Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This Worries Me...

OK, not to freak anybody out here, but something is definitely not right with my body. I noticed it at my last changing...

My bellybutton just fell off.

Seriously. I mean, it had been kinda brown and crusty for a while, then it just fell off. God I hope I don't have leprosy. That would totally suck.

But on the plus side, I met this cool girl named Aunt Megan this last weekend. She gave me a hoodie. Hopefully my arms will stay attatched long enough to wear it.

Leprosy sucks.


Kate said...

Can you get that "Dad" guy to take a picture of you in your hoodie, please? love, Squid

MrsJennaHatfield said...

Oh my. I just laughed out loud.