Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I just got word that Daddy and I are taking a road trip tomorrow. Apparently Mommy has to take a big board test in Chicago next week, so instead of staying at home alone with Daddy, we are going up to stay with Grandma and Grandpa.

Needless to say, I am excited. We'll get to see all kinds of family, like a bunch of Great Grandparents, Great Aunts, Great Uncles, Great Cousins. It'll be great.

I'll try and give you an update from the road, but no promises.

Oh, and in addendum to yesterday's post, I learned how to say "teeth" today. I'm a big fan of the Tooth Book by Dr. Suess, so I figured it was fitting.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


So I talk quite a bit. Not always real words, but lots of times I slip some English in there.

Instead of putting up another subtitled video up, I figured I would post the Claire Lexicon - basically, all the words I know.

These are in a rough order of how often I say them...

Bye Bye
All Done
I Love You

So, if you ever want to have a conversation about crackers (or as I pronounce it "Cackies") our my kitty, I'm game.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Feelin' Better

Things are looking up. I'm feeling a lot better, and I had a fun weekend. Still got a bit of a cough, but I can deal.

I spent Saturday with Mommy, and she taught me how to go shoe shopping. I figure it is a skill I can use later in life.

On Sunday, it was time to hang with Daddy. We watched the Hawkeye Women play in the NCAA Tournament, and drove all around town trying to find a place open for lunch. It seemed like everywhere we went was closed.

Speaking of Easter, I got a package from Grandma Sara that had all kinds of cool stuff in it. Best of all, I got another bunny to go along with my bunny Pete.

I think I will call him "Repeat".

Friday, March 21, 2008

Staying Cool

Feeling lots better today. No more fever. In fact, I was feeling so good I went to the hospital... to see Mommy and have lunch.

Still got the snot, though, so that's no fun. But its OK. Daddy said this is good training for calling in sick during the NCAA Tournament when I get older. I need to remember how I feel now, so when I need to make up symptoms they will be believable.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Sickness

Well, apparently this is becoming a tradition. Yeah, I am still sick - but feeling better. This year I won't have to watch the NCAA Tournament and NCAA Wrestling Championships from the hospital, but I will get to do it from home.

However, my nose is still plugged - just like last year.

If you don't remember, it was a year ago this week that I got RSV and had to go to the hospital for five days. You can relive crappy memories HERE

That sucked bottles. For a while, I was worried that it may be happening again.

But the fevers going down and Daddy says I am getting better. But to make sure I am OK, we aren't going out today. Instead we are going to sit at home and watch basketball on TV and listen to wrestling on the radio.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Health Update

Still kinda sick, so not much for adventures to report. Daddy called the doctor, and they said I don't have to go in and pay them a visit. GOOD... that's where shots happen.

So we're just hanging out today. Daddy says we are going to go get some medicine later. I hope it is as good as Baby Tylenol - that stuff is yummy. I suck it right outta the dropper, man. It's so sweet.

Being sick isn't so bad, though. Daddy reads me a lot of books, and I even got to see Mommy before she left for work.

Then again, Daddy came in at 4 am to take my temp. I didn't realize he stays up so late.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fever Pitch

So, last night I thought Daddy had kept the heat a little high. But then he jammed a rod under my arm and said I had a fever. Makes sense, cuz I have been coughing a lot lately.

I thought I had dodged a bullet after Mommy and Daddy both got sick last week, but oh no - they always have to share with their little girl.

Anyway, Mommy comes back home from Florida tonight, so I'm sure that will make me feel better.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Go Green

Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been walking all over the place. It's the greatest... your knees don't hurt, you don't scuff up the tops of your shoes and you can see where you are going much better.

In fact, I have been so excited to walk I can't hardly sleep.

In other news, I'd like to wish everybody out there a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Daddy and I did it up right today, too. We had a St. Patrick's Day lunch of peas (cuz they are green) and drank a lot (of milk). I also made sure that I put on a green shirt today too.

Wouldn't want to get pinched!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Picked up a pair more teeth this week. Once again, Daddy didn't notice them right away because they were all in back. Mommy saw 'em over the weekend, though. You can't get anything by her... I'll have to remember that for future reference.

Anyway, these are special teeth. They are called "molars".

Whatever they are called, it brings the grand total to 12... just four short of a full set. I'm pretty excited about 'em. They work really well. I can't wait for a lifetime of biting with these teeth.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Weekend

Isn't it great when you come back from vacation in the middle of the week, then just have two days until the weekend? Its the best.

That being said, it was a big weekend for me. Daddy and I listened to the Hawkeye Wrestlers win the Big Ten Championship on the radio. It was sooo fun. Daddy would get all excited and dance around, and I would just laugh. Then, when good stuff happened, he would wrestle with me, and I would laugh some more. I think we should teach some of those guys the tickle move Daddy uses. It works every time.

But anyway, after listening to the Hawkeyes, I got so pumped up I needed to work out, so Daddy took me out in the hallway and we did some stairs. I climbed all the way up the stairs by myself (Daddy was spotting me, of course). It was just like "Rocky". I wonder if the wrestlers crawl up 18 steps to get ready?

In other news, the time changed again this weekend. But, unlike last time, I was ready for it. Last time, I wasn't aware that we were changing our clocks, so I ended up getting up an hour early, and that upset Daddy. So this time, I made sure I woke up at my normal time - 8 a.m. - even though it made me get up an hour earlier. I didn't want to upset Daddy by sleeping past the normal time. I'm sure he was happy about that.

Finally, Mommy made me a new hat. Apparently she had some time to knit when her and Daddy were stuck in the car during a mountain blizzard while they were in Colorado. See, there is something good about going a mile and a half in three hours. I don't know what Daddy was complaining about.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hello again!! It's good to be back home. I had a great vacation, but it is always nice to get back into your routine... wake, eat, blog, sleep, repeat.

Vacations are pretty rockin, though. I think my favorite thing may be all the presents. I go to Grandma and Grandpas, and I get a present or two. Then my aunts show up, and I get a couple more things. Then, to top it off, when Mommy and Daddy come home THEY have presents for me. Apparently there was some baby clothes outlets on the ski slopes.

So, when you add it all up, vacations can be very profitable.