Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jackson Who?

I got a new set of crayons the other day. They are pretty sweet. Add that to the fact that Mommy saved a bunch of the packing paper from when we moved so I could draw on it, and I've got a whole new creative direction in life.

Maybe I can become an artist like my cousin Nicole?

The best part about my new crayons is that they help me learn my colors. In fact, since the video quality on this here website isn't always the best, I figured I would tell YOU the color I was using just in case you couldn't tell.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bikin' By Myself

Daddy and I had to take Mommy's bike tire into the bike store today because it was flat. While we were waiting for the bike lady to fix it, we looked around the store and found something really cool.

They have bikes for little kids. Some are really small bikes, but some have three wheels and they are called trikes. Those are totally fun.

Daddy let me put on a helmet that they had hanging on the wall (it had bunnies on it) and we rode around the store. It was a blast!!

My legs were just a little too short for the trike, or I am sure Daddy would have bought it for me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer's Winding Down

So, we hit the pool again last night. It's a pretty awesome place. I'm not quite big enough to go down the waterslide, but I can play in the zero depth area. You know, you can just walk right in and it gradually gets deeper? And there are fountains that make it rain on you.

I love to make it rain.

But anyway, the bad news is that the pool is closing soon. Personally, I think that is crap, but nobody asked me about it.

Luckily, Daddy found a Children's Museum here in town so we can go there instead. It's pretty cool. They have a room for little kids and a cool dinosaur maze. And slides and stairs too. And books. And lots of other stuff.

Needless to say, we will be spending a lot of time there. Especially with the pool closing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Black and Gold... and Pink?

Got me a new Hawkeye shirt the other day. I needed one pretty bad, since I have outgrown most of the ones I had. And with the season opening up soon, I figured I better get some new gear.

But here is the problem. When Daddy and I were at the store, I couldn't help but notice that almost all the little girl stuff was pink. Now don't get me wrong, I love pink - I look GOOD in pink - but last I checked the Hawkeye colors were Black and Gold. I don't see any little boys wearing powder blue Hawkeye shirts.

Team colors are very important. It's not like I am wearing a Sesame Street shirt or something. Those can be any color you want. But this is Hawkeye gear, and it should be school colors. Black and Gold.

Who made the rule that said girls have to wear pink all the time. It's freaking ridiculous!! When I wear a Hawkeye shirt, I want it to be a REAL Hawkeye shirt!!!

Daddy said that there are a lot of big girls that wear pink Hawkeye shirts too. Come on. Babies have to wear what their Mommys and Daddys put on them, but big girls should know better.

Room Service

Well, I've moved again.

Mommy and Daddy finally got around to finishing up my room, so I am out of my temporary refugee space and into my very own Big Girl room.

It's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. It's painted purple and green and blue, and it has cool drapes that Mommy and Grandma Sara made. I've also got my very own dresser with a mirror and a bookshelf for all my books. Well, most of my books, anyway.

I have some pictures of me on the wall (who else?) and today at the store Daddy found some really cool pictures of monkeys and giraffes and lions and elephants for the walls too!!

Needless to say, I am really excited. I sleep really good in that room!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Weekend Visitors

Grandma Kate and Grandpa Rico came down this weekend. They brought a whole truckload of stuff that Mommy and Daddy left at their house when we moved to Omaha.

So I got to play with Grandma when the rest of them carried everything in. Not a bad gig.

Speaking of Grandma (literally) I finally dropped the G-word on her. Daddy had told me long ago when I started talking to not say Grandma. He said it was "so we can mess with her". Why he'd want to mess with her, I don't know. He usually gets mad when I make a mess.

Anyway, I figured it was about time. I mean I can say almost 100 words now. So I said Grandma and Grandpa. Then, after they left, Mommy called Grandma Sara so I could say it over the phone to her too.

It's only fair.

Spent a lot of time in the backyard this weekend too. Not only swinging, but we broke out the pool too.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One is the Lonliest Number

Daddy and I are trying a little experiment today - moving to just one nap.

I've been a two nap girl for as long as I can remember, but now that I am getting bigger I am full of so much energy that I need more time to let it out. So, goodbye morning nap.

It wasn't as easy as it sounded, however. After waking up, grabbing breakfast, getting dressed, playing some morning games, we ended up going to the mall instead of hanging around and napping. Pretty cool. They have a good playground there.

But after a while I started getting a little tired. I even went over to Daddy and put my head in his lap.

Then, we went home and I expected to hit the crib, but instead we had lunch. Then, after lunch, we played some more.

By this time, I didn't think I was EVER going to get to crib, so I actually had to look at Daddy and say "Pete? Toodee? Moxie?"... you know, my bedtime crew.

Eventually, he got the hint and we read a few books and hit the sack.

We'll see how this turns out.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cueball No Longer

I've been bald pretty much my whole life. I'm cool with it. It gives me a "youthful" look.

However, the Telly Sevalis jokes are getting old... mostly because I don't know who he is.

Anyway, I'd like to announce that I am starting to get hair. It's still pretty fine, but it's there, baby. In fact, I am getting a super-cute curl in the back... kinda like a ducktail crossed with Superman.

Yesterday while I was takin' a tubby, Daddy tried out a new "do" for me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today is Mommy's birthday, so I wanted to take a second to say Happy Birthday to the best Mommy in the world.

Happy Birthday to the best Mommy in the world!!

I remember how everybody gave me presents on my birthday, so I figured I would get something for Mommy. Unfortunately, I don't have any money and Daddy said Mommy might not want a talking Abby Cadabby doll. Luckily, he had some money and an idea of what Mommy would like, so I let him take the lead on it.

I did get to pick out a card, however.

And I did a few more special things, but Daddy says Mommy sometimes reads this before she comes home, so I can't tell what I did yet.

If you are reading this - I love you Mommy.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Flippin' Out

Good weekend was had by all. Auntie Megan and John (or as I call him, Johnny) came by for a visit, and it was great to see them.

We didn't do a whole lot... just went out for pizza, hit the backyard swing, took a walk, played with Elmo and watched some new reality show called "The Olympics".

It's pretty cool, and I think it may have shown me my path in life. There were these little girls doing something called gymnastics that looked awfully cool. I think I may have a knack for it too.

First off, at 2'9" and 27 lbs, I'm about the perfect size.

Second, they kept flipping and flopping head over heads on the floor, and it looked just like I did the time I fell down the steps.

Only problem is that Daddy says I will probably keep growing, and since I am already in the 75th-percentile of weight and height, I may end up being the biggest gymnast ever.

Oh well, maybe I should stick to field hockey.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

'Sup Doc?

Went back to the doctor for my 18-month check-up yesterday, and guess what...

I am FINALLY proportional!!!

That's right... 26.4 lbs and 32.87 inches tall. That's 73% and 76%. No more bowling ball Claire. In fact, if you noticed, for the first time my height percentile is higher than my weight. This girl is stretching out.

Then, of course, there was the bad news. A shot. But even that wasn't so bad. It was just one, and the doctor said it was my last one. Sweet. This time I could talk much better too, so I could keep reminding Daddy that the shot gave me an owie by saying "owie" and pointing to my leg. Not that I am trying to make him feel guilty or anything... just making sure he remembers what shots do.

The cool part of the visit was that it was at the same hospital Mommy works at, so she came to the appointment too.

I bet Mommy doesn't give shots when she helps people at the hospital. Daddy says she does something called surgery. Now, I don't know what that is, but it can't be as bad as shots. I mean, they stick that shot right in your leg!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bikin' Problems

OK, so last night I found out a little problem about bike rides. Apparently they don't just end when you want them to.

Me, Mommy and Daddy went out for a cruise last night. We all had our helmets on, and I was strapped in behind Daddy in my trailer, so it was all good from the get go.

After about 15 minutes, I got bored and figured I would let Daddy know that it was time to stop. But apparently, we were at some place called "literally the farthest point away from our house", so Daddy wouldn't stop. He just turned around and kept going.

Now I figured if I cried a bit, that would get us out and back home doing something else. Apparently not, cuz it took 15 minutes of crying for us to be back home.

Maybe next time I have to cry harder.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Rollin' Along

Got a sweet new ride this weekend. Ow yeah.

We went out and got a trailer for Daddy's bike. It's perfect for me. It's got plenty of room for me and my stuff, straps to keep me safe, windows to look out and even a cup holder if I want to roll with some juice. And boy, it's a smooth ride.

But the rules say for me to hit the road, I gotta have a helmet. So Mommy found me a super-cool one one with pink flowers on it. It is probably my favorite hat. I've been wearing it everywhere, even when not riding.

Daddy took me for a spin around the neighborhood, and it was totally lots of fun. Rumor has it there are some trails around here that are specifically designed for bikes.

Roll on!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Scouting the 'Hood

Daddy and I have been taking a lot of walks lately in the morning so we can get to know the neighborhood. So far, so good. There are lots of kids and kid-related signs, like bikes in the yard and swingsets. Both good signs.

But I am most excited to go play ball at a house down the street. From the way Daddy describes it, it sounds like the best place to play ball in town. He said they have a Cyclone sign out in their yard, and it "takes a lot of balls" to put that out front in this town.