Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mix-Ups Galore

Went to Music Class today, and it was good as always. I busted a few moves, sang some songs, played with some kids.

The only weird thing was that there was another Daddy in the class this time. I'm used to having the only Daddy there, so it was quite odd to see another in there. In fact, after getting a little lost in the Muffin Man song, I went out in the middle of the room dancing and spinning, then turned around and went towards the first Daddy I saw.

I was just a few steps away when I noticed that the Daddy I was going to wasn't MY Daddy. Luckily, Daddy hollered over to me and I got back in the right lap.

Speaking of weird confusions, after class Daddy and I went out to get a present for his buddy Lou's new baby Harper. I figured the little girl needed an Ugly Doll, so we went to the store. We were looking at all the Ugly Dolls there and I see this little pink one that looked familiar. It took a second, but then I realized that it was Moxie!!! A PINK Moxie - not green like Moxie is supposed to be.

Seriously, what's next - an orange Toodee?

Anyway, that kinda freaked me out a bit, but then I realized that it was probably pretty awesome and that I should have it. Unfortunately, Daddy disagreed.

That's OK, I like my Moxie the way she is.

Although I did notice that they also had a GIANT Moxie for sale too. It was almost as tall as me and was old school green. Might have to get me one of those someday too.

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