Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Give Up

Wow, I really didn't think it would turn out this way.

I've told you before about this new kind of feedings Daddy has been pushing on me, right? Well, I figured if I just kept closing my mouth and refusing to go along, he would get tired of it and quit. Not so much, apparently.

Every day, Daddy comes at me with the gooey stick. He just wouldn't give up. I just kept my trap shut, but then he got tricky. He would make a funny face so I would laugh, then as soon as I opened my mouth to giggle - "HMMPH" - mouth fulla goo.

Next time, he would sing a song, and as soon as I opened my mouth to sing along "HMMPH". Then I would see my friend Sophie walk by the bumpo and I would be all like "Hey Soph-'HMMPH'". Always there with the stick of goo.

But then I kinda realized something... that goo doesn't taste all that bad. And there are different kinds of goo. Some called Applesauce, some called Sweet Potatoes, some called Peas.

So I finally relented. Daddy wins. I'll open my mouth and eat off the stick. It's kinda fun, too, because even though he doesn't need to anymore, Daddy still makes me laugh when we eat. And he sings the Applesauce Song.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Coppertone Schmoppertone

Had a big weekend. Grandpa Michael and Grandma Sara were in town, so we were all over the place. Best of all, we got to go swimming again. This time, we were the only ones there, so I got to rule the waves in my crab.

One problem with going to the pool, however, is that junk Mommy always smears all over me before we go.
I don't get it. It's not like I have to get that stuff when I take a bath. Just going to the pool.

It's sticky and stinky and it tastes like something Big Bird would leave on the hood of your car.

But then again, if I gotta have it to go to the pool, I say "Smear On"!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Off My Schedule

Man, today was one of those really weird days. From the very beginning, it was all off.

First, Mom woke me for my breakfast same as always. But when I was done, she didn't put me back to bed. She gave me to Daddy, who was up for some reason. He put me in the car (still in my pajamas, mind you - the mice ones in case you were wondering) and we followed Mommy in her car.

We ended up at some place called "The Shop", where apparently they sell broken cars, because they were everywhere. After a bit, we piled into one car and drove Mommy to work. Somewhere along the line I fell asleep, because when I woke up Daddy and I were home and he had got McDonald's breakfast. Naturally, he didn't get anything for me. I coulda used some McFormula.

Anyway, we then went to the gym WAAAY earlier than usual, and Daddy still let me stay in my PJs. Casual Wednesday, I guess. Then I took an early nap, and for the rest of the day, my schedule was all off. There was a point where I went almost FIVE HOURS between lunch and dinner, because as soon as I was up from my afternoon nap (that begun WAY late) we had to go get Mommy at work again and do the whole process in reverse.

By the time we got home, I was so hungry I wolfed down some sweet potatoes. Mommy didn't even have to trick me into laughing so I would open my mouth.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Friend

I saw Jackson at the workout room today, but he didn't have much to say to me.


Oh well, it doesn't matter to me. I have a new friend - Sophie.

When we lived in Iowa City, we didn't interact much, but now we're becoming buddies. I don't know if I have earned her respect or it's just a lack of options, but we have been showing a lot more interest in each other.

We have this thing where when I'm having floor time with Daddy, she will come right up to us. I respond by grabbing her fur, and she doesn't scratch my eyes out. It's a great game. Every time I see her, I smile and laugh just thinking about it.

Apparently, she won't play the same game with Daddy, because he says if he did the stuff I did to Sophie, she would come after him like a wolverine. But Sophie always lets me touch her fur and rubs her tail against me.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Need a New Plan

So, I threw my first toy-related fit today.

Daddy picked me up from the floor (which was fine) while I was playing with my frog that says "ribbit" when you poke him in the tummy. Good times.

Anyway, I held on to it when he picked me up, but when Daddy stood up he took the frog away from me, despite the fact that I was clearly playing with it, and put it back on the floor.

I was flabbergasted. Why would he do that? So I figured to do the only thing I could do. I cried. Hard.

I assumed Daddy was such a softy that he would bend down and get my frog for me.

Not so much.

In fact, he just took me into my crib and put me down for a nap. I gotta get a new plan, cuz that one didn't work out at all.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Trey Bien

After a couple weeks (maybe more) of squeezing into No. 2 diapers, we finally used up all of them and have moved on the No. 3s.

All I can say is it's about freaking time. Those No. 2s were barely keeping in my No. 2s. Any longer and they were going to be baby thongs.

Aside from that, not much else happening. I decided to cut Daddy a little slack with the new feeding style today. You know, that applesauce stuff isn't that bad. It's got something in it I have never had before. Daddy said it is called "flavor".

Kinda nice.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rollin' Back

Apparently all that time in the workout room with Daddy is paying off.

This morning, I was down on the floor like usual. I rolled from my back to my tummy, but instead of hollering for Daddy to flip me back, I decided to take matters in my own hands. I mustered up all my strength and started rocking back and forth until I was on my back again.

Yup, I rolled over, then rolled right back. Next stop - crawling.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still Not Happenin'

Remember when I told you all about the weird way Daddy tried to feed me? No bottle, but a stick with goo all over the end? Well he's still trying it, and I ain't buying it.

Let me see if I can follow the logic here... bottles are awesome and the new way gets crud all over everything - so lets keep trying the new way.

This has become a battle of wills, and I am not going to budge. Every day Daddy brings out the jar 'o junk and the plastic sticks, and every day I keep my mouth firmly clamped shut. Well, one time when Mommy tried it I opened my mouth, but that was just to mess with Daddy's head.

Its a game of chicken, and I hear Daddies always break.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Weekend Update

I had a lot of fun this weekend. Went out to eat with Mommy and Daddy Saturday night (they STILL haven't found a place that serves formula, so I ate before we went... AGAIN).

Then on Sunday, we went to another party with the people Mommy works with. But the weird part was that I didn't recognize ANY of them this time. It was like it was a whole new crew. Seemed nice though, and thought I was cute, so no complaints.

Today I got to take my first ride in the new carseat. Its so choice. If you have the means, I highly suggest picking one up.

But the funny part is getting in it. You know how I was wondering how Daddy would get that thing out? Well, apparently he couldn't figure out a way because the seat stays in the car now. He just puts me in it. With Daddy's car having only two doors, its pretty comical when he wrestles me in there. He tries so hard.

But now that there is no bucket to carry me around in, I get to Bjorn it up at the grocery store. Things have a whole different look to them when you are strapped to Daddy's chest. I never realized how much stuff I missed being in the bucket.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pimp My Ride

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm getting bigger. Pushing 20-bills, in fact. Unfortunately, my carseat is only for little girls, so Daddy said I can't use it anymore. Luckily for me, Mommy and Daddy don't want me to fly through the windshield anytime soon, so we went out and got a new one. A Britax Marathon in a sophisticated grey.

Whoa baby, this baby is going to be riding in style.

First off, the thing is huge. Like a giant baby-car throne. I've got a few onsies that say I am a princess, but this thing is for a queen. And it is good until I am 65 pounds, so I will have it for a LONG time.

We haven't put it in the car yet - that's a project for the weekend. You know, as big as it is, I don't know how Daddy is going to carry me around in it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Check Up Version 3.0

You know how going to the doctor sucks in Iowa? Well, it isn't any better in Omaha. Apparently, they have shots here too.

I became initially suspicious when the nurse came in wearing an eyepatch. Anytime you go anywhere and they've hired a pirate, you know it can't end well. But she just asked Daddy a bunch of questions about me (and didn't even ask if I had scurvy), then took me for the weigh-in...

19 lbs., 6 oz. (96th percentile)
26 3/4 in. tall (80th percentile)
17.3 in. head (90th percentile)

She then left, leaving me cautiously optimistic about this appointment.

Then my new doctor came in and she was really nice. She asked Daddy some more questions about me (she must not read the blog) and did some poking and prodding, but nothing major. Apparently I am still in perfect health.

The doctor then left, and we just hung around the room for a while. I kept looking at Daddy with the "Let's git while the gittin's good" look, but he wouldn't budge.

Then Nurse Blackbeard returned, and she brought some L'il Buckaroo stickers.

They laid me on the table and I just held onto Daddy's fingers while they did their business. Three shots, two legs - and they didn't even have the decency to do the first two at the same time. I tried to be tough, but you know what they say about shots.

Everybody cries.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Best Laid Plans...

Things have been pretty tame for Daddy since we came to Omaha. He just hangs out with me all day, and you know I would NEVER be a high maintenance baby. <> So today I thought I would keep him on his toes. I realized I hadn't had a blowout in a loooong time, so I figured Daddy was due.

I'll save you the gory details (for now) but as I was doing my daily business I figured if I got creative I might be able to complicate matters for the upcoming change.

Oh boy did it.

Daddy laid me on the table and checked the back of my diaper to make sure there was no blowout, and there wasn't (yet). So when he was digging for a diaper and wipe, I dug deep and managed to come up with just enough to tip the scales away from the expected.

So Daddy put a clean diaper under me, but when he pulled his hand back he knew I got him. He lifted my legs and discovered my little prank all over the place. He had my legs in his left hand, and would never put me back down in that mess. But his right was out of commission with my little present.

What's a daddy to do?

So he struggles along and gets me (mostly) clean, all the while keeping me lifted above the nastiness below.

One thing I didn't think about, though, was this was now a VERY dirty onsie, and it still had to come off. In case you don't know, the only way to get a onsie off is over your head.


But Daddy was nice and managed to get it off with minimal damage. However, we both needed a bath afterwards. When I got out, Daddy put me in the only onsie that fit the situation.

(For those unfamiliar with the Poopsmith, check THIS out)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Splish Splash

OK, so I have talked about baths with you guys before, right? They're pretty fun, but you know, nothing special.

Well, tonight, we kicked it up a notch.

Mommy and Daddy took me to the biggest bath you have ever seen. It was HUGE - like 50 people could get in it huge. And it could have been the most fun I have had since the last time Daddy tickled me on my ribs.

But anyway, this was no ordinary bath. First off, Mommy put me in this special new outfit that was really tight. Then, she rubbed this stuff all over me that I can only describe as coconut flavored Crisco. After all that, Mommy and Daddy put me in this giant blow-up crab and put me in the water... with my new outfit STILL ON!! Then, they got into the bath with me. It was wild. I couldn't feel the bottom of the tub, but I could sit in the crab and let my feet dangle in the water.

Right away I thought it was too cold, but I got used to it. Then I realized that I could hit the water and it would make a big splash. Also, I tried kicking my legs, and that was fun too.

So we floated around there for a while before heading back home. The weird part was, though, when we got back I had to have another bath, but this one was the old fashioned way.

I tried some of my new moves - slapping and kicking the water, but that Mommy and Daddy didn't think it was as funny back home. Personally, I thought it was hilarious.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Feeling at Home

Well I must say, the people of Omaha have been very nice to me.

Today, Daddy and I went out looking for stuff again. (I think it was tables this time) And while we were walking through the table building, this nice woman looked down in my stroller and said I was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Then five minutes later, another lady did the exact same thing.

And it wasn't just today. Yesterday, I was out with Mommy and Daddy and some lady was so excited about me she called her friend over to look at me!! And here's the funny part - I wasn't even wearing a pretty dress or anything. Just a onsie and skirt.

I don't say this stuff to brag, ya know, just to let you know if you ever need an ego boost, hit the streets of Omaha.

Speaking of the streets, I am glad to see everything is still standing after last night. I went to crib around 8 or so (the usual) but about an hour after hitting the sack I start hearing all these explosions. I thought the whole town was coming down.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Baby Teeth & Boys

My mouth had been feeling really weird lately. Especially on the bottom front. It was kinda bumpy and sore for a while, so I thought I was getting some canker sore or something - especially when it turned white. But then it hit me...

I got a tooth. Then a couple days later, I got another one. Front and center, baby, right on the bottom row.

I am so pumped I can hardly stand it. I mean, I have been waiting for some of those bad boys for a while. Mommy and Daddy both have some, and they use theirs for eating all kinds of things. And now that I have one, I'm thinking formula and rice cereal might not be the only meal out there. I've heard great things about Taco Bell.

Only problem is that now my thumb is getting all these red marks on it. I'm sucking it the same way I always do... doesn't make much sense to me.

In other news, I met somebody today. His name is Jackson and he is four months old. I thought I was the only baby in Omaha before that, so it makes me happy to know I am not alone. Just like me, he was with his Daddy at that room with all those funny machines. You know how you can pump your legs up and down when you are on the floor? Well, apparently Daddy uses a machine to do that for like 30 minutes. I just lay on the floor and watch (and meet boys).

Monday, July 2, 2007

New City, New Name

Just a quick FYI (not sure what that means, but Daddy said you guys would)...

We've got a new address at the crib. You can now get to us by typing in...


The old address still works too, so don't worry about having to change bookmarks or anything.

I just figured the new one's got more Zazz (I don't know what that means either - oh well).

I Feel Better

So I was a little bummed during the last post. Sorry if I brought anybody down. However, things are looking up.

As I mentioned, I was depressed about not going back to Daycare today. (I still miss you guys at GC). However, when we got up this morning things were a little different.

Daddy must really like me, because he said he isn't going to go to work anymore and just hang out with me. On top of that, Mommy is going to work at a different hospital (one in Omaha) so she won't have to drive back to Iowa City every day.


I'm pretty excited about this, I will admit. It's going to be a little hard taking care of Daddy at first, but I will get him into a routine. You just have to be firm and keep to a simple schedule. Within a few weeks he'll be bringing me bottles before I even need to ask and being quiet when I'm trying to nap.

Wish me luck.