Thursday, April 3, 2008

Trip Update

First off, GOTCHA!!! I never would have thought my little April Fools joke would have brought in so many angry e-mails and phone calls. I'm a little afraid for when I actually DO quit.

So, on a non-fooling note, the trip to Grandma and Grandpa's has been great. We've seen all kinds of people like Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, the school where Grandma works - and most important (and most often), the puppies in the neighbors backyard. Sometimes they go inside, but it doesn't stop me from looking for them.

In non-puppy related news, have any of you ever taken a header into a door? I wouldn't recommend it. I was running down the hallway the other day and tripped over my own feet. Unfortunately, the corner of the bathroom door broke my fall. That hurt a LOT. For reals. I cried a lot, too. Daddy calmed me down and took me down to the clinic where his buddy Hagen's mom works as a nurse. She took a look and said I was OK. Just a scrape and a big 'ol knot on my head.

I'll be a little more careful in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, Claire, do you look like your daddy when you pout!
It was great to finally meet Grandma Kathy's favorite topic of conversation. Man, oh man, are you a charmer. Keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes. It will help to keep them young!
Daddy's Favorite Highlighter Buddy