Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So, apparently today is Halloween. Have you heard of this?

Sounds pretty good if you ask me. You get to dress up and people give you candy. (Daddy says candy is just like puffs, except WAY better. He also says that I am too little for candy, but I am sure Daddy will just put the candy I get aside until I am old enough to eat it.)

Mommy and Daddy are taking me Trick or Treating tonight with some friends. I'm going as... well... you'll have to check back tomorrow to find out.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Swingin' and Chompin'

Big day today. Big day.

First off, I found a use for all those teeth I've been getting. I realized that if I moved them up and down on those puffs Daddy has been stuffing in my mouth, they get littler and then you can swallow them. They are actually pretty good. I was wolfing them down like they were going outta style. I can get used to this whole chewing thing. And I thought teeth just made your gums hurt.

Then, we went out to Jackson and Carters house and went to the park. I don't know if you have ever been to the park, but it totally rules. There are these swings - kinda like they had back at daycare, but much bigger and more outside. You can really go high on these things. Whew.

Then they have this thing called a slide. Its by far the coolest thing ever made. You sit at the top, like normal, but then suddenly you go flying down and end up at the bottom. It is an amazing rush.

And for the daily snot update, I'm feeling much better. Should be 100% by tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Feelin' Snotty

Anyone have a good weekend out there? Mine sucked bottles.

Remember how I told you about going over to my friend Tommy's house on Thursday? Well, he was nice enough to give me his germs and I got sick. Man, if I was going to take something home from Tommy's House, it woulda been that firetruck that makes the siren noise. That thing was sweet.

But no, I got a cold. So now it is hard to eat, hard to sleep, hard to be cute (but I still manage), and hard not to cry when they come after me with that nose suction thing.

Worst of all, I found out Daddy KNEW that Tommy had a cold, but took me there anyway. Jokes on him, though, cuz he got sick too. We're just a snotty pair.

In other news, Daddy's friend Todd had a baby, so maybe I get a new friend. Her name is Lillian. I can't wait to show her the ropes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tommy Boy

Daddy and I went over to my friend Tommy's house today. Its hard to get together with him because our naptimes are in direct conflict, but we compromised. I got up a little early, he stayed up a little late and we had us a playdate.

It was fun. He was showing off a bit by crawling, but I countered that with my new trick of crawling BACKWARDS!! Seriously, anyone can crawl forward (well, not me, but he doesn't have to know that).

Tommy was excited to see another baby, apparently, because he was pretty "grabby". Daddy said it is good practice for me to fight off boys, so we are going to start getting together on a regular basis.

Next week, I think I am going to take him to the Children's Museum. He's never been there, so I will have to show him the ropes in the Wiggle Room.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reality Check

Yeah, so apparently I have some catching up to do.

Yesterday, Daddy took me to the Children's Museum (membership has its privileges) and we were hanging out in the Wiggle Room like always. You know, knocking some blocks down, looking in mirrors, rolling on the mats - same old stuff.

Then this other kid comes in with a full head of hair, crawling around, pulling herself up to stand. Ends up she is nine months old just like me.

So, I'm ready to pull out the "How many teeth do YOU have" card when I catch a glimpse in her mouth... yeah, she has just as many teeth as I do.

I mean, I still played with her and she was fun, but I think I have my first "frenemy". You know, someone you hang around with and be all nice too but she is actually your biggest rival and you have to out-do them at all cost. Kinda like Derek Jeter and A-Rod.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, and I can't wait for the day I walk - yes walk - into the Wiggle Room and she's still moving around at knee level.

"Oh, you are still crawling? That is so cute. I never really got into it myself. I just figured I would skip that step... it seems so juvenile."

Oh well... today Daddy and I are going grocery shopping. Nothing lifts the ego like a bunch of random old ladies stopping to tell you how cute you are.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Big Weekend

Did everybody have a good weekend? I sure did, and it sounds like Daddy did too.

I had a lot of fun with Grandma Sara. We went shopping and did some painting. I'm no Jackson Pollack, though. All I can do is smear the paint all over the paper.

I think the best part of the weekend was when Daddy came home. Not because I missed him (I did... a little) but because he brought me a present. I got a new Hawkeye shirt!!! Now there is one for me and one for Kirby.

Speaking of the Hawkeyes, Daddy got to go to the Field Hockey game and told me all about it. They won again, beating No. 9 Penn State, but that is no surprise. The cool part is that they were so nice, they played extra long so Daddy could see more!! He said it was called overtime. My friend Caroline said next time Daddy comes to a game I need to come along. WOO HOO!!

I figure I could learn alot from Caroline. I mean, she leads the Big Ten in assists, so she definately knows how to share. Besdies, she may become a coach when she is done playing, and I could always use a scholarship.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Loss For Words

I'm not speaking to Daddy. Well, aside from the fact that I don't talk yet. Even if I could talk, we wouldn't be on speaking terms.

Daddy was telling me today how he was going to Iowa City this weekend. He was going to see his old friends, go see a field hockey game, even go see a band called Baby Teeth.

So, naturally, I was assuming I was going with. I mean, Daddy takes me pretty much everywhere. I could go back to see my friends at Good Shepherd, take a "recruiting" visit with the field hockey team and go to my first concert. BABY TEETH... how could I NOT want to go see them? I can totally relate.

But NOOOOOOOOOO. For some reason, Daddy wants to go to Iowa City without me. It doesn't make any sense.

Who doesn't want to bring a nine-month old on a four-hour car trip to hang out with friends?


After writing this, I was informed that Grandma Sara is coming to hang out with me this weekend while Daddy is gone. Never mind.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Members Only

No, don't worry. I'm not starting a "Members Only" section to the blog with insider content available for a fee (but that might help pay for college... hmmmm).

Daddy and I just got back from the Children's Museum and he bought me a membership. So now I can go there anytime I want for FREE!!! How awesome is that?

Answer - awesome.

Membership really does have its privileges. We got a card, and we can go back to the Wiggle Room any time we want. That is the place for babies. There are mirrors to look in and blocks to play with and a little piano to play - that was my favorite.

There were also lots of babies there today, and it was fun playing with them.

There was this one kid there that was almost exactly my age. But he could crawl. And he was crawling all over. It was like he was trying to show off or something. He was all "look at me, I can crawl". I felt pretty bad for a while, but then he smiled at me.

Kid only had one tooth. One. I was like "Hey kid, nice TOOTH. But don't worry, I only have one tooth... if you don't count my other FOUR!!" What, is he nine months but his mouth is only six months old? Maybe he knocked them out showing off his crawling.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Big Weekend

Holy Cow that was a big weekend. I don't even know where to begin. First off, Auntie Megan and John came to visit, so that was awesome. They are lots of fun. They love to play the games that Daddy is sick of playing.

And with them in town, we did all kinds of things. We went out for pizza on Friday night, then went out AGAIN the next night. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it even more if I could eat food that hadn't been pureed.

On Saturday, we watched the Hawkeye football game and they WON!!! Just like I said they should last week. It is so awesome that they listened to me. I'm thinking of telling them they should win again next week. The fourth-ranked field hockey team won again too, but they don't need me to tell them to win. They just do it anyway.

But purhapse (and by that I mean definately) the best thing to happen this weekend was we found a friend for Toodee. This way, he will never run away again.

Say "Hello" to Moxy...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Snack Time

I've been really digging my Stage 2 foods lately, but Daddy has been getting a little lazy when we eat. He used to just slap me in the high chair and feed me til I was full. Then he started giving me a spoon of my own and expecting me to use it by myself.

Yesterday, he put some of these puff things on my tray to eat by myself. They taste kinda like bland strawberries. Not so good... they make me gag a bit. I'm not used to the non-pureed stuff.

Then we tried these Zweiback crackers. Those were a little better. I can hold them easy, and are good for gnawing on. Kinda messy though.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Check Up Time

Back to the doctor this morning for another check-up, and all is well in Claireville.

I'm still dominating the growth charts, clocking in at a lady-like 22 lbs., 11 oz (97th percentile), 28 inches tall (60%) and a 46 cm head (93%) to hold all my brains.

But all that aside, you know there is something else that comes with doctor visits... shots. Those people just LOVE to stick a baby. This time I got a jab in the finger to test my blood and a flu shot.

Luckily, One-Eyed Willie the pirate nurse from last time was out to sea. Instead, I got something much worse.

The nurse seemed nice at first, but then she told Daddy that she went to Iowa State. Now I'm not here to judge people and I know not everybody can get into the University of Iowa like Daddy did, but this knowledge made me a little uneasy. Daddy just held my hand and said, "Claire, remember this moment whenever you think of Iowa State".

And then Cy stuck me in the leg.

It hurt, and I started crying. But then I thought about it, and I decided to take a stand. No way was I going to let a Cyclone make me cry.

So I stopped.

That's right. I wasn't give this Red and Gold (and sometimes Blue?), don't know if I'm a bird or a tornado nurse the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Daddy said I was tough and he was proud of me.

Hawkeye Pride, baby.

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Major Player

Over the weekend, Mommy and Daddy took me over to that kid Tommy's house to play. It was our second play date, kinda, since we met out for lunch one day (but didn't get much playing in).

It was fun. I didn't bring any toys or anything, but Tommy had a bunch. And since he is a little smaller than I am, it was really easy to just take his toys away from him when I wanted them. Being a big girl has its advantages.

While we were playing, Daddy and Tommy's Daddy watched the Hawkeye football game. Once again, the other team must have cheated, because the Hawkeyes lost.

But on the plus side, the Hawkeye field hockey team won two more games, are ranked in the top five and Lauren Phieffer was named Big Ten Player of the Week. I was thinking that the football team should win their games the way the field hockey team does.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Hair Raising (or not) Experience

Yesterday Daddy and I went out to get his hair cut. It is always kinda fun, because the girls at the hair-cutting place are always nice to me.

But as I was watching Daddy get some taken off the top, I kinda started feeling bad. Here I am, bald as a cue ball, while Daddy has so much hair that he has to get some cut off about once a month. Isn't that kinda like throwing away a big sandwich in front of a homeless person?

I think I have hair envy.

But all is not lost... there is signs of movement on the front. I still don't have much on top, but there is one hair behind my left ear that is about three inches long. Now if I could just get all the others to join in, I would be on to something.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Getting a Handle on My Food

I am growing. Every day, apparently.

As a growing girl, I need to evolve. Not like growing gills or wings anything, even though that would be totally cool, but I need to change as I get bigger.

Therefore, Mommy and Daddy started buying me Stage 2 foods. They are totally the bestest. You know how stage one foods have flavors like Sweet Potatoes or Applesauce? Well today I had a Stage 2 food that was Sweet Potatoes AND Applesauce. Together in one package. It was like a party in my mouth, and Sweet Potatoes and Applesauce were invited. They have other combos too, blueberries and pears, apples and strawberries, squash and corn. I love it.

In other food-related evolution news, Daddy bought me a handle for my bottle so I can drink it all by myself now. Here's what it looks like...

Pretty sweet, eh? He says it will teach me how to use a cup, but I don't know about that. How can you have a bottle without the bottle?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Play Date

Yesterday was a whole lotta fun. Daddy and I went to the workout room like normal, but that little boy Jackson showed up with his mommy this time. And the best part is, this time he came down and played with me.

It was a lot of fun. We had some blankets laid out and stuff, and just played together for about 45 minutes.

We played "Touch You in the Face" for a while, then I quickly switched over to a game of "Push You Down". It was really easy, because Jackson is only six months old and not that stable yet. I've also got about five pounds on him.

We also learned a lot about sharing. He didn't bring any of his own toys, so Daddy said I had to share with him. I think we did a good job, too. I would be holding my rattle, then Jackson would take it away from me. Then I would take it away from him. It just kept going like that. Kinda fun.

As for today, it is raining pretty hard so I don't think we are going out. Bummer. Mabye I will play "Touch You in the Face" with Daddy.