Whew... I must be getting old, cuz this weekend wore me out.
On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took me to see the Hawkeyes play. But this time, they weren't playing field hockey or basketball or wrestling... they were playing gymnastics. It was really cool. They jump and flip and swing and twist... it gave me all sorts of new ideas. I wonder if the couch makes a good vault?
Anyway, the coach is my neighbor friend Bailey's Mommy, so she said hi to us and made me look like a big shot. And Bailey was there, so we got to hang out for a while.
Then, while we were watching, Daddy told me to look up at the scoreboard and HOLY DIAPERS, I was on the big TV they had up there. I smiled and waved and everybody there thought it was super cute. They were right.
Then, yesterday, we went over to one of Mommy's friends to watch some football. Now, I have watched football with Daddy many times, so I know the drill. I play with my toys, and when Daddy yells "touchdown" I run over and give him five.
But this was totally different. There was lots of people around and lots of little kids to play with. And there was a table full of food and crackers and stuff that I could reach up to. Best thing was that it was behind Mommy and Daddy, so I could just go over there and get what I wanted when they were watching the game.
I was so wiped that I slept almost an hour late this morning. And when I got up I asked Daddy if we could go to another party today.
I think we are going to the grocery store instead.