Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween?

OK, so check this out...

Last night, Daddy brought the pumpkins in from outside. He put a bunch of newspaper down on the table and started cutting into them. Scooped out all the guts and stuff (um, gross) and was messing around with 'em.

I wasn't paying much attention - in fact, I went to my room with Mommy to put my PJs on.

Then I came back and Daddy asked me if I wanted to see the pumpkin. Of course I did, I love pumpkins... or so I thought.

He turned it around and there was this HUGE SCARY FACE on it. I scared the poop out of me. For reals. I ran away screaming.

Why the heck would Daddy do something like that to my pumpkin? It's Halloween!!! I was told its a time to dress up and get candy. It's supposed to be a happy time. You know, they say "Happy Halloween", not "Freak-out Scary Halloween".

So, after a few hugs and Daddy putting that THING outside, we calmed down. In fact, Mommy took out other pumpkin and carved Elmo's face in it.

That's more like it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Democracy Inaction

So, to avoid the long lines sure to be there on Tuesday, Daddy and I went to vote yesterday. I was pretty excited, cuz this was my first time. And if it was half as fun as caucusing was, I was in for a good time.

So we went to the library and Daddy got his ballot and we went to the booth. When we got there I realized that he only got one and forgot to get mine.

Well, turns out he didn't forget it... I'M NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE!!! Now, that is about as poopy as my diaper. Since when do babies not count?

Look at it this way... I'm going to be living in the country lots longer than most people voting this year. So wouldn't it make sense that I get to choose who shapes it?

Heck, I know what's going on. I watch the news every night... well, I usually read books or color while Daddy watches the news, but still - I can hear it in the background. I know both Barack Obama and John McCain by sight and can say their names whenever I see them. That's probably more than a lot voters can do.

But as a consolation prize, Daddy let me wear his "I Voted" button on my jacket. It's not helping democracy, but it looked cool.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Disaster Averted

Whoa, I had a really close call at music class yesterday.

Let me explain. Usually, I get up, eat breakfast, watch Sesame Street and get dressed. After getting up, eating some waffles and watching Sesame Street (it was a good one... Jonah Hill from Superbad was the guest) we went to my room to get changed.

First, Daddy got out this cute little shirt with butterflies on it. But for some reason, we changed our minds and put on a pink shirt.

Fast forward to music class... we walk in and there was a little girl wearing the EXACT SAME shirt with butterflies that I almost wore.

Can you imagine the embarrassment if I had worn that? I would have had to drop out of class.

Luckily, we chose the pink shirt, and I can go back and sing and dance every week. Although I may have to call that girl before class so we can make sure we don't wear the same thing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mommy is Famous

You are not going to believe this...

Yesterday, Daddy and I were downstairs playing. I was coloring, and he turned on the TV. I paid no attention, but then he said, "Hey Claire, look at the TV".

I didn't know what the big deal was - I thought maybe Sesame Street was doing a special mid-day show or something, but it was just the news. But then who did I see come on, but MOMMY.

Yeah, Mommy was on TV. She was on this show where they asked about nose stuff and she told them what she knew about noses. Luckily for her, she had studied noses a lot in her life and actually works as a nose doctor. It was a great fit.

She got all the questions right, but they didn't give her any prizes or anything. It was kind of a gyp, cuz Daddy and I have watched some shows where they ask questions then give you lots of money and cars and stuff. Maybe next time she can get on one of those shows.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Gettin' Cold

So, yeah, it's getting chilly 'round these parts.

Grandma and Grandpa came over for the weekend, so we had some fun - even though it was cold out.

On Saturday, we all went out to this place where apples grow on trees. It's pretty sweet. You just get pushed around in a stroller and walk up to the trees and get an apple. And they don't even make Daddy cut it up for you. You can just munch it right there.

We also did a little work on the old Halloween costume, but you don't get to see that yet.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Buggin' Out

You know what are cool? Grasshoppers.

We've got tons of them in our back yard, and they hop around and are green and TONS of fun. Sometimes, you can walk up to them and touch them, but then right when you touch them they jump away and it is HILARIOUS!!! For reals.

But you know what is even better than grasshoppers? Caterpillars. They are furry and black and orange and when you touch them they curl up into a little fuzzy ball. Caterpillars are the most fun, probably ever.

Yesterday, Daddy and I were playing in the back yard and I would go out and find caterpillars and touch them and laugh. Then Daddy would let them climb on a stick and take them to the tall grass.

Problem is, you can't play with them in the tall grass. Daddy says they like it there better, but if they like it there so much why do they keep coming into the yard where I can play with them?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Roadie

So, yeah, I was a little gone last week. Daddy grabbed me up and we took a quick roadie up to Grandma and Grandpa's last week. It was a blast.

We got to see not only Grandma and Grandpa, but TWO great grandpas and a great grandma. It was nice to see them again, since last time I was sick and a bit moody. I would hate for them to think I was unpleasant. So I turned on the charm this time.

I think the biggest shock of the weekend was the fact that Grandma had some presents for me. I know, who would have thought that would happen, eh?

I got some clothes and a new Halloween bear and an Elmo book. Nice, eh?

I've been getting a lot of clothes lately, cuz fall is falling and it's getting a little too chilly for short sleeves.

In fact, I got a cool new fall shirt that is just in time for Halloween. Got any candy?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mix-Ups Galore

Went to Music Class today, and it was good as always. I busted a few moves, sang some songs, played with some kids.

The only weird thing was that there was another Daddy in the class this time. I'm used to having the only Daddy there, so it was quite odd to see another in there. In fact, after getting a little lost in the Muffin Man song, I went out in the middle of the room dancing and spinning, then turned around and went towards the first Daddy I saw.

I was just a few steps away when I noticed that the Daddy I was going to wasn't MY Daddy. Luckily, Daddy hollered over to me and I got back in the right lap.

Speaking of weird confusions, after class Daddy and I went out to get a present for his buddy Lou's new baby Harper. I figured the little girl needed an Ugly Doll, so we went to the store. We were looking at all the Ugly Dolls there and I see this little pink one that looked familiar. It took a second, but then I realized that it was Moxie!!! A PINK Moxie - not green like Moxie is supposed to be.

Seriously, what's next - an orange Toodee?

Anyway, that kinda freaked me out a bit, but then I realized that it was probably pretty awesome and that I should have it. Unfortunately, Daddy disagreed.

That's OK, I like my Moxie the way she is.

Although I did notice that they also had a GIANT Moxie for sale too. It was almost as tall as me and was old school green. Might have to get me one of those someday too.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boogie Down

One word describes my weekend.


I've got a lot of boogies in my nose. And Snotties. It isn't as much fun as it sounds.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not that sick - just got a lot of boogies. I need lots of wipes. Luckily, Daddy is always around with some wipers to make my nose cute again.

On a non-snot related note, I met a couple fans over the weekend. We did a meet-n-greet with some fan club members from Pennsylvania. It's always fun to meet the people who read about your life, ya know? And one of them is a volleyball coach, so if my field hockey scholarship falls through I'm sure she'll give me a full ride.

So anyway, Hey Guys!!! Thanks for not beating the Hawkeyes TOO badly.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Long and Winding Road

So, as I have mentioned before, I am into music. I listen to lots of kinds, from Raffi to They Might Be Giants to Elmo and Cookie Monster.

But what I have really been digging lately is this group called the Beatles. I don't know if you have heard of them, but they are a four-person pop band from England that REALLY seems to have it together.

My favorite songs are the Octopus Song, the Walrus Song, the Strawberry Song and the Yellow Submarine Song. I can totally sing along with those... I especially like it when Daddy sings the Walrus Song and he lets me sing the "Goo-goo Ga Joob" part. It's my favorite.

Then, yesterday, Daddy and I were watching TV when we found this movie called Across the Universe. It was like a movie with lots of singing instead of talking, and they all sung Beatles songs. Daddy said it is like Mamma Mia, but with good music.

All that said, it's right up there with the Blues Brothers and Best in Show (aka the Puppy Movie) as my favorites. They even had that short guy from U2 sing the Walrus Song.

Goo-goo Ga Joob.

PS - Daddy wanted me to do something really cute to wish Mommy a Happy Anniversary on the blog here, but I figure that's his job, no? Get your own blog.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Havin' a Field Day

Daddy and I went to the Hawkeye field hockey game again on Friday, and once again, they won.

I have now officially decided that I want to play field hockey for the Hawkeyes when I get big. Only problem is that they play their Sunday games at 1 p.m., which is my naptime. Maybe I can get Coach Tracey to change the schedule when I play for them. I mean, I can't hardly play with blocks without fussing if I don't get a good nap. I can't imagine I would be a very good player if I am too tired.

But all that said, I also need to learn how to play field hockey if I want to be a good player. So I figured who better to teach me how to be a Hawkeye field hockey player than a Hawkeye field hockey player?

Luckily, I know a few, so I had my buddy Caroline help me out. She's a two-time all-Big Ten selection, so I figure she knows what she is talking about.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

You Can't Spell Park without "Pee"

Daddy and I went to a new park today. It was pretty cool. There were swings and slides and you could ride a seahorse or a zebra or a dolphin.

They had lots of sand to play in, and the place was already stocked with kids so you didn't have to bring your own friends.

I had a blast swingin' and slidin' and ridin'.

But there was one problem. I was just about to go down the slide when I noticed that some little boy had whipped his pants down and was proceeding to pee in the sand. Dude - not cool. Why can't he pee in his diaper like a civilized baby? It was fairly gross.

So we left. But the good news was, we got to go meet a bunch of people Daddy used to work with for pizza. Nice.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gettin' Pushy

Today Daddy and I met up with my friend Rosie (and her Mommy Jennifer) at the Children's Museum. It was pretty fun. We played in the grocery room and the ball room and the dinosaur room and the farm room. Good times.

But there was a bit of an incident. We were in the farm room, and I went into the barn - you know, where the slides start. Anyway, Rosie was off playing in the field so I didn't have my wing-girl with me, which I didn't think there would be a problem.

Anyway, this kid is in there. Apparently, his Mommy said he was exactly a day older than me. So this kid must have thought he was King Kid of the Farm, because he walked right up to me when his Mommy wasn't looking and pushed me down. Right on my diaper.

I had no idea what to do. I was shocked. I mean, the nerve of that little turd. What, you are a day older than me so suddenly you own the barn? You poop your pants just like the rest of us.

Anyway, Daddy saw it so he came in to see if I was alright. I was fine, but Daddy made me walk away from him.

After we got away from that thumb sucker, Daddy told me when I get bigger he will teach me how to take care of kids like that.

Consider yourself warned, punk.