Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm a sad panda today.

You see, Mommy got this job back in Iowa City, which is why we moved here. For the first month, I thought it was the best job in the world because she was always home.

But, apparently she wasn't technically "working" during that time, and now she has to go to the hospital every day and not stay home and play with me.

So that is a bummer. Not that staying at home with Daddy isn't fun, but I miss Mommy. She is fun.

But then again, Daddy says she helps people get better at work, so I am kinda proud of that. I guess I can share Mommy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

New Stuff

OK, so I got a lot of new stuff this weekend...

1) New Teeth - got two more coming in on the top row... this will connect my front four with the back two and make my mouth much more symmetrical. Kinda hurts, though.

2) New Swing - oh yeah. Grandma Sara bought a swing for her house, but didn't get it put up in time so they sent it home with us. Mommy and Daddy hung it up over the weekend. AWESOME. With all the grass, a few toys and a swing, my backyard is now like the park.

3) New Friend - since we have a house now, we can apparently invite people over. Mommy and Daddy brought some new people over, and they all brought kids. Some kids were a little too old, some were a little too young, but there was this little girl named Rosie that was just like the Goldylock's Porridge... just right. She is loads of fun and Daddy says we can play with her lots now that we live in the same town.

4) New Breakfast - this morning Mommy and Daddy took me to a place call the Hamburg Inn. Now, as we have discussed before, I love pancakes and I love sweet potatoes. Dude, they make pancakes out of sweet potatoes. For reals. They are the best ever. Ever. Now I know why Daddy was so excited to go there. They don't have a Hamburg in Omaha.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Still Home

OK, I'm still home. And I have confirmed that this, indeed, is our new house where we will be staying for a long time.

Cool. I like this place.

You know what I think my favorite thing about the house is? The birdies.

You see, Mommy set up this birdie feeder thing outside the kitchen window, so I get to watch the birdies eat when I eat. It's pretty cool. There are yellow birdies and red birdies and brown birdies that fly up to say hi.

And since I am getting good at my colors, I can easily identify them. I can even say "yellow bird".

Sophie seems to like watching the birdies, too. In fact, she seems to want to go out and play with them even more than I do.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back Home... I Think

Well, I just got back from Grandma and Grandpa's house. No, not that grandma and grandpa, the other ones. Yeah, I know it can get confusing.

Anyway, Mommy and Daddy dropped me off there a while ago then went up to the cabin. Maybe one day they will take me. Then, yesterday they showed up again, picked me up and drove me to Iowa City.

I'm fairly certain I am home, but I'm not sure. We've been moving around quite a bit the last few weeks. I knew Mommy got a new job, but I assumed it was being a doctor, not a gypsy.

Maybe now I can get back on a schedule. I like schedules, they make me less fussy. Which means Daddy REALLY likes schedules.

Rumor has it my new room might be ready soon. Nothing like another move, eh?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wet and Wild

So it is storming here tonight. Lots of rain, and I am a big fan of rain. It's so much fun... like taking a bath, but outside. More clothes, less rubber duckies.

At our new house, we have a nice little tunnel-thingy leading up to the front door, so when it storms, Mommy can take me outside and we can watch the rain without getting wet.

Well, SHE can stay dry, but I like running out in the rain.

A girl's got to do her rain dance.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm Back

OK, I'm back (again). What is it about the summertime that makes blogging so infrequent? Daddy says its the being outside and going places. Makes sense to me.

Anyway, had a great trip to Indy. It was lots and lots of fun. I got to see a bunch of cousins and great aunts (but none "greater" than Auntie Megan... she was there too!!) and great uncles and great Grandmas and great GREAT aunts. It was a blast.

Things did start off a little shaky when we got a flat tire on the way out there. Nothing like adding a couple hours along the side of the interstate to a 6 hour drive. But Mommy set up the little DVD player and gave me a dose of Elmo, so it was all good.

The main reason we went was to go to Great Grandma's 90th birthday party. I know how fun my first birthday party was, so I was really excited to see how a 90th party would be, and it didn't disappoint. She got lots of present, and we gave her a bunch of Pacers stuff including giant shoe that some basketball player guy wrote his name on. I hope he doesn't need it this season when the Pacers play again, but Daddy says he has lots of shoes to wear.

We also went to the zoo. Not the Omaha zoo, that would be too far away, but they have one in Indy too. This zoo was a little different. They had Koala Bears there. Let me say this about Koala Bears... they don't look like bears they sleep all the time. Color me underwhelmed.

However, the Indy zoo did have REAL bears, and that made up for it. There were also seals and dolphins and zebras and giraffes and goats and sharks that you can actually TOUCH. Daddy wouldn't let me touch the sharks as they swam by, but he and Mommy did.

Kinda unfair, don't ya think?

But speaking of animals you CAN touch, let discuss the puppy situation at Grandma and Grandpas. First, they have Sadie, who is a puppy. She is the nicest puppy ever, because she doesn't care when I pet her, whether it is on her back, on her nose, IN her nose, in her eye, pulling on her ears - whatever. Now, that would normally be awesome enough, but their neighbors have FIVE puppies, all little baby sized. All I had to do when we were in the backyard is go to the fence and yell "PUPPIES" and they would come running over to me and lick my fingers through the fence.

It was puppy heaven.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On the Road Again

So Mommy and Daddy just told me that we are headed to Indianapolis tomorrow. Not to live, just for the weekend. That is good, since we still aren't totally into out new house yet. (I'm still in my temporary room... because my room isn't finished... I'm not saying, I'm just saying... we've been here over a week and Mommy and Daddy have THEIR room).

Anyway, it should be fun. We get to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and my Great Grandma is having her 90th Birthday party. That should be fun, cuz I think a lot of people are going to be there. You know me, I like people. Especially ones that pay attention to me and tell me how cute I am.

Aside from all that, Mommy says there is a zoo there we can go to. I hope they have monkeys.

I like monkeys.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Jazzy Weekend

So, things are finally starting to calm down on the new homestead. All the grandmas and grandpas have gone home. (Quick sidebar - it was really hard keeping both sets of grandmas and grandpas straight when they are both named grandma and grandpa)

But we had a lot of fun. Naturally, I was pretty much the center of attention all weekend. Which, you know, was OK. Had a few late nights, but I can catch up with my sleep later.

Speaking of late nights, we went downtown to Jazz Fest on Saturday night. It's pretty cool. There are people all over, music being played and even a few puppies to see. I must say I was a fan.