going to get to crib, so I actually had to look at Daddy and say "Pete? Toodee? Moxie?"... you know, my bedtime crew.

Eventually, he got the hint and we read a few books and hit the sack.

We'll see how this turns out.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cueball No Longer

I've been bald pretty much my whole life. I'm cool with it. It gives me a "youthful" look.

However, the Telly Sevalis jokes are getting old... mostly because I don't know who he is.

Anyway, I'd like to announce that I am starting to get hair. It's still pretty fine, but it's there, baby. In fact, I am getting a super-cute curl in the back... kinda like a ducktail crossed with Superman.

Yesterday while I was takin' a tubby, Daddy tried out a new "do" for me.