Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Recovery

Well, I think I've played with most of my new toys at least once. Actually, I tried to play with some of my old stuff, but Daddy said I couldn't. I had to play with the new stuff. I figured I better listen if I want to get any new toys in the future.

We went to Iowa City over the weekend, but it wasn't for any Christmas stuff. Some friends of Mommy and Daddy got married, so they packed me up and stuck me with a babysitter again. It was cool, though. There were some other kids there too, so it was kinda like a mini-daycare.

Yesterday, I got to watch some football with Daddy. He said that the game we watched was the exact reason he isn't going to let me be a Vikings fan like him. He said the Vikings make babies (and sometimes Daddies) cry, and I get to be a Colts fan like Mommy.

Besides, the Vikings aren't going to play anymore this year, while the Colts are going to keep going.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Rocks

You know how I was saying before that I thought something big was on the horizon? Well, I was right. Apparently my family has this tradition they call "Christmas" where they get together at the end of the year and eat and have fun and all that stuff. They also give a lot of presents.

LOTS of presents. I was getting stuff from everybody... aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, GREAT grandparents. I even got stuff from people I didn't know. This dude called Santa left me a boatload of presents.

And the cool thing about the presents was instead of just giving them to you, they put all this colored paper over the top of them. And this isn't like the normal paper that Mommy and Daddy have around the house. Not only do Mommy and Daddy not get mad if you tear it, but they actually WANT you to rip it.


So yeah, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's last weekend and there was a party a day. And at every party there were new people to hang out with and new presents to get.

I did mention the presents, right?

Another thing that was really cool is everybody seemed to put up all these flashing lights all over the place. They were mesmerizing.

Then when we finally got back home, Mommy and Daddy had presents for me. And Grandma Sara and Grandpa Michael sent a bunch of presents for me. All in all, it was like a 4-day baby shower. There was so much stuff that I almost felt bad getting it all.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Somethin' Brewin'

There is definitely something big going on.

I got two more packages yesterday that we didn't open. We went to this huge store called Toy 'R Us yesterday, and Daddy bought something, but when we got home we didn't get to play with it. The when I woke up from my nap, Daddy had covered it in colored paper.

In a quick sidebar, can we talk about how awesome of a store Toys 'R Us is? Imagine all the fun parts of Target, but build a whole store out of it.

Greatest. Store. Ever.

But I digress. We are going up to Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend. I think this all has something to do with it. I'll be keeping my eyes open and get this figured out soon.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Work It Out

Daddy and I went to the workout room again today. We hadn't been there in a week (Daddy didn't want to take me out when I was sick - or so he claims), so I figured that I better kick it into gear and get the best workout I could.

As I have mentioned before, I can now pull myself up and stand, so I figured I would go with that. I did a bunch of pull-ups on different machines, then got Daddy to help me with some cardio. I held his fingers and started moving my feet. Next thing I knew, I was halfway across the room.

I wonder if I will ever be able to walk like that without holding Daddy's fingers. I'll have to work on that.

In other news, there is something weird going on. Over the last few days, I have gotten a few packages in the mail. Problem is, Daddy said I can't open them until next Tuesday. What's up with that? I feel like something big is on the horizon. When I get it figured out, I will clue y'all in.

Monday, December 17, 2007

One of Those Days

So here is the deal...

I'm still snotty. Daddy still tries to wipe and suck my nose.

It's cold out, so we can't really do much outside.

I still can't walk yet, but I can pull myself up on things.

Daddy won't let me play with the cords or the outlets.

But you know what?

Today is a GREAT day to be a Hawkeye.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Tis the Season

Daddy took me to the mall today and some old lady said I was a "good looking fella". Fella? What was it exactly that made me look like a boy? My pink flowered onsie? My dark pink pants? My pink sweater? My pink shoes?

In other mall-related news, I think I met my first celebrity today.

While Daddy and I were walking down the hall, this big fat old dude in a red suit came up to me in my stroller and was all gettin' jolly in my face and stuff. He was giving off that vibe that I really should know him, but didn't introduce himself. I thought it was a little forward, but I politely smiled and even shook his finger.

Anyway, he walked away with one of his handlers and started talking to other kids. Later on, I see him sitting on this big chair in the middle of the mall and all kinds of people were getting their pictures taken with him. So I figure he had to be some sort of a big deal. All the kids were asking him for stuff, so I figure he must have been pretty well off.

I think it might have been Warren Buffet.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Revenge... sorta

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a bit of a cold. Basically, my nose is running like Sophie after I yanked her tail.

To make matters worse, Daddy keeps coming after my nose with this cloth - rubbing it until it is raw. Then, because that just isn't enough fun for one day, sometimes he sticks that big sucker thing in there.

After a morning full of that, I figured I would see how he likes it. While we were playing, I jammed my thumb as far up his nose as I could. BAM!!

But I think I got him a little too good, because it started bleeding (his nose, not my thumb). I felt kinda bad after that, so I figured I would say a new word to make him feel better. I even let him get it on video (after stopping the bleeding, of course)...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snotty McGee

Yeah, that is what Daddy is calling me now.

You see, I brought a little souvenir back from Iowa City. A cold. My nose has been running for the past two days, and it ain't no fun.

You know what else is no fun? That bulb sucker that Daddy uses to clean out my nose. That thing really sucks.

But if you were wondering about my Christmas Spirit, my nose is red enough to lead Santa's sleigh.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Back to Hawkeyeland

That's what I call a trip. I saw some old friends, met some new ones and had a blast.

First, Daddy took me back to Good Shepherd Day Care for a Class Reunion. It was awesome. I got to see Miss Ava and my old friend Jayme. I didn't get to see Emma, Bibo or Jorge, since they all moved up to the toddler room. That made me realize that if I had stayed at Good Shepherd, I would be the senior member of the Pink Room and OWN that class.

After that, we went to Carver-Hawkeye Arena to see Daddy's old office. It was a lot of fun. We got to see a lot of people, including wrestling coach Tom Brands. He was awesome. Daddy said he is not only a good coach, but he won a Gold Medal in the Olympics. We also saw softball coach Michelle Venturella. She won a Gold Medal too.

I wonder how many Gold Medals Daddy has won?

Anyway, after that we went to the hospital to see Mommy and the people she used to work with. Mommy spent most of our time at the hospital. I guess old habits are hard to break.

One night I got to hang out with Andy and Heather, who were nice enough to let us stay at their house (I even got my own room). I'm not sure where Mommy and Daddy went - I can't keep track of them half the time. Then the next night, Andy threw a dinner party for a bunch of people. He made them all filet and cake, but he must not have had enough because I still had to have squash. Daddy did give me some frosting, though.

Dinner parties are fun. I got to pull my high chair up to the table and hand with the adults. I didn't get most of the jokes, but I just laughed along anyway. I like to laugh.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mama I'm Comin' Home

That's right kids. This girl is headed back to the Motherland. The land of her birth. Hawkeye Country.

Mommy has an interview at her old hospital, so the whole family is taking a roadie to Iowa City. We leave this afternoon and are staying until Sunday.

It should be a blast. I'll give you all the details when we get back.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Havin' a Ball

After all the events of last week, me and the parental units decided to take it easy this weekend. Which was good, since the weather was lousy. Rainy, then icy, then snowy. And all the while colder than a day-old bottle.

But that's cool. On weekends like this it is sometimes better to curl up with Toodee and a stack of books.

I did make one venture out into Hoth, however. Mommy took me to the store on Sunday, which was awesome. While Daddy has taken me to the store enough that he is oblivious to my wants and needs, Mommy still likes to buy me stuff.

So needless to say, I picked up a lotta schwag. Best of all was a big pink ball that Mommy thought I needed. If you aren't familiar with balls, they are big and round and bounce and roll. Mines pretty sweet. Its bigger than my head.

Daddy was teaching me how to play a new game with the ball called catch. Basically, we both sit on the floor across from each other, then he rolls the ball to me. I put my hands on it, then push it back to him. I'm not sure how the scoring works, but I am sure I am winning.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Harder They Fall

So living your life vertically is tougher than advertised.

They always talk about the standing, pulling up, walking - all the glamorous stuff. Then never mention the falling.

Over the past few days of standing next to things, I have discovered (the hard way) that when you fall, there can be consequences. To the head.

Yeah, I've taken a few bonks this week, and I even have a little bump under my eye. It's cool, though. Makes me look tough. Besides, it isn't like I am going to stop pulling myself up on things. Claire's gotta be Claire.

Daddy tends to worry, however, and went to Lowe's to get some stuff to put along the shelves to cushion the blows a bit.

Bring it on!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Doin' Pull-ups

Last week I was pretty excited when I discovered that I could stand alongside things. Problem was, I had to have Daddy put me up there.

Well, no more.

Now I can pull myself up alongside almost anything. I can get to my knees really easy, but if I try really hard I can get to my feet. Its pretty cool.

So now I am pulling up and standing alongside almost everything. The couch, the coffee table, Mommy, my bumpo chair, my hamper, the TV stand, Daddy and the shelves in the living room.

I tried to pull myself up on Sophie, but she didn't stick around for that one.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Turkey Trip

You know how sometimes you come back from a vacation and you are more tired than when you left?

Well I need another vacation.

This past week was so awesome, I don't even know where to begin. Well, I guess I can begin at 3:45 a.m. on Wednesday, when Mommy woke me up to kick this whole thing off. We had to get up early so we could get to the airport for our 5 a.m. flight. I don't know why they had to leave so early. It's not like many people were there.

Anyway, this was my first time on a plane so I was really excited. Basically, it is like a big car, except a bunch of other people there to smile at and you don't have to sit in you carseat. Then when you start driving really fast (even faster than Mommy) and then you go up in the sky. Pretty cool.

I made it all the way without crying, which made Mommy, Daddy and everybody else on the plane happy.

Grandpa picked us up at the airport and took us to his house, where they had a pack-n-play, formula, diapers and all kinds of stuff for me. A few toys and books too.

Other thing they had there was a doggie. Her name was Sadie and she was super nice. She didn't even care when I grabbed her fur.

I met a WHOLE lot of people too. Basically all of Mommy's family (which, I guess, is my family too). I also got a new Great Grandma and a new Great Great Aunt Nancy. As their names imply, they were both great.

I also got to meet some friends, including a little guy named Doyle. His mommy and my mommy were friends in school. He seemed really nice, but his bedroom was painted Notre Dame colors. I don't know why Doyle's mommy and daddy would do that. I think it would have been better in Black and Gold.

The big event of the weekend, though, was Cousin Nicole's wedding. I wore a pretty blue dress, and got to take a bath in the sink. Only problem was I kinda had to go while we were bathing, so I dropped a little brown tugboat in the sink. Luckily, Grandma and Grandpa thought it was funny.

The wedding was awesome. Cousin Nicole was very pretty. I wasn't so sure about the ceremony (I kept getting shushed), and Daddy took me to the back before it was even over. Afterwards, though, they threw a heck of a party and I got to dance with Daddy.

The next day, it was back to the airport for the trip home. We had a lot more time at the airport on the way home, so Mommy and Daddy just let me roam around. Only hiccup on the ride home was a dirty diaper on the plane. Daddy had to try and change me in the airplane bathroom, and they don't have much room there. It was an experience. I would have gone before we got on the plane, but I have heard some very disturbing stories about the Minneapolis Airport bathrooms.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I'm really excited!! Tomorrow Mommy, Daddy and I are going to Indianapolis to stay with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma Sara is making a big dinner on Thursday, and then Cousin Nicole is getting married on Saturday. It should be a fun weekend.

Most exciting, though, is the way we are getting there. Daddy said it is too far to ride in the car, so we are taking a PLANE!!! I've never flown before, so it should be a good time. Daddy said that there will be lots of new people to smile at and tell me how cute I am... kinda like a grocery store in the sky.

We fly out at 5 a.m. tomorrow, so I am a little worried that I may sleep most of the flight out, but Daddy said that is OK. On the way back they are letting us take TWO planes, and as a bonus, we get to stay at the Minneapolis airport for four whole hours. That should be a blast. Daddy said I could take a nap at the airport, but who wants to sleep when there is so much stuff going on.

But all planes aside, I'm excited to get to Indy. I have never been to Grandma and Grandpa's house... rumor has it they have a DOGGIE!!! I'll also get to meet a bunch of family that I haven't met yet.

I can show them my new tricks...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend Hazing

Daddy and I took another trip over the weekend, going over to picturesque Des Moines for a night. Daddy went to a wedding, but it started at 7 pm, and that is took late for this little girl. I turn into a pumpkin around 8 bells, so I figured I would just hang back with Daddy's friends, who we were staying with.

Now, I had overheard a few stories about Joel, so I was very intrigued to hang with him and his wife Stacie for the night. He seemed kinda normal to me, though. I was kinda looking forward to him trying to fill the house with sand and throw a beach party or something, but no dice. He seems to be the kind of guy that is making the best decisions of his life.

They did have a kitty I could play with, so that was fun.

Daddy told me that since Joel doesn't have any babies, I should give him the "full experience". I figured I would give him the old "Three P" - poop, pee and puke. The look on his face was priceless when stuff started coming out both ends.

I love messin' with the noobies.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Museum Quality

Took a trip to the Children's Museum today. You know, it is a lot more fun when you are mobile. And it is even better when you bring a wingman.

Luckily, I can crawl now and Tommy came with. We had a blast. We played with blocks, crawled around, looked in mirrors, poked each other in the face. It was a great day.

Daddy took a bunch of pictures, which you can see below. For maximum effect, you should think of it as a montage. While you are looking at the pictures, play some fun music suitable for two babies crawling and having fun. Something like "Feel the Night", the song in the Karate Kid when Daniel went out on a date with Ali (with an 'i').

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Crawlin' Around

Sorry for the delay in postings, but I have been busy exploring. Seriously, I don't know what I did before crawling. I guess I just rolled. Crawling is much better, though. Apparently the fastest way to get somewhere is a straight line.

For example, today I was playing with my toys in the living room and I felt the need for a change of scenery, so I crawled all the way into my room. All by myself. No need to be carried.

It's amazing what you can find when you are mobile. I never realized there was so much stuff in the house I wasn't supposed to touch.

Now I am working on pulling myself up on things. I can get on the bottom shelf of the shelves in the living room, and I am almost able to get up to the coffee table. Man, I can't WAIT to get at that stuff.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

One Small Step


My greatest accomplishment to date.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Take Your Best Shot

I think Daddy and I had our first fight today.

It all started when we went to the doctor again today. We were in that room where you do nothing but wait, and Daddy was playing with me. He held me up in the air, and since I had eaten breakfast just an hour before... well... you know... I kinda reversed gears. All over Daddy.

So he had to take off his sweater in the waiting room. I don't know what the big deal was. I thought it was a grey sweater, but Daddy said it was cashmere.

He musta been really mad, because right after he took me in back and they gave me a shot right away. But you know what, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of crying, so I didn't make a peep. Not a cry, not a tear, not a yelp.

Daddy said I was the toughest baby ever. Maybe now he knows who he is dealing with. That being said, I'll try not to puke on him any more.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Puppy Love

So yesterday I went over to Tommy's house to play. After playing inside for a while, we got to put out coats on and go into the backyard. I don't know if you are familiar with Tommy's backyard or not, but it is probably the coolest place in the history of the world.

First off, he has a swing like they have at the park. And you know how much I like swings.

But even better than that, they have a giant puppy that is the greatest thing ever. I could saddle up and ride this thing - seriously. And when Daddy throws a ball, the puppy runs and gets it then brings it back. It was the funniest thing I ever saw. I just sat in the swing laughing my head off.

Even better, the puppy would come up to you and let you pet it... and grab it and poke it and pull its fur and everything you want. And it doesn't get mad. In fact, the puppy even gave me a kiss...

So now I know what I want for Christmas. Not books, not toys, not world peace, but a new house.

Let me explain. Daddy said we can't get a puppy because we live in an apartment. Therefore, logic says that if we get a new house, we won't live in an apartment anymore and we can get a puppy. Makes sense, right?

Monday, November 5, 2007


So this was a big weekend. A REALLY big weekend.

First off, Grandma and Grandpa came down, and Grandma taught me that Christmas presents can be given in November. I like that idea.

Second, I got to watch a lot of football with Daddy and Grandpa. It was fun, because whenever the Hawkeyes or Vikings score, I got to give them five, and unlike most weeks, that was a regular occurrence. I slept through most of the Colts game, but Mommy said I didn't miss much.

Third, and most important, the Hawkeye Field Hockey team won their second-straight Big Ten Tournament Championship in spectacular fashion!! That's right, the last time they didn't win the title I wasn't even BORN yet!!! In the championship game, the Hawkeyes beat the formula out of Michigan, 4-1. My friend Caroline was named Tournament MVP, too, because she is awesome.

Now it is off to NCAA Regionals. Daddy said if they get to host, he will take me to the games in Iowa City (if it is OK with Mommy). SCORE!!!

The weekend must have been a little too much for Mommy and Daddy, because the last two days they slept in for an extra hour. I'm still up at my normal time, but they were still in bed. Luckily, I had the monitor on and Daddy could hear me if I hollered for him. I let him sleep a bit, though, cuz it must be tough being old.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Claire Bear

Trick or Treating was a BLAST!!! I'm trying to talk Daddy into putting my candy in the blender so I can eat it.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So, apparently today is Halloween. Have you heard of this?

Sounds pretty good if you ask me. You get to dress up and people give you candy. (Daddy says candy is just like puffs, except WAY better. He also says that I am too little for candy, but I am sure Daddy will just put the candy I get aside until I am old enough to eat it.)

Mommy and Daddy are taking me Trick or Treating tonight with some friends. I'm going as... well... you'll have to check back tomorrow to find out.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Swingin' and Chompin'

Big day today. Big day.

First off, I found a use for all those teeth I've been getting. I realized that if I moved them up and down on those puffs Daddy has been stuffing in my mouth, they get littler and then you can swallow them. They are actually pretty good. I was wolfing them down like they were going outta style. I can get used to this whole chewing thing. And I thought teeth just made your gums hurt.

Then, we went out to Jackson and Carters house and went to the park. I don't know if you have ever been to the park, but it totally rules. There are these swings - kinda like they had back at daycare, but much bigger and more outside. You can really go high on these things. Whew.

Then they have this thing called a slide. Its by far the coolest thing ever made. You sit at the top, like normal, but then suddenly you go flying down and end up at the bottom. It is an amazing rush.

And for the daily snot update, I'm feeling much better. Should be 100% by tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Feelin' Snotty

Anyone have a good weekend out there? Mine sucked bottles.

Remember how I told you about going over to my friend Tommy's house on Thursday? Well, he was nice enough to give me his germs and I got sick. Man, if I was going to take something home from Tommy's House, it woulda been that firetruck that makes the siren noise. That thing was sweet.

But no, I got a cold. So now it is hard to eat, hard to sleep, hard to be cute (but I still manage), and hard not to cry when they come after me with that nose suction thing.

Worst of all, I found out Daddy KNEW that Tommy had a cold, but took me there anyway. Jokes on him, though, cuz he got sick too. We're just a snotty pair.

In other news, Daddy's friend Todd had a baby, so maybe I get a new friend. Her name is Lillian. I can't wait to show her the ropes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tommy Boy

Daddy and I went over to my friend Tommy's house today. Its hard to get together with him because our naptimes are in direct conflict, but we compromised. I got up a little early, he stayed up a little late and we had us a playdate.

It was fun. He was showing off a bit by crawling, but I countered that with my new trick of crawling BACKWARDS!! Seriously, anyone can crawl forward (well, not me, but he doesn't have to know that).

Tommy was excited to see another baby, apparently, because he was pretty "grabby". Daddy said it is good practice for me to fight off boys, so we are going to start getting together on a regular basis.

Next week, I think I am going to take him to the Children's Museum. He's never been there, so I will have to show him the ropes in the Wiggle Room.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reality Check

Yeah, so apparently I have some catching up to do.

Yesterday, Daddy took me to the Children's Museum (membership has its privileges) and we were hanging out in the Wiggle Room like always. You know, knocking some blocks down, looking in mirrors, rolling on the mats - same old stuff.

Then this other kid comes in with a full head of hair, crawling around, pulling herself up to stand. Ends up she is nine months old just like me.

So, I'm ready to pull out the "How many teeth do YOU have" card when I catch a glimpse in her mouth... yeah, she has just as many teeth as I do.

I mean, I still played with her and she was fun, but I think I have my first "frenemy". You know, someone you hang around with and be all nice too but she is actually your biggest rival and you have to out-do them at all cost. Kinda like Derek Jeter and A-Rod.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, and I can't wait for the day I walk - yes walk - into the Wiggle Room and she's still moving around at knee level.

"Oh, you are still crawling? That is so cute. I never really got into it myself. I just figured I would skip that step... it seems so juvenile."

Oh well... today Daddy and I are going grocery shopping. Nothing lifts the ego like a bunch of random old ladies stopping to tell you how cute you are.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Big Weekend

Did everybody have a good weekend? I sure did, and it sounds like Daddy did too.

I had a lot of fun with Grandma Sara. We went shopping and did some painting. I'm no Jackson Pollack, though. All I can do is smear the paint all over the paper.

I think the best part of the weekend was when Daddy came home. Not because I missed him (I did... a little) but because he brought me a present. I got a new Hawkeye shirt!!! Now there is one for me and one for Kirby.

Speaking of the Hawkeyes, Daddy got to go to the Field Hockey game and told me all about it. They won again, beating No. 9 Penn State, but that is no surprise. The cool part is that they were so nice, they played extra long so Daddy could see more!! He said it was called overtime. My friend Caroline said next time Daddy comes to a game I need to come along. WOO HOO!!

I figure I could learn alot from Caroline. I mean, she leads the Big Ten in assists, so she definately knows how to share. Besdies, she may become a coach when she is done playing, and I could always use a scholarship.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Loss For Words

I'm not speaking to Daddy. Well, aside from the fact that I don't talk yet. Even if I could talk, we wouldn't be on speaking terms.

Daddy was telling me today how he was going to Iowa City this weekend. He was going to see his old friends, go see a field hockey game, even go see a band called Baby Teeth.

So, naturally, I was assuming I was going with. I mean, Daddy takes me pretty much everywhere. I could go back to see my friends at Good Shepherd, take a "recruiting" visit with the field hockey team and go to my first concert. BABY TEETH... how could I NOT want to go see them? I can totally relate.

But NOOOOOOOOOO. For some reason, Daddy wants to go to Iowa City without me. It doesn't make any sense.

Who doesn't want to bring a nine-month old on a four-hour car trip to hang out with friends?


After writing this, I was informed that Grandma Sara is coming to hang out with me this weekend while Daddy is gone. Never mind.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Members Only

No, don't worry. I'm not starting a "Members Only" section to the blog with insider content available for a fee (but that might help pay for college... hmmmm).

Daddy and I just got back from the Children's Museum and he bought me a membership. So now I can go there anytime I want for FREE!!! How awesome is that?

Answer - awesome.

Membership really does have its privileges. We got a card, and we can go back to the Wiggle Room any time we want. That is the place for babies. There are mirrors to look in and blocks to play with and a little piano to play - that was my favorite.

There were also lots of babies there today, and it was fun playing with them.

There was this one kid there that was almost exactly my age. But he could crawl. And he was crawling all over. It was like he was trying to show off or something. He was all "look at me, I can crawl". I felt pretty bad for a while, but then he smiled at me.

Kid only had one tooth. One. I was like "Hey kid, nice TOOTH. But don't worry, I only have one tooth... if you don't count my other FOUR!!" What, is he nine months but his mouth is only six months old? Maybe he knocked them out showing off his crawling.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Big Weekend

Holy Cow that was a big weekend. I don't even know where to begin. First off, Auntie Megan and John came to visit, so that was awesome. They are lots of fun. They love to play the games that Daddy is sick of playing.

And with them in town, we did all kinds of things. We went out for pizza on Friday night, then went out AGAIN the next night. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it even more if I could eat food that hadn't been pureed.

On Saturday, we watched the Hawkeye football game and they WON!!! Just like I said they should last week. It is so awesome that they listened to me. I'm thinking of telling them they should win again next week. The fourth-ranked field hockey team won again too, but they don't need me to tell them to win. They just do it anyway.

But purhapse (and by that I mean definately) the best thing to happen this weekend was we found a friend for Toodee. This way, he will never run away again.

Say "Hello" to Moxy...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Snack Time

I've been really digging my Stage 2 foods lately, but Daddy has been getting a little lazy when we eat. He used to just slap me in the high chair and feed me til I was full. Then he started giving me a spoon of my own and expecting me to use it by myself.

Yesterday, he put some of these puff things on my tray to eat by myself. They taste kinda like bland strawberries. Not so good... they make me gag a bit. I'm not used to the non-pureed stuff.

Then we tried these Zweiback crackers. Those were a little better. I can hold them easy, and are good for gnawing on. Kinda messy though.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Check Up Time

Back to the doctor this morning for another check-up, and all is well in Claireville.

I'm still dominating the growth charts, clocking in at a lady-like 22 lbs., 11 oz (97th percentile), 28 inches tall (60%) and a 46 cm head (93%) to hold all my brains.

But all that aside, you know there is something else that comes with doctor visits... shots. Those people just LOVE to stick a baby. This time I got a jab in the finger to test my blood and a flu shot.

Luckily, One-Eyed Willie the pirate nurse from last time was out to sea. Instead, I got something much worse.

The nurse seemed nice at first, but then she told Daddy that she went to Iowa State. Now I'm not here to judge people and I know not everybody can get into the University of Iowa like Daddy did, but this knowledge made me a little uneasy. Daddy just held my hand and said, "Claire, remember this moment whenever you think of Iowa State".

And then Cy stuck me in the leg.

It hurt, and I started crying. But then I thought about it, and I decided to take a stand. No way was I going to let a Cyclone make me cry.

So I stopped.

That's right. I wasn't give this Red and Gold (and sometimes Blue?), don't know if I'm a bird or a tornado nurse the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Daddy said I was tough and he was proud of me.

Hawkeye Pride, baby.

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Major Player

Over the weekend, Mommy and Daddy took me over to that kid Tommy's house to play. It was our second play date, kinda, since we met out for lunch one day (but didn't get much playing in).

It was fun. I didn't bring any toys or anything, but Tommy had a bunch. And since he is a little smaller than I am, it was really easy to just take his toys away from him when I wanted them. Being a big girl has its advantages.

While we were playing, Daddy and Tommy's Daddy watched the Hawkeye football game. Once again, the other team must have cheated, because the Hawkeyes lost.

But on the plus side, the Hawkeye field hockey team won two more games, are ranked in the top five and Lauren Phieffer was named Big Ten Player of the Week. I was thinking that the football team should win their games the way the field hockey team does.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Hair Raising (or not) Experience

Yesterday Daddy and I went out to get his hair cut. It is always kinda fun, because the girls at the hair-cutting place are always nice to me.

But as I was watching Daddy get some taken off the top, I kinda started feeling bad. Here I am, bald as a cue ball, while Daddy has so much hair that he has to get some cut off about once a month. Isn't that kinda like throwing away a big sandwich in front of a homeless person?

I think I have hair envy.

But all is not lost... there is signs of movement on the front. I still don't have much on top, but there is one hair behind my left ear that is about three inches long. Now if I could just get all the others to join in, I would be on to something.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Getting a Handle on My Food

I am growing. Every day, apparently.

As a growing girl, I need to evolve. Not like growing gills or wings anything, even though that would be totally cool, but I need to change as I get bigger.

Therefore, Mommy and Daddy started buying me Stage 2 foods. They are totally the bestest. You know how stage one foods have flavors like Sweet Potatoes or Applesauce? Well today I had a Stage 2 food that was Sweet Potatoes AND Applesauce. Together in one package. It was like a party in my mouth, and Sweet Potatoes and Applesauce were invited. They have other combos too, blueberries and pears, apples and strawberries, squash and corn. I love it.

In other food-related evolution news, Daddy bought me a handle for my bottle so I can drink it all by myself now. Here's what it looks like...

Pretty sweet, eh? He says it will teach me how to use a cup, but I don't know about that. How can you have a bottle without the bottle?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Play Date

Yesterday was a whole lotta fun. Daddy and I went to the workout room like normal, but that little boy Jackson showed up with his mommy this time. And the best part is, this time he came down and played with me.

It was a lot of fun. We had some blankets laid out and stuff, and just played together for about 45 minutes.

We played "Touch You in the Face" for a while, then I quickly switched over to a game of "Push You Down". It was really easy, because Jackson is only six months old and not that stable yet. I've also got about five pounds on him.

We also learned a lot about sharing. He didn't bring any of his own toys, so Daddy said I had to share with him. I think we did a good job, too. I would be holding my rattle, then Jackson would take it away from me. Then I would take it away from him. It just kept going like that. Kinda fun.

As for today, it is raining pretty hard so I don't think we are going out. Bummer. Mabye I will play "Touch You in the Face" with Daddy.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Gimme Five

So I learned a new trick this week. Basically, what happens is Daddy puts his hand out and says "Gimme Five". Then, I slap his hand. It's kinda like when I slap the table or the tray on my high chair, except way more awesome.

Take a look...

Also, I got some good news. Mommy is coming home tonight instead of tomorrow. Maybe I will give her five when she gets home.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

We Got Him!!!

That's right, Toodee is back where he belongs! He must have had RSV, because he was at the hospital the past few days. But he is feeling much better now.

I would like to thank all the nurses and everybody who looked for him at Mommy's hospital for bringing me my friend back.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Good News and Bad News and Really Bad News

First, the good news - we found Toodee. Daddy got a call from the hospital today, and they said they had Toodee there. He musta jumped out of the bag when we were visiting Mommy. What's strange about it is that Daddy said he knew where Toodee was... he said he was at the store and we were going to go pick him up tomorrow. Hmmmm.

Now the bad news. I think I am getting an ear infection. I've been trying to tell Daddy for a few days, but he wasn't getting my signals. He was confusing my "My Gums Hurt Because I am Teething" cry with my "My Ears Hurt" cry. I kept pulling on my ears to give him a clue, but he wasn't getting it. Dude, I'm not giving you the steal sign. Pay attention.

But the really bad news is that Mommy is going away for a few days. She is doing an interview down in Missouri somewhere and won't be home until Friday. The ironical part about this is I'm sure that Mommy could make my ears feel better because she is an ear doctor. She can fix everything.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Post No. 100

We have a bit of a milestone here at the Crib, as this is the 100th post.

Holy Cow... that's a lot of typing.

I mean, when I look back on it all, it's amazing to see how far we have come from that first post made at 3:45 a.m. in a hospital room.

I've gotten a lot bigger. I was only 8 lbs. 15 oz. then, while I'm now I'm pushing 24 bills. I went from Gummy Joe to a mouth fulla teeth (well... five).

I've moved from Iowa City to Omaha, and dropped outta Daycare to spend my days with Daddy.

I haven't got much hair yet, except for one long one behind my left ear. I named it Harry.

I've eaten a lot of Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Prunes, Squash, Applesauce, Pears and stuff. I ate a penny once too, but that wasn't fun.

All told, it has been a fun ride, and it's been great sharing with you. Thanks for caring what is going on in my life. If you wanna keep reading, I'll keep doing stuff.

Love -


Monday, September 24, 2007

More Choppers

So yesterday Daddy noticed that I have three new teeth coming in on top.

Gee, thanks for telling me. The only thing better than three teeth trying to chew their way through my gums is two people who are supposed to love you getting all EXCITED about these things causing you pain.

In other fun news, I can't find my Uglydoll Toodee anywhere. I mean, I'm sure he is around here somewhere - I just had him at the hospital when we visited Mommy. There's no way Daddy could have let him fall out of the bag somewhere along the way and lost him forever, because, you know, he is my favorite and all.


Friday, September 21, 2007


WOW, what a week!! What did you guys do?

I tell ya, if you are ever stressed, a week at Grandma and Grandpas will do you wonders. So much went on since I last blogged at you that I am resorting to the old reporters cop-out...

The Notes Package

- Grandma and Grandpa went all out this time. No more Pack-n-Play homelessness for me, they got a crib from Auntie Audrey. No more squeezing into a bumpo for meals, I got to use Daddy's old high chair. And of course, there was the Jumperoo.

- We watched the Hawkeye football game on Saturday, but it was weird. I got all geared up and stuff, but things didn't seem quite right. We all knew the Hawkeyes were supposed to win, but the other team kept scoring points. Not only that, but they won the game. What a bunch of jerks.

- Grandpa Rich stayed home with me for a few days, so it was nice hanging with him. We don't always get to spend time together when Grandma is around, cuz she always wants to play with me. Can you really blame her? I thought about pushing out a blowout to see how he would handle it, but I figured I would save that for Daddy.

- I got to see my Great Grandparents, which was awesome. I went to Grandpa Don's house one day, and Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Lorna came down to watch me a couple days when Grandma and Grandpa had to work. Grandpa Charlie knows a lot of fun games.

- Speaking of Grandpa Charlie, I got to play with the car that he used to have at his house. He says Daddy used to ride it when he was little like me. In fact, he says everybody in the family has ridden it, but I am the first Great Grandchild to go for a spin.

- Yeah, I was kind of a celebrity again. A whole buncha people came over to the house to see me while I was there. Grandma even took me to the school where she worked, and everybody already knew my name before they even met me.

- Finally, I got into the car with Grandpa Rich and we drove to Des Moines and met Daddy. Then I got in the car with Daddy and drove back to Omaha. It was like a hostage transfer. On the way back we stopped at the hospital and saw Mommy at work. It was really good to see her.

- Even though I had a lot of fun last week, it was good to get back to my own crib, my Mommy and Daddy, and all my friends (well... Sophie). And to top it all off, Daddy got me a hat at the ballgame in Washington DC.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Takin' a Break

Just to let you know, Claire's Crib will be on hiatus for the next week. Mommy and Daddy are going to someplace called Washington DC, and I get a week at Grandpa and Grandma's.

Aaaw yeaaah!! It will be a week fulla Jumperooin' and getting spoiled.

But speaking of people buying me things... you know how yesterday I mentioned that I havta wear shoes now? Well, Daddy took me out shoe shopping and we came home with some new ones.

Check this out...


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Coolin' Down

The weather 'round here has gotten cool in a hurry. So much so that I have had to make a wardrobe change.

No longer can I just throw on a dress (or, to be honest, have daddy throw one on me) and head out for the day barefoot. Now I am getting pants, socks, shoes and sweaters. It's quite an ordeal. In fact, yesterday it was raining and I had to wear a coat with a hood. Crazy.

I'm not quite used to having all that stuff on, so it can be frustrated some times.

But on the bright side, I've got a sweet pair of pink Chucks (as seen below) that have laces I can play with. I've invented a fun game in which I pull on the laces, then Daddy has to tie them back up again, then we do it all over again and again and again.

I always win.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Model Life

This weekend I had my first real photo shoot. I mean, all the crazy old ladies at Hy-Vee always tells me how cute I am, so I figured it was time to get some shots taken. Put together a portfolio, if you will.

So Mommy contacted this modeling agency called Sears Portrait Studio, and we went in for a shoot. It was fun, but it was hard work. I had a lot of different outfits to wear, and they always wanted me in different poses.

It was really fun, and I kinda felt like I was doing some good. A lot of times, the models you see are all strung-out stick figures that look more like smack addicts than real girls. But I've got big legs. I've got chubby cheeks. And I don't feel like I need to spit up after every meal to be cute.

I'm not sure what my first real job is going to be. I could do something for Nestle Good Start Formula, cuz I drink that all the time. Or maybe I could do something were I am in my stroller for Peg Perego. Or Baby Gap.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Go Hawkeyes!!

I now have a goal in life. I want to play field hockey for the University of Iowa. Mostly, because they are the awesomest. Daddy told me that they are ranked No. 4 in the whole country, but I think they are the best.

And before you start calling me a bandwagon jumper, I have been a fan my whole life. In fact, when I was born Coach Tracey and Coach Lisa gave me a field hockey T-shirt. It didn't fit me then, but now I wear it with pride.

Besides, I even know some of the girls on the team. Daddy took me to a game last spring, and everyone was super nice to me. But then again, I'm sure they are nice to all of their recruits.

But anyway, they have a big game today against Louisville, so good luck Hawks! Only 17 1/2 more years until I'm there with ya.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Packed Away

You know how I mentioned that last weekend I went bathroom camping in the Pack 'n Play? Well, Daddy decided it would be a good idea not to put it away, but to keep it out and let me play in it during the day.

It's kinda cool. I get to bring in all kinds of toys and stuff. But it keeps me out of trouble, and I am not sure how I feel about all that. Luckily, the sides are soft, as I still don't have the best body control, and have been known to face-plant into things, as you can see...

Also, did you catch my new word towards the end? That's right. I can finally talk to mommy.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wild Kingdom

Wow!! I just had my first "long weekend", and it was all it was cracked up to be.

Mommy and Daddy had some friends from Iowa City over, and they brought their two little boys. It was fun having them around, except they hijacked my room and I ended up sleeping in the Pack-n-Play in the bathroom. Whatever, man. I'll deal.

On Sunday, we all went to the zoo. I'll be honest, I was a bit nervous about the zoo. But I was pleased to discover that all the animals were confined to their cages, unlike the Children's Museum, where all the children were free to run around the museum at will.

As for the animals, they were pretty cool. The bears were WAY bigger than Kirby is, and none of the lions sang that song my lion sings. Then again, I wasn't able to pull their tails (that's when my lion sings).

We saw some REALLY big kitties, but they were orange and not grey like Sophie. I wonder if Soph will ever get that big. That would totally rule. I'd have to get a saddle.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Kirbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the Bear!!!

We have a winner!!!

I would like to introduce you to my favorite bear, Kirby.

Thanks to all that contributed, via suggestion or voting. I couldn't have named my bear without you.

If I ever get a little brother or sister, I'll put up another naming poll.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back to the Doctor

So today we went back to the doctor... but this time it wasn't me they were interested in. They were looking at my kitty friend Sophie. Apparently she had been spitting up a lot (I know the feeling), so Daddy had her checked out. I figured if she just had a good burp after eating she wouldn't spit up, but nobody listens to me.

The hospital we went to was much more laid back than the ones I have been to. They had puppies and kitties running all over the place. It was cool, because I like puppies and kitties. I've got a couple books about 'em.

But I digress.

We went in the room and they checked Sophie out. Apparently she has some really big hairballs in her tummy, so they gave her some medicine.

For all you people who keep calling me bald, there's the upside. No hairballs.

Get well soon buddy!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bubba Love

I learned a new word today. It seems like just yesterday I learned how to use my tongue when I talked so I could say "Da". It's been my favorite word for a while.

But today, I figured out if I use my lips too, I can say new words. Next thing you know, "Ba" comes out.

It's really a great word. I've been saying it all morning. If you just change it a bit, you can say "Buh". That's a fun one too. If you say it twice in a row ("Buh buh") it sounds like "Bubba" which is Daddy's nickname for me.

Even though I am getting an impressive array of words in my verbal purse, I'm always hunting for more. I've been studying people when they talk to me, you know, to see if I can pick up any tricks. Luckily, Daddy talks a lot so I have plenty of stuff to study.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Penny For Your Thoughts

I believe I have mentioned in this forum that I am now eating solid foods. There have been many kinds - applesauce, pears, carrots, prunes, sweet potatoes, peas and so on. Some have been good, some have been not so good.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I have always been encouraged to eat new things. Apparently that doesn't apply to everything.

You see, yesterday, I found something on the floor and thought I would eat it. It was called a penny. Well, it didn't go very well. From the minute I put it in my mouth I knew something was amiss. It tasted terrible, and I couldn't get it down into my tummy. It just stuck in my throat.

So I started crying and Mommy and Daddy rushed me to the hospital. When we got there, Mommy took me into the ER and they burped me really hard and I hacked it up. I felt MUCH better after that. We had to stick around for a few X-Rays, but I got to go home right after that. It wasn't like the last time where I had to stay five days. That was really good.

You know what else was really good? Mommy. She is a doctor that specialized in just that kind of stuff, so she knew just what to do. She was also calm even though Daddy was really scared. She's the best Mommy in the world and I love her.

One last thing... they let me keep the penny. That's one for the scrap book.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Vote or Die

Thank you all for giving your suggestions. Daddy and I looked over them and picked out our top six for voting. We didn't always agree, though.

I liked Sweetness and Rudy, but Daddy said there was no way any bear in this house would be named after a Chicago Bear or a "freakin' Domer".

Daddy and I thought Ron Mexico was funny, but we didn't think Mommy would go for it. Daddy also liked Quattlebaum, but I think it was some sort of inside joke I didn't get. Daddy tried to explain it to me, but just like most of his "back in LM" stories, you apparently had to be there.

We both agreed that Grandma Kathy had already run Scooter into the ground, and that Vick was no good because he is mean to puppies. You are a bad man Mike Vick, a baby can see that.

As for Cindy... well... Daddy said it was the people back at work being "funny", but he didn't seem to actually think it was very funny.

Anyway, vote over to the right, and polls close in a week. I'll make the announcment next Friday.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Bear for Claire

Yesterday, Daddy took me to the mall and we went to the coolest store there ever was. It was full of all kinds of toys and stuff, and we got to play with some. There was one bear that I really liked, and Daddy bought it for me.

So now I have a bear.

However, the bear didn't come with a name. I can't really think of anything good, so I'm asking for help.

Here is what we are going to do. You think up a good bear name, then leave it in the comments section at the end of this post. When we get some good ones, I will put up a Poll here in the crib and we can all vote on them. The winner will be my bear's name.

So get to it. I can't have a nameless bear.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Rousing Game

I don't know if you remember last June when I told you about the game we played at Daycare called Tornado, but last night I got to play again. This time, Mommy and Daddy were on my team. They were good, but I'm not sure if we were as good as Jorge and I were. We dominated Good Shepherd on that one.

Anyway, we didn't hear the loud siren this time (they must have remembered my siren aversion from last weekend), but the TV told us it was time to play.

So Mommy and Daddy grabbed my bag and we headed out to play at a big room by the workout room. But when we got downstairs, Daddy said it was too icky to go up there, so we had to play in the hallway on the first floor.

It was pretty fun. I just sat there with Mommy while the whole town took a bath outside. A few minutes later, the game was over and we went back home. I was so tired I went right to bed.

Tornado can wear you out. I hope we don't play again soon.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Roadie Results

OK, I am back. Sorry for the delay, but sometimes you just gotta get out of town. Being a baby is hard work.

So, anyway, I was back at Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend. Good times. The weekend was pretty much all about me. I had visitors constantly, with everyone wanting to hold me, play with me and hang out.

On Friday night, Grandma took me up to little town called Emmons where they were having a parade for me. Nice of them, but they had all these really big red cars with lights that were WAAAAY to loud. Sirens suck.

Then on Saturday, Daddy took me to a party where I got a lot more attention. It was a lot of fun. Everybody was drinking out of this big silver bottle. I had some formula before I came, so I passed.

The car rides were long, but if I wanted a break all I had to do was fill my diaper and Daddy would pull over.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Roadie Part II

I got good news and bad news.

The bad news is I'll be taking a short break from blogging after today.

The good news is it's because I'm hitting the road again and going back to Grandma and Grandpa's!!

I had so much fun in the jumper last weekend that I have been looking for a suitable replacement here at home. I tried jumping in my excersaucer, but it didn't work that well. I have tried jumping in both Mommy and Daddy's lap, but that didn't go to well either.

Daddy must really love me, because he must have sensed my frustration and is taking me back so I can play in the jumper some more. (He mentioned something about a fantasy football draft and a birthday party, but I'm sure we're going back so I can jump)

Only problem is, Mommy can't come with because she has to work. BOOOOOOOO!!! I'll have to give her extra kisses tonight.

It'll be really interesting going 4 hours in a car alone with Daddy. I'll have to sing him a song or two while we drive.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Jump Up, Jump Up and Get Down

So, the weekend at Grandma and Grandpas was awesome. We had some laughs, saw some peoples, ate some applesauce. It was great.

Let me tell you about this thing that Grandma has at her house. It's this chair you sit in, but it has all these stretchy ropes attatched to it. So when you push your feet on the ground, you fly up in the air a bit, then come back down.
Frankly, it is the most awesome thing ever. It's like crossing your Exersaucer with Bungee Jumping.

The first time I got in, it took a minute to figure out. But once I got the hang of it, I went to town. You can really work up a sweat in that thing. I was dripping when I got out.

Now I just have to figure out how to get Daddy to buy me one for home. I don't want to wait until I go back to Grandma and Grandpa's to get my jump on.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Road Trip

Daddy just told me that we are taking a Roadie to Grandma and Grandpa's tonight - for the WHOLE WEEKEND!!!

I am so excited I couldn't even sleep for my morning nap. That should make the 4-hour drive better tonight.

And even better, Mommy and Daddy aren't going to be there. They are dropping me off and going to some place called the Cabin. I dunno. Can't see how that would be as fun as Grandma and Grandpa's.

Do you smell something spoiled? Oh... it's me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Children's Museum

It was too hot to go swimming yesterday, so Daddy and I went and met some people downtown at the Children's Museum.

Now, I have never been to the Children's Museum before, but I thought I knew what to expect. You know - dignified displays in a hushed environment showing different kinds of children from around the world and throughout history.

Yeah, not so much.

First off, the children weren't confined to their displays. They were running all over the place. In fact, you couldn't even tell which children were on display as part of the museum and which children were there to SEE the museum. I was expecting Daddy to roll me around in the stroller while we examined all the different kinds of children on display. What I got was Thunderdome.

Don't get me wrong, it was awesome, but more Six Flags awesome than Metropolitan Museum of Art awesome. It was cool. Loud, but cool.

The best part was the Wiggle Room, which was designed for babies like me. It was this big room with really soft floors so if you biff it, it doesn't hurt. Then they have all kinds of blocks and balls and stuff you can play with. Finally, the walls are all mirrors, so you can see how cute you are or check out the kids next to you without staring right at them. It was the best. Daddy took me in there for a while, and we played like it was going outta style.

Now that I know what to expect, I can't wait to go back. Regular museums are too stuffy, anyway.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

'Sup Chicco

Well, eating just got a little more vertical.

This week, Mommy and Daddy took me out to the store and got me a new chair for eating. Its called a Chicco Polly and let me tell you, this makes the Bumpo look like a diaper after processing a can full of sweet potatoes.

First off, it has tall legs, straps and my very own table right in front of me. The table is awesome because I can bang on it whenever I want, and the straps are great for chewing if Daddy isn't bringing the applesauce fast enough.

The seat is good and high (which is why I call it my High Chair) so I can look Daddy in the eyes when he feeds me. That's important, because sometimes just fussing doesn't get the point across that I DON'T WANT ANY MORE PEAS!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Blind Date

Well, I had my first date over the weekend. Some dude that Mommy works with has a four month old (I'm such a cradle robber) named Tommy, so the two of them set us up. It was just a Saturday lunch - good low pressure atmosphere for a blind date.

So we met up, grabbed some high chairs and settled in. And so did our parents. I'll admit, I wasn't sure if they would just drop us off, but I at least expected them to get a table across the restaurant. Here is a little math for ya...

First Date + Parents = AWKWARD

Daddy TOTALLY embarrassed me in front of Tommy, ordering a Chili Cheeseburger and getting it everywhere. He looked like me eating sweet potatoes. Get a bib.

But all that aside, it wasn't a disaster. He seemed like a nice kid. Kinda cute. Had some of the same toy rings that I do (you know, the ones you use to hang stuff from your play gym or attach things to your stroller), and we both like milk.

I'll be waiting by my phone to see if he calls me.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Odds 'n Ends

So, Daddy and I were bored the other day. He flipped on the TV and there was this movie playing. Now I don't usually pay attention when the TV is on, but this was different.

We watched this movie called Raising Arizona, and it was awesome. It starred these five babies and some other people. At the begining, the babies were all crawling around and stuff and I was enthralled. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen. I mean, I watched a movie called Die Hard with Daddy when I was little, but that movie didn't have any babies in it.

Then today we went out to a place called the Pet Store. It was the best place we've been to yet. There were puppies and kitties all over the place - even just walking around the aisle. Much more puppies and kitties than the mall.

I was hoping he was going to buy me one, but no dice. He just bought a fish. That's OK. I've got Sophie to pal around with.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Goin' Vertical

I've spent a lot of time laying down. Most of my life, actually. Recently, I have decided that I need a new perspective.

That being said, Daddy and I have been working on sitting up lately without my Bumpo chair. I must say I am getting pretty good at it. I still take a tumble to the side every now and then, but for the most part I can keep it together.

To honor the occasion, Daddy got me a toy that I can play with while sitting up. It's awesome. I hit it, and it makes music and animal noises and stuff. One button talks like a kitty. If I keep hitting it, maybe I can get through to Sophie.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Give Up

Wow, I really didn't think it would turn out this way.

I've told you before about this new kind of feedings Daddy has been pushing on me, right? Well, I figured if I just kept closing my mouth and refusing to go along, he would get tired of it and quit. Not so much, apparently.

Every day, Daddy comes at me with the gooey stick. He just wouldn't give up. I just kept my trap shut, but then he got tricky. He would make a funny face so I would laugh, then as soon as I opened my mouth to giggle - "HMMPH" - mouth fulla goo.

Next time, he would sing a song, and as soon as I opened my mouth to sing along "HMMPH". Then I would see my friend Sophie walk by the bumpo and I would be all like "Hey Soph-'HMMPH'". Always there with the stick of goo.

But then I kinda realized something... that goo doesn't taste all that bad. And there are different kinds of goo. Some called Applesauce, some called Sweet Potatoes, some called Peas.

So I finally relented. Daddy wins. I'll open my mouth and eat off the stick. It's kinda fun, too, because even though he doesn't need to anymore, Daddy still makes me laugh when we eat. And he sings the Applesauce Song.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Coppertone Schmoppertone

Had a big weekend. Grandpa Michael and Grandma Sara were in town, so we were all over the place. Best of all, we got to go swimming again. This time, we were the only ones there, so I got to rule the waves in my crab.

One problem with going to the pool, however, is that junk Mommy always smears all over me before we go.
I don't get it. It's not like I have to get that stuff when I take a bath. Just going to the pool.

It's sticky and stinky and it tastes like something Big Bird would leave on the hood of your car.

But then again, if I gotta have it to go to the pool, I say "Smear On"!!