Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Belly Up

So there was something new this morning (aside from the newly colorful walls in the kitchen). Apparently, Daddy had some time last night and did some adjusting to my high chair.

It's all messed up - but it has some promise.

First off, the tray is gone. And its a lot lower. And the seatbelt is back in play.

I thought it was going to be a disaster when Daddy put me in it, but then he scooted me all the way up to the table (the HEAD of the table, might I add) and I ate breakfast like a big girl.

Well, a big girl sitting in a half-dismantled high chair.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Painting Again

Painters are back, and Daddy seems to enjoy what they did. I'll have to remember that next time I get to fingerpaint.

Anyway, yesterday, I took a four-hour nap. Not sure if I was that tired or if it was the fumes.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Man, you won't BELIEVE what is going down at our house.

These dudes came over this morning, and they started painting all over the walls. Like completely covering them. Everywhere.

They are going to be in so much trouble. I know, cuz this one time I tried to draw a kitty (or piggie, I can't remember) on the walls with a crayon, and Daddy totally freaked out. And these guys aren't painting no kitties.

I can't WAIT to see Daddy go off on them. They are in for a world 'o hurt.

And probably a long timeout.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tatted Up

So, I am hanging with a whole new crowd of kids at Joanie's house. It's pretty cool. I'm learning lots of new things, and today I got my first tattoo!!!

Pretty sweet, eh? It's a bear.

Now, I wasn't sure how I was going to break this to Daddy, since I wasn't sure on his two-year old tattoo policy yet. I ultimately decided not to tell him - at least right away.

BUT, after school today we met our buddy Weitzel out for lunch at the Vine, and he totally narced me out. He saw it creeping out of my sleeve and said, "Claire, whats that" Right in front of Daddy.

So he noticed. Didn't seem to have a problem with it, though.

So what did we learn today at school? Daddy doesn't care if you get tattoos.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Lesson in Gravity

That Newton guy knew what he was talking about.

Last weekend, Mommy and Daddy got new chairs for the kitchen table. Actually Auntie Megan and soon-to-be Uncle Johnny brought them from Chicago.

Needless to say, I have been really enjoying sitting on them. Not sure what the attraction is, except that they are new.

So this morning, I was sitting in the chair opposite Daddy while he was eating his breakfast. (I was already done with mine - Yogurt and Bananas if you care) Anywho, I dropped the book I was reading and decided to reach down and get it.

Well, I learned a good lesson in center of gravity, cuz next thing I knew I was heading face-first into the hardwood floor. Got myself a nice little bump, I did. Daddy got out the Boo-Boo Bunny and gave me a few kisses, so I felt OK soon enough.

Left me a nice little shiner, though. None of the kids at school tomorrow will mess with me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

But It Does Make It Chilly

So I learned a new trick, and it should be a real time-saver for Daddy.

You know how when you wake up, your Daddy comes in and picks you up and takes off your jams and changes your diaper and gets you dressed? Well, I think I have figured out a way to streamline the operation a bit and take some of the workload myself.

Today, before Daddy came in, I woke up and started working on the zipper down the front of my jams. It's a little more complicated than normal zippers, cuz it has a snap at the top. Well, I got that snap undone and the rest was easy. Just unzipped the jams, got my arms and legs out and there you have it. I was out of my jams before Daddy even came in the room.

Only problem was it was a little cold, so I just kinda pulled up my blankets and waited. Luckily I sleep with four blankets.

Daddy must have liked the idea, cuz he laughed when he came in.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentimes is Good Times

Hope you all had a good Valentines Day. I sure did. Even got to have a bit of chocolate. That's some good stuff.

What I didn't realize was how many Valentines I had. I got all kinds of stuff. Books, dresses, Elmos, shirts, Puglee (my new Uglydoll)... and more.

Heck, even the waiter at the restaurant we went out to gave me a balloon.

I felt kinda bad with everyone giving me all that stuff, so I decided to get myself a Valentine. I dug all the way to the bottom of my toy box and found a kitty that I didn't even know I had. Daddy said he's been down there a while. Anyway, I named him Black and White Kitty and he is my new favorite. I carry him everywhere.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to Class

So we went back to music class yesterday. It was kinda different, cuz there were a lot of new kids there. There was even a new teacher... but she said Miss Bloom would be back next week. It was confusing, though. When we walked in, Daddy wasn't sure if we came at the right time.

But, my friends showed up. Luke, Cate, and yes, Mason. I didn't forget that I saw him with the other girl at the mall, so I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I sat by Luke and we danced together.

That obviously got to him, because in the middle of class he came across the room and sat right next to me on Daddy's lap.

We're cool now, but I wanted to make sure he knew not to take me for granted.

But speaking of Luke, he brought his little baby sister to class. She is only a few months old, so she didn't sing or anything. But guess what her name is...


What an honor.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Your Cheatin' Heart

All I can say is that it is a good thing that Music Class starts up again tomorrow.

In case you don't know, KinderMusik is between semesters, so we haven't had class for the last few weeks. Normally, that is a bummer in its own right. But last Friday I found out the dangers of semester break.

Daddy and I were eating lunch at the mall with my friend Sydney and her mommy (on a quick sidenote, have you ever had a philly cheesesteak? Its probably the best food ever). Anyway, I look across the food court and who do I see, but my buddy Mason.

I start telly Daddy "Mason, Mason" but sometimes he gets distracted when he is eating and didn't notice right away. Finally, I got him to look and we waved to Mason. He came over to talk and everything was fun, until I noticed who he was with.

ANOTHER GIRL!!! And she wasn't even that cute. And I bet she didn't even know how to sing any songs from Kindermusik.

I might have to lay the rules down on that boy when I see him at class tomorrow. Assuming I talk to him, that is.

Maybe I should go sit by Luke when we get there. That'll teach him.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Day of School

Well, today is the day. I'm off to school, and I am really excited. I have been asking Daddy about it for the last few days, cuz I was getting kinda anxious. But today when I woke up and asked if we were going to school, Daddy said 'Yes".


So we packed up my backpack and Daddy made me a sack lunch (rumor has it there is a PB&J in there) and went to Joanie's.

The whole way I talked about school. Daddy even let me listen to whatever we wanted on the radio in the car. (lots of Vampire Weekend)

I asked if Daddy was going to go to school too, but he said no. I wasn't sure what to make of that, but once we got there and I started playing, I didn't even notice him leave.

His loss.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What 'cha doing?

I found myself interested in the activities of others lately. I always want to know what somebody is doing.

So, over the past week or so, I have started asking Mommy and Daddy. I figure they are pretty smart, so they would know what the tiger in the book is doing, right?

So I ask.

"What's the Tiger doing?"
"What's car doing?"
"What's Mommy doing?"
"What's the radio doing?"
"What's Baby Elsie doing?"
"What's Moxy doing?"
"What's pizza doing?"

I figure the only way to learn is to ask questions, right? And believe me, I'm learning LOTS.

Mostly about how lots of things are "just hanging out".

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Weekend

Whew... I must be getting old, cuz this weekend wore me out.

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took me to see the Hawkeyes play. But this time, they weren't playing field hockey or basketball or wrestling... they were playing gymnastics. It was really cool. They jump and flip and swing and twist... it gave me all sorts of new ideas. I wonder if the couch makes a good vault?

Anyway, the coach is my neighbor friend Bailey's Mommy, so she said hi to us and made me look like a big shot. And Bailey was there, so we got to hang out for a while.

Then, while we were watching, Daddy told me to look up at the scoreboard and HOLY DIAPERS, I was on the big TV they had up there. I smiled and waved and everybody there thought it was super cute. They were right.

Then, yesterday, we went over to one of Mommy's friends to watch some football. Now, I have watched football with Daddy many times, so I know the drill. I play with my toys, and when Daddy yells "touchdown" I run over and give him five.

But this was totally different. There was lots of people around and lots of little kids to play with. And there was a table full of food and crackers and stuff that I could reach up to. Best thing was that it was behind Mommy and Daddy, so I could just go over there and get what I wanted when they were watching the game.

I was so wiped that I slept almost an hour late this morning. And when I got up I asked Daddy if we could go to another party today.

I think we are going to the grocery store instead.