Monday, March 26, 2007

Back to the Doc

So today Daddy took me back to the doctor for a check-up, and they said everything is good.

I am really excelling in my height and weight. I weighed in at 13 lbs, 6 oz., which is good for the 90th-percentile, and I measured 23 inches, which is good for the 60th-percentile. I'll have to work on that last one a bit. I'd hate to be uneven.

But then, after the doctor told me I was perfect and healthy, this other woman came in and gave me something called "immunizations". For those of you who are unfamiliar, "immunizations" is a fancy word for "jabbing you in the leg with a big sharp thing".

Daddy said they are good for me and will make sure I don't get sick, but man, that was no fun. I just held onto Daddy's finger and tried to think of an "F" word to say. Unfortunately, the only one I could come up with was "formula", and that didn't seem appropriate to the situation. So I just cried. A lot.

When it was all over, they gave me these sticky things to put on my legs right where they stabbed me. One was pink and one had bears on it.

Yeah, that makes up for it.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

No. 2s For My No. 2s

As of today, I am officially out of No. 1 size diapers and up to No. 2s. Daddy just took the last one off, we saddled up in some new trousers and we aren't looking back.

It gives a girl a real sense of accomplishment to grow into a bigger size pants. I'm sure all you women out there know what I am talking about.

Anyway, enough about my drawers.

This weekend, Mommy and Daddy went to see a concert in Chicago. When I first heard, I was excited because I figured I would be in my Baby Bjorn, rocking along with them in the front row. But no, I wasn't invited.

However, Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Rich came down to hang with me so I wouldn't be lonley. It worked too, because you never have to be lonely when your grandparents are around. I also scored a new outfit out of the weekend. Grandma Kathy said it was on sale, so it's OK. Can't argue with that logic. Although Daddy said there were a lot of GI Joe and He-Man guys on sale back in the day, too, but grandma didn't get all excited about them.

He's just jealous.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

At Home, At Work

So, there are benefits to being in the hospital for five days - I mean, besides getting better. I get to spend another week at home with Daddy.

Today was a busy day. This afternoon, we went to Daddy's office. Man, it was crazy around there!! Apparently, one of the coaches doesn't like it there anymore and is leaving. I'm really glad I wore a cute outfit, because there were reporters coming in and out all the time. You always want to look good for the press.

I hope it isn't one of the field hockey coaches leaving. They are always super nice to me (and they gave me a Hawkeye field hockey t-shirt). I've decided I want to play for them, but Daddy says I have to be in college first. Oh well, something to work for.

Being home is great. In fact, I have been so excited that I have been waking up in the middle of the night two days in a row. You see, about five weeks ago I figured that not much goes on after dark around here, so I would just sleep through the night. But now, after being confined to the hospital for almost a week, I don't want to take any time at home for granted. So I just wake up and holler for Daddy, and he comes in and hangs out with me. Usually brings a bottle, too.

Nothing like drinking with your Daddy at three in the morning.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I'm free. It feels so good to finally say that. I was really good last night and got my release this morning around noon. No more staring out of a crib with iron bars (back to wood). There is nothing like the feeling of getting outta that jumpsuit and into your own clothes, then being carried out of there and taken home in your own carseat.

You know, when you spend five days on the inside - it changes you. I will never take my vibrating chair for granted. And I tell you something else, I aint NEVER going back.

But still, I'd like to give a shout out to my homies still on the inside - all y'allz keep it real up in 2JCP and you'll be out too. C-MOW got nuthin' but love for ya.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Games We Play

Well, it's Sunday and I am still in the hospital.

However, the doctors have set up a game for me. There is this machine attached to me with numbers on it. If I can keep my O2 number above 88, I win and we can go home. If it dips below 88, the machine beeps at me and I have to stay here.

So, last night I was rolling along with my numbers in the mid-90s thinking about how nice it was going to be to sleep in my crib and chill in my vibrating chair. Then, I go to sleep and the machine starts beeping at me - I was at 87 so I can't go home. I didn't realize we were going to keep playing when I was ASLEEP. Sheesh, talk about tough.

Anyway, I'm getting ready to play again tonight and I am going to DOMINATE like Mark Perry at the NCAA Tournament. (Daddy and I watched the NCAA Wrestling Finals last night)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Very Special Episode

As you may have read in my last post, I was feeling a little sick last week. Well, all that icky stuff in my nose wouldn't go away and it was really frustrating for me, since nobody has taught me how to blow my nose yet.

Anyway, Thursday at daycare they told me that I was too hot and had to go home. So they called daddy, and he came and picked me up. He then took me back to that hotel I stayed at when I first got to Iowa City. I figured it would be a good place to get some rest - but then I figured out that it wasn't actually a hotel, but a place called a hospital. And those aren't as fun as they sound.

For the first few hours, I had a million people poking and prodding me from every angle, and it sucked royally. Daddy kept telling me not to be scared, but he honestly wasn't that convincing. Finally, they said I had something called RSV and gave me my own room with a crib that isn't near as nice as mine. That was three days ago. Since then I've just been hanging out with mommy and daddy in the room. Every now and then somebody comes in and bugs me.

But what really gets me is the outfits I have to wear. First off, they are not near as cute as the stuff I have at home. Second, the accessories that come with them are terribly annoying. There is this tube thing that is strapped around my face with prongs up my nose, these little pasties with strings on 'em stuck to my chest and belly, but worst of all there is a thing that they actually STUCK INTO MY HEAD and taped down. Seriously... in my head. They said it is because my arms were too chubby. Nothing like some stranger telling you that you are fat, then sticking a sharp thing in your scalp.

It's like adding insult to a big needle in your head.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The weather was great, so we took my stroller out for the first ride last night. Man, that thing is smooth. It drive so well I didn't really even have to do anything - just lay there and watch the sky go by.

You know, I never realized how much outside there was around our house - it's EVERYWHERE!! You can just keep strolling and strolling. I wonder how far it is to the end... and what is beyond that.

As for my nose - it is still plugged. Daddy says I have a cold, but I actually feel kinda hot so what the heck does he know. Leave the doctoring to Mommy.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Early Wake-up Call

So, today started on a sour note. First off, both Mom and Dad seemed to be running an hour ahead of schedule this morning. When Mommy came in to feed me before going to work, I barely even woke up to eat. Then, Daddy comes in and wakes me from my beautiful slumber and tries to jam a bottle in me. This time, I just said no way and didn't open my mouth. I was all "come back in an hour", so he just packed me up and took me to daycare.

Aside from my family's clock issues, I've got a lot of gross stuff in my nose lately. Now, I'm not saying I'm above having gross stuff come out of me. In fact, I I may be sitting on some right now. But that stuff isn't on my face and it doesn't make breathing harder (well, not for me - Daddy disagrees). So hopefully that clears up soon.

But on the lighter side, we got to take a field trip at Daycare today. We were just doing our own thing when they opened up the wall and revealed a whole other room - OUTSIDE!! They brought our chairs out and let us sit in the sun and everything. I was so excited I took a nap.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

School Daze

School is going well. And if you don't believe me, I've got the daily progress reports to prove it.

But seriously, I feel like I have been learning alot. It's cool being around kids my age. We can all relate to each other in a way that parent's just don't understand (hmmm... Parents Just Don't Understand... that sounds like a great song name).

But I digress. Hearing all those other kids all day has shown me that I can use my voice for other things than just crying. I've been trying out all kinds of different noises lately, and Mom and Dad seem pretty impressed. I look forward to a lifetime of repeating things I heard from the kids at school.

On another note, you gotta see these toys they have there. They look just like stuffed animals, right - you know ducks and bears and stuff. But when somebody moves 'em fast, they make the crazy rattling noise. And then - you look at 'em. Its seriously some of the most fascinating looking I have done in my lifetime. I'm really getting good at it too. Sometimes they are on the right, so you've gotta turn your head that way. Then they will be on the left, so you turn your head THAT way. It's some complicated stuff, but I am getting the hang of it. All that Tummy Time is starting to pay off.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Beginning My Education

Well, I made it. Today was my first day at Daycare and it was AWESOME!!

First off, the place is like a baby's wet dream. I have my own crib with my name on it, my own basket that I can put extra clothes and stuff in, and there are things to do everywhere. You know that vibrating chair I have that I keep raving about... they have FOUR!! They have other chairs that swing back and forth. As for toys - everywhere. Wanna lay on your back and look at things dangling, they got a place for that. Wanna lay on your tummy and look at some blocks - you are totally hooked up.

Then there is my teacher. Her name is Libby and she is really nice. She showed me all kinds of things, kinda let me get a feel for the place. Whenever I wanted something to eat, she got it. Whenever I needed a change, she did it.

And then there are the other kids. There are five, and they all seem pretty cool. I can't be positive, since none of us can talk yet, but nobody really gave off that sketchy vibe.

Anyway, I can't wait to go back tomorrow.

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Week That Was

I can hardly believe that my week with Daddy is over. Holy Cow we had fun. In fact, I am worn out. You know how people that go to Vegas for the weekend talk about how they need a vacation from their vacation when they come back? I'm totally feelin' 'em right now.

Here are some reflections...

--I used to think Mommy was the only one that had a useful chest. But I've realized that while Daddy's is useless around lunchtime, it makes for some gooood nappin'. I don't know what it is, but you'd make a million if you could market it.

--I think I saw more of the town this week than ever before. We went to the hospital to see Mommy, the mall, the fish store, Godfather's for lunch, the dry cleaning place and Paul's Discount.

--Winter kinda sucks. It is blizzarding once again today, and I am just DYING to take my new stroller out for a spin. Maybe I can talk Mommy and Daddy into taking it for a test drive at the mall sometime.

--I got to see my first R Rated movie this week. Daddy said we are NOT supposed to tell Mommy, so don't say anything. It was called Die Hard, and it was awesome. I learned a lot of new words that I can't wait to try out as soon as I can talk. Yippie-kay-yay!!

--Daddy played some music for me on his guitar and that was a lot of fun. He also explained why Jack White of the White Stripes is a musical genius. Apparently, he plays guitar even better than Daddy does. WOW! Then he played me my favorite song --
Honest by the Long Winters. It's about a little girl like me, and her Mommy tells her it is OK to be a singer (awesome) but not to love a singer. Good advice.

All in all, it was awesome. If only Mommy could have gotten off work and hung out with us. That would be the ultimate!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

New Wheels

You are not going to believe what I got today for my Sweet Seven Week Birthday...


Seriously. After lunch, Daddy packed me up in the carseat and we hit the trail. After stopping by the hospital to drop in on Mommy, we headed to another store full of baby stuff. Unbeknownst to me, Mommy had called ahead and told them to set aside a 2007 Peg-Prego Aria OH.

Oh man that thing is sweet. It's got all-wheel suspension, swivel front wheels and rear wheel brakes, a removable tray and cup holder, retractable hood, five-point harness and is sitting on 5 1/2 inch wheels. It's Black with Silver and nice 'n light - classy, not one of those giant SUV-style "travel systems". Sometimes you gotta wonder why some of those little boys feel the need to roll around in those monstrosities. Compensate much?

I can't wait until the weather clears up and we can take that baby out for a spin. I hear there is a park nearby, too. I can't wait to roll up on those punks down there in my new ride.