Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Recap

Let's just put it this way... I'm still tired. But a good tired. More of a I've been partying for a week tired.

So let's see, what have I been up too? Well, dodging blizzards, staying inside because it was -40 wind chill outside, going to parties, getting sick, getting presents, eating cookies, meeting Baby Harper, giving her a puppy, getting a puppy back from her, playing with relatives, getting presents, hosting parties, getting presents, listening to the Black Keys, getting presents, playing with presents and opening presents.

I think that covers it in a nutshell.

Since Mommy had to work, Daddy and I went up to Grandma and Grandpa's to start the season without her. Naturally, we had a party right away. It was tons of fun, cuz I got presents and my cousin Dan taught me how to drum.

I also got my first experience with Christmas Cookies and Candies. While they tasted good going down, they didn't taste as good coming up at one in the morning... all over Daddy.

So, yeah, I was kinda fighting a bug most of the week.

But I feel much better now. And in all actuality, it didn't stop me from partying. Which is what did more of when Mommy showed up. On Christmas Eve, we had a whole new crew show up, and they brought food and presents too. (Although this time I went a little easy on the cookies)

It was lots of fun - I got some books and a backpack to put all my stuffed animals in. Now I don't have to leave any behind.

Then the next morning, we had more presents. You know that Santa guy? Well, apparently he felt bad about the way he scared me at Mommy's Work Christmas party, cuz he stopped by when I was sleeping and left a ton of presents.

Then, we had to pack up everything and go home. Man, our car was full of awesome.

When we got there, Grandma and Grandpa were there and so were Megan and John. Naturally, we had another party. With more presents.

Grandma not only got me a present, but a whole kitchen!!! It is set up downstairs and I spend most of my days making food for Daddy. I figure with all the stuff he as made me, it's only fair.

Then, after the weekend was over, everybody went home. When Daddy came into my room yesterday morning to get me up and I realized it was just me and him again, it was kind of a shock to the system.

Back to the grind, I guess.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Break

I'm out for Christmas Break, so have a Happy Holidays!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We Missed Out

Well, I was supposed to go to the Children's Museum with Rosie today, but her Mommy's car broke and she couldn't come. Bummer.

So Daddy and I went anyway. It was fun, as always, but there was nobody there. Seriously. It was like a Ghost Children's Museum.

You could play with anything you wanted. But when you are the only kid in the room, it kinda loses it's luster. Now, if Rosie had been there with me, we would have owned the place. It would have probably been the best ever.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Going Fast Down a Hill

Daddy and I took the sled outside today.


I mean, I thought the sled was fun in the living room. You can sit in it, and well, you know, that's about it. But it is still cool.

BUT, if you take it outside and put it on a snowy hill, the fun increases by a factor of ten. Seriously. It was a blast. Sometimes I went down with Daddy. Sometimes I went down by myself.

The only problem is when you get to the bottom of the hill, you gotta walk all the way back up. Unless you have a Daddy to carry you, that is.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow and Cold

Well, its snowing lots and lots. Problem is that it is super cold out too.

Therefore, Daddy won't let me go out and play in the new snow.

Why would Mommy make me a hat, mittens and scarf if I can't use 'em?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gettin' Silly

Had a pretty good weekend. I did get my first bloody nose (went beak-first into the bathtub, if you must know) but it's all good. I'm fairly tough, you know.

Anywho, my friend Jane came over on Sunday and we made some Christmas cookies. Well, to be perfectly honest, I mostly just played with Jane and let the Mommies and Daddies make the Christmas cookies.

But get this... I had to go take a nap before all the cookies were done. And knowing Daddy, I assumed that they would all be gone by the time I got up. But, my girl Jane had my back. Not only did she decorate a cookie just for me, but she saved it for me and left a nice note for me to read when I got up from my nap.

That cookie was good, yo.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Mommy took us to a party last night. Not bad... lots of kids. They had these chocolate covered strawberries that were AWESOME!!!

But the big highlight of the night was Santa Claus. He made a special guest appearance - kinda a sneak-preview engagement, I guess.

But anyway, he showed up with a couple elves (who were both well over 5' 6") and a big bag 'o toys.

We got in line to see him, but as we got closer I realized that it probably wasn't imperative that I actually sit on his lap. So I voiced my opinions on the subject.

Luckily, though, he was cool about it and still let me have a present. It was a puppy.


I do hope he will still show up on Christmas Eve, though. I did say "Thank You Santa" as he was walking out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Smack Down

Well, there was a little incident at the germ pit today.

Daddy and I went to the mall (again) and, naturally, we stopped by the playground so I could run around and climb and slide and have fun with the kids.

Whilst I was playing and climbing and sliding and running and having fun, this little kid comes up to me. I was about to be all, "Hey man, what's up", when he walked up and smacked me in the face.


In the face.

Then his Daddy came up and picked him up and told him he was naughty. All I gotta say is that he was darn lucky his Daddy was there, cuz I would have done a lot more than say he was naughty.

His Daddy brought him over to Daddy and me and he said "sorry", but the whole time I was giving him a look that said, "Kid, if I EVER see you again, I'm gotta get so far up in your grill you will taste Claire every time you drink from a sippy cup the rest of your toddler years."

But you know what, I don't need that punk as a friend. I have plenty of friends. In fact, Rosie is coming over to play tomorrow.

And that little puke isn't invited.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter Weather

So, today is Tuesday. Tuesday is the day we go to KinderMusik. But apparently, the people at KinderMusik can't handle a little ice, cuz it was canceled today.

Does that make any sense to anybody? Seriously?

I mean, just because it rained all night then froze all over everything, that means they gotta cancel class? Did it rain in the KinderMusik class? Is there ice all over the bells? Is Miss Bloom snowed in?

I doubt it.

I think if my Daddy can get me there, they should have class. If some kids can't get there, that is their problem.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Whoa, Christmas Tree

You aren't going to believe this...

When I was napping on Sunday, a tree grew in our living room. For reals. I woke up from my nap, came out to the living room and there was a tree there.

Mommy and Daddy didn't seem very mad, either, cuz they put lights and stuff all over it. Actually, it looks pretty good. Daddy said we will keep it up until the end of the month.

Then he started telling me some story about some old dude in a red suit that was going to show up and later or something, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too interested in "helping" with the tree.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Word on the Street

You aren't going to believe this...

Sesame Street is no longer on in the morning. It is completely a poopy situation. Daddy made some calls and rolled some heads, and apparently Iowa Public Television is working on transferring over to High Def programming, so they have two channels now. BUT, the one that we get has Sesame Street on at 5 a.m.

I figured I would just get up early, but Daddy says no matter what is on I am not to get up at 5 a.m.

So what is a girl to do? Well, she apparently just has to rely on her Daddy. He figured out that all we have to do is TIVO Sesame Street at 5 a.m., then watch it at 9 a.m.

That guy is pretty smart, cuz it only took him four days to figure that out.

And now Abby and Elmo are in HD. SWEET!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lookin' Tough

So, last night I was running into the office to see Daddy when I accidentally smashed my mouth into the door.

Nothing serious, but I had a bit of a fat lip. It was mostly gone by morning.

First off I was glad I didn't look like Rocky's baby, but then I realized that a fat lip could be useful. Makes a girl look tough, ya know?

It would have been great for Daddy to take me to the Children's Museum with a big 'ol black and blue face.

When the some kid asked me what happened I could just say, "Some little boy wouldn't let me play with the toys I wanted... you done with that giraffe puppet?"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snow Daze

While we were gone, Mommy and Daddy must have arranged to have some snow delivered to our yard, cuz it was all covered when we got back.

So today, Daddy wrestled me into my new snowsuit, threw on the new boots and we went outside to play.

It was my first time playing in the snow, and it was worth the wait. It's a little different than normal. You can't move quite as well when you are all bundled up, but it is worth it because all that snow is cold. Luckily, Mommy made me some mittens that kept my hands toasty.

Daddy taught me how to throw snowballs, and that was really fun. If you throw them at the wall in back, they stick.

Then we tried to make a snowman, but there wasn't a lot of snow, so it was kinda little.

That's OK, I'm little too.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Can't Talk... Coming Down


I mean, seriously. That was a whirlwind. In less than a week, this baby took the 'ol carseat for over 1,100 miles. For realsies.

I saw every grandparent and great-grandparent I had in a three-day span. I gave fives to uncles. I gave kisses to aunts. I met cousins I didn't know I had. It was craziness.

I said my ABCs in Minnesota and counted to ten in Indiana the next day. I got to eat TWO Happy Meals. I slept in cars, cribs and pack 'n plays. I read the same ten books about a bazillion times.

I found out there is somebody that looks EXACTLY like my Great Grandma Lorna. Literally. They are twins.

And with all this adventure traveling, I have no pictures to post because Daddy forgot the camera.